Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 33 Surprised

Chapter 33 Surprised
"It's all... Brother, did you hit it?"

In the small courtyard of Guijia under the darkness of night, Guili stood at the door holding a lantern, staring dumbfoundedly at Guichen who was standing at the door with Ying Baoyue on his back but was still wearing six pheasants.


Gui Chen turned his back upwards, and stood outside the threshold, talking to his sister in silence.

"To be honest, brother," Gui Li looked at him with complicated eyes, "I didn't think you could really hunt wild game."

She looked back at a small pile of taro leaves in the corner of the yard, "If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have picked these things up in the afternoon."


You really trust me enough...

Although he was looked down upon by his younger sister, when Gui Chen looked at the taro leaf in the corner that was abandoned by the farmer and picked up by his younger sister who was supposed to be the daughter of the family, he felt mixed emotions in his heart.

"Brother, you don't have to blame yourself." Although he usually doesn't have a good face towards his brother, at least Gui Li won't be against him at this time, "You have more important things to do, and this time you came back after hunting so many game .”

"No..." Looking at Gui Li's gratified eyes, Gui Chen's mouth became more bitter, "I didn't hit this."

"No?" Gui Chen said in astonishment, raised his eyebrows, and then shifted his eyes to the girl on his back in disbelief, "It can't be... her?"

"That's not..." Gui Chen frowned, what should he say?

The boy turned his head slightly, looked at the girl lying quietly on his back as if this conversation had nothing to do with him, and groaned in his heart.

For some reason, after the girl in front of the banana flower suddenly stopped talking halfway, she seemed to be thinking about something.

What is she... thinking?
What's up with her?
But all in all, she didn't speak, and he was the only one to explain, but...

If he tells the truth, someone will believe him, right?
"These pheasants are..." Gui Chen's eyebrows twitched, "Someone gave them to them."

"Give it away?" Gui Li was taken aback for a moment, then looked at his brother like a fool.

"Brother, are you kidding me? Still haven't woken up?"

Not to mention this village, as long as people within the sphere of influence of the Sima Mansion within a hundred miles, let alone sending things, who wouldn't avoid them?
"It's not for me," Gui Chen sighed and tilted his head, "It's for her."

"Her?" Gui Li was even more shocked, "Who knows her?"

"I don't know either." Gui Chen's teeth ached, "It's not human."

Gui Li's eyes widened.



About an hour ago now.

"There are so many radishes that should be enough," Gui Chen said with Ying Baoyue on his back, looking at the overstuffed medicine basket, although he still felt sorry for his family with only radishes, but he also knew that wanting wild game was wishful thinking.

"Wild game is impossible," he said, turning his head to look at the girl on his back, "Let's go back early, in case we encounter a beast..."

However, his unfinished words froze in his throat.

Because through the girl's slender shoulders, a pair of green eyes suddenly lit up in the forest not far away!

His gasping and screaming were blocked in his throat the next moment, because when his heart was beating violently, two cold fingers were suddenly pressed against his lips.


Ying Baoyue suddenly looked at him and spoke softly.

"It's not murderous."

fine?Does this woman never know to be afraid?
"Don't move, don't talk."

The girl lying on his back didn't turn her head back, but she seemed to know what happened behind her back, Gui Chen turned her head stiffly, stood there motionless, her heart almost jumped out of her throat.

After an unknown amount of time, Gui Chen heard Ying Baoyue's voice from the sky.

"It's gone."


Gui Chen's back was wet with sweat, and he turned his head tremblingly, his blue eyes had disappeared.Just when he lamented that they were so lucky, he only heard the girl sigh, "Thank you, it's a little too much."

Too much?
What is too much?

Gui Chen turned around and looked intently at the place where those blue eyes had been, only to find that there was a pile of dark things on the ground.

It was only when the moonlight fell that he saw that it was actually a bunch of pheasants.

Is it raining pheasants?

Under the moonlight, Gui Chen stared at this strange scene speechless.

"It can't finish what it gave us," the girl on his body patted him on the shoulder and said.

"Let's leave ten radishes for it too."

The pile of pheasants on the ground turned into ten shiny radishes, and Guichen carried the pheasants and the girl on his back as he walked down the mountain, feeling like he was dreaming.



"That's it." Gui Chen looked at his sister and explained.

"Brother, you didn't wake up last night, did you?" Gui Li looked at him and said expressionlessly.

Well, he knew it would.

Gui Chen took a deep breath, didn't want to talk anymore, and stepped into the house silently, but at this moment, Mu Shi's panicked shout came from behind Gui Li.

"Chen'er, Miss Yue, you're did you become like this?"

Mrs. Mu came out of the kitchen wearing an apron, looked at the wounded and dirty young girl in front of her and spoke in astonishment.

Sure enough, only the mother could see that her son was injured.

"There was an accident," Gui Chen naturally couldn't tell about the trap, "I'm fine, it's just that Mingyue..."

"I fell while pulling out the carrot." The girl on the back finally raised her head and said so.

Gui Chen's sole slipped.

Can she make it a little more fake?

"Really?" Mu looked suspiciously at his son and the girl on his back.

"Well," Ying Baoyue tapped Gui Chen's shoulder lightly, "So it's nothing serious, Gui Chen thank you, let me down."

Under Gui Li's unkind eyes, Gui Chen hesitantly said to Ying Baoyue, "Your hand..."

Her hand has been taken away from his shoulder...

If he doesn't let go, Gui Chen has a premonition that she will push his hand away in the next step.

Gui Chen turned around, and one second before Ying Baoyue came down by himself, he quickly put the girl on his back onto the steps.

"Thank you." Ying Baoyue sat on the steps and smiled, Gui Chen turned away uncomfortably, but caught the eyes of the mother beside him, the boy quickly untied the pheasant on his body, hugged the radish and walked to the kitchen together.

"Okay, I'm starving to death, let's cook quickly."

Mu Shi came back to his senses, and also walked to the kitchen, "I'll come and I'll come, you go to the next door to borrow a kitchen knife."

However, the next moment, her skirt was pulled by someone.

"Let me help you, ma'am,"

Mu Shi turned his head, only to find that the girl behind him had already stood up from the steps.

"What can you do?" Gui Li came over and frowned at Ying Baoyue, "Don't make trouble."



"It seems... She probably didn't come to make trouble."

A quarter of an hour later, in the corner of the kitchen, the Gui brothers and sisters who were standing empty-handed looked at the scene in front of them silently, Gui Chen said, "You misunderstood her again."

"Don't talk about me, you're not the one who almost dropped the bowl when she saw her enter the kitchen just now." Gui Li said stiffly.

Was he scared for other reasons, Gui Chen stared closely at the girl's wrist not far away and said.

However, he did not expect the scene in front of him.

still is……

Kind of scary.

(End of this chapter)

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