Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 34 Family

Chapter 34 Family
"This man... the way he uses a knife is too scary."

The kitchen in the home courtyard.

Gui Li stared straight ahead at the opening of the knife light that lit up on his stove.

"No, no, it's just a kitchen knife. Maybe she used to hold a kitchen knife all the time." Gui Chen argued blankly, "There is something called body memory."

"Even so, the speed of this woman's adaptation is too fast," Gui Li frowned, staring at the girl who was standing side by side with him in front of the stove.

Gui Li glanced sideways at his brother who was fixedly watching the girl's back, and spoke expressionlessly.

"However, it seems that at least you can feel at ease, big brother."

Gui Chen was taken aback, and looked at his younger sister who was pointing to him, "What can you feel at ease?"

"In any case, this at least proves that she is not some kind of lady."

Gui Li glanced at the evenly sized radishes cut out by Ying Baoyue on the chopping board, and one side of his mother's pitted masterpiece.

"After all, there is no real lady who can cook. The little girl curled her lips and said with lingering fear, "I think the first meal my mother cooked back then, the taste is something I will never forget. "

Gui Chen gasped, and nodded in agreement.

But then pursed his lips.

Because it's not their mother's fault.

Who would have thought that the young lady of the Mu family, who never touched the sun since she was a child, would one day pick up a kitchen knife and rely on her own hands to support herself and her children?
"But why should I feel at ease about this?" Gui Chen frowned and looked at his sister, always feeling that something was wrong.

"Huh? You haven't thought about anything about the future, have you?" Gui Li looked at his doubtful elder brother and couldn't help but rub his forehead.

The little girl sighed for her brother's future in her heart, "If her status is really too high, you will be in trouble."

"Trouble?" Gui Chen asked in a daze, "Are you saying that if Yue's family members come to her, they will trouble me?"

That was certainly a possible trouble, but she wasn't referring to that.

"Brother, you are still as dull as ever in some aspects..." Gui Li felt that his brother might be hopeless.

"It's impossible for her to stay in our house without knowing why?" Guili said with a strong dose of medicine, "When are you going to send her away?"

Gui Chen was stunned, and after a moment of silence, he slowly said, "She went up the mountain before and got hurt because of... something about me, at least let her recover from her injury before thinking about it."

"Otherwise it would be against benevolence and righteousness." After speaking, Gui Chen quickly added.

Brother, it's only been a few days, have you realized that your attitude has changed?
Gui Li closed his eyes, "Brother, if you want her to stay here for a long time, then her real status cannot be much different from yours."

This is a relatively cryptic statement for her as a younger sister.

A young woman stays at home with no name or distinction, and rumors will spread everywhere sooner or later.

In fact, Gui Li wanted to say that if his brother really wanted to have something to do with this woman, of course the smaller the identity gap, the safer.

After all, for that matter, for thousands of years, it has been required to match each other.

"Identity..." Looking at his sister's serious expression, Gui Chen gradually realized the meaning of her words.

"I don't want to be with her..." The young man's eyes widened, "Gui Li, what are you thinking, girl?"

"Okay, okay, I don't want to," Gui Li waved his hands perfunctorily, "But brother, don't blame me for not warning you in advance, this woman's background may not be simple."

Gui Li has been observing this woman since the day his brother picked him up, but all kinds of almost contradictory characteristics are mixed in her, so Gui Li can't figure it out.

She has been indifferent to the world since she was a child, but she has never seen such a special woman.

Now it seems that my brother's state is becoming more and more difficult to stop, so Gui Li has to start thinking about other things.

But in terms of identity, the worst thing is that this woman is the daughter of a first-class official family. After all, the highest status in the entire former Qin Dynasty is here. If there are no such troubles in my family, my brother is barely worthy.


Looking at the scars on Guichen's body, Guili sighed again.

But their current status is really inferior to common people.

"Why are you sighing at such a young age?" Gui Chen glanced at Gui Li and said, "Aren't you happy to have chicken soup tonight?"

"Mingyue's life experience will always be known." Gui Chen was far calmer than his own sister, "And don't you think she is not a lady?"

How can there be such a strange lady...

Gui Li groaned, suddenly there was the sound of a kitchen knife clicking next to her ear, and the little girl trembled all over.

Looking at the neatly dismantled chicken nuggets on the chopping board, and then watching Ying Baoyue's smooth way of dismantling the pheasant, Gui Li suddenly shuddered for some reason.

"Brother, promise me, you must never find a knife for her."

Thinking of the woman's previous remarks about wanting a sword, Gui Xin felt even worse.

"Am I such an obsessed person?" Gui Chen also stared straight ahead, but quickly retorted unconvinced.

"You weren't before, but you can't tell now."

Gui Chen was silent.

But suddenly he touched his cheek.

Where, her blood once flowed.

The hot feeling seemed to still remain in his mouth.

The cool laughter of the woman in the woods floated in his ears, "I can climb faster if I have a weapon."

Is it a weapon?


"I haven't eaten so full for a long time." The wonderful aroma of radish and chicken soup wafted in the dining room, and the Gui brothers and sisters sat on the chairs and looked at the bottom of the empty bowl and sighed.

Mu Shi was across the table, looking at the brothers and sisters who sat slumped on the chairs and didn't want to move when their stomachs were full, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Thanks to Miss Mingyue, I can make such a good chicken soup." Looking at the girl sitting next to Gui Chen, Mu's eyes suddenly became a little dazed.

They were all children of about the same age, and the girl wearing new clothes bought by her son easily blended into it. If it wasn't for her very special temperament, it would be...

"Looking at it this way, it feels like there are three children in my family." Mu Shi said with a smile while cleaning up the dishes.

"Mother, what are you talking about?" Gui Li, who was rubbing his belly, raised his head and looked at his mother with disapproval.

"You don't know, in fact, mother, I have always wanted to have another daughter," Mu Shi looked really happy tonight, the smile on his face was something that Gui Li had never seen before, just like a girl.

Originally, she was only in her early thirties.

"Really?" Ying Baoyue raised her head, looked at the young woman who had been a little sad but smiled happily at this time, and also laughed, and glanced at Guili who was about to explode, "From the age I can She is Guili's older sister."

She looked at the little girl with thorns all over her body and laughed, "Do you want to call and see?"

"What? Calling your sister?" Gui Li was almost out of anger, his eyes widened, "I won't be able to call until I die!"

Let her call this woman sister?What are you kidding?
She would rather die than die!
Gui Chen had a subtle expression on the side, looking at his sister who was about to throw his job at her, he quickly stood up to smooth things over, "Okay, okay, we ate a lot tonight, let's go out to eat and enjoy the cool air."

Speaking of summer nights, after dinner in the village, many villagers would go out with cattail fans to chat and cool off, but the mother and son in the small courtyard seldom participated.

Because they seldom have enough supper to digest.

But tonight is different.

Starry summer night.

The Mu family stayed at home on the grounds that they wanted to tidy up the house. The three of them went out, Guichen Guili and Ying Baoyue walked on the road in the village. Seeing the strange expressions on the faces of the brothers and sisters around him, Ying Baoyue's mood brightened.

However, just as the three of them reached the village, a piercing scream of a child suddenly came from their ears.

"Ah! That little bastard Xu Wenning beat someone to death!"

"Sister-in-law Wang's son is about to be beaten to death! Call someone!"

Screams and curses pierced the quiet summer night.

problem occurs.

(End of this chapter)

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