Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 266 1 Strike

Chapter 266 One blow

There was a sudden exclamation from the crowd!
No one expected that some practitioners would fall down during the battle!
Even a fall on the road is dangerous, not to mention that in a battle where every second counts, making a wrong move in a sword fight is a taboo for military strategists, not to mention such accidents.

There was no time to guess whether it was an accident or a trick, because the moment Chen Zihan fell, the situation on the field suddenly became extremely dangerous!
No matter what the reason was, if Chen Zihan fell in a sword fight, no matter what sword move he had in his hand, he couldn't use it, let alone he fell backwards.

From the high platform, Ying Baoyue saw that the young man had an extremely terrified expression on his face, as if he had lost his ability to judge in an instant due to an accident, and the hand holding the sword was hanging down weakly, as if he couldn't even hold the sword.

Anyone could tell that Chen Zihan's sword power had weakened, but his opponent was not.

A terrifying and shrill wind whistling sounded on the stage, but it didn't come from that wind master.

Looking at Chen Zihan who was lying on his back, the others were terrified, but Ye Siyuan's eyes lit up, and the eyes burst out with cruel pride.Yue Wang Goujian's sword tore through the air, screaming loudly, Ye Siyuan's sword intent not only did not weaken, but even more excitedly cut at the opponent who was about to fall!

"My God! Someone is going to die!"

"Master Chen, admit defeat!"

"Young Master Ye, stop! Young Master Chen has already lost!"

Everything happened too fast, but practitioners with sharp five senses knew that Chen Zihan had already lost the moment he fell.If the dispute between gentlemen had come to an end, Ye Siyuan's sword should have stopped at this time, and if he raised his sword intent, he would not be able to stop.But who knew that facing Chen Zihan who couldn't even stand still, Ye Siyuan not only didn't reverse his sword intent, but continued to improve his sword intent without avoiding it!

Chen Zihan's breath was already in chaos, and he couldn't raise his sword to fight back at this moment. If Ye Siyuan's blow hit the real target, Chen Zihan would definitely die!
Because the Jixia Banquet is a dispute between colleges, it has never been raised to the point of life and death. It only has protective formations and ritual officers, unlike the elementary ceremony that has military guards for protection.What's more, Ye Siyuan is the son of the Ye family. The other masters suddenly looked at Mr. Zhenshan and dared not do anything, but the ritual officer yelled to stop, but they were powerless to stop him!

All this happened so fast that everyone was caught off guard.

"Zi Han!"

There was only a boy's shout that went up to the sky, but it was overshadowed by Ye Siyuan's triumphant laughter.

"Son of a mere dancer! Go to hell!"

The golden emperor's sword was raised high, and it was held in the hands of a callous-free young man named Bai Nen. Ye Siyuan laughed unscrupulously, and slashed at Chen Zihan who fell powerlessly to the ground.

Everyone's eyes were wide open, their canthus were cracked, and the exclamation was forced in their mouths, as if time had frozen.

However, at this moment, amidst the raging fire, a cluster of lights suddenly lit up.


Accompanied by an inaudible sound of gold and jade.

The sword in Ye Siyuan's hand, which was originally invincible and invincible, crazily slashed... was off by an inch.

Chen Zihan on the ground shrank his pupils, rolled suddenly, and rolled out of the fire ring, while Ye Siyuan had already used all his strength to hit the ground, and suddenly fell forward.

With a click, King Yue Goujian's sword plunged into the railing, split a big hole in the iron-wood railing, and stuck it firmly inside.

There was a dead silence.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them in astonishment.

The first person to react was the person who was almost hacked just now.

The disheveled Chen Zihan sat up from the ground, but there was no trance on his face as if he had escaped from death.He just raised his head in a daze, and looked in a direction on the high platform through a small hole that was barely visible in the formation.

Chen Zichu, who was looking nervously at the ring with bloodshot eyes, suddenly met his younger brother's eyes, and was taken aback for a moment.

The two brothers looked at each other, and Chen Zihan was also stunned for a moment, thinking of the shout he heard just now, the young man's eyes moved slightly, but the next moment his eyes moved away from Chen Zichu, and looked at the person beside him.

Chen Zichu was taken aback again, his neck moved stiffly, following Chen Zihan's gaze, he looked at Ji Jiashu beside him.

The person his younger brother saw was... Ji Jiashu.

Chen Zichu thought of the point of Ye Siyuan's sword that was inexplicably deflected just at the critical moment, and suddenly his heart skipped a beat. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the young man who was sitting there quietly. The next moment he found that Ji Jiashu was withdrawing his outstretched hand.

Chen Zichu wanted to look again, but his gaze was suddenly attracted by another person beside Ji Jiashu. His eyes followed the direction of Ji Jiashu's withdrawn hand, and he saw the other hand.

A white hand was held slightly empty, but Chen Zichu remembered that the distance between this hand and Ji Jiashu seemed to be a little closer than he remembered.

Ying Baoyue kept approaching Ji Jiashu with her hands empty, as if she had just handed him something.

Chen Zichu's eyes rolled stiffly and landed on her other hand, and then saw that her other hand was actually holding... a chopstick?

At this time, the exclamation from below finally came, and Chen Zichu looked over, and Ye Siyuan, who saw the sword stuck on the railing, finally reacted.

The scene was funny yet strange, Ye Siyuan stared at the long sword in his hand, his voice was hoarse with anger, "You bastard! How dare you..."

But at this moment, Ye Siyuan's blood-red eyes slowly moved sideways, and when he saw clearly what was stuck on the pillar next to the sword, his pupils shrank.

The others in the arena followed his gaze and exclaimed.


"Look, there is actually a chopstick stuck on the railing post!"

"A chopstick missed the King of Yue's Goujian sword? Is it a lie? Who can do this?"


Chen Zichu's gaze slowly moved away from the only chopstick left in Ying Baoyue's hand, and looked at Ji Jiashu who was sitting next to her empty hand.

No way……

This idea is too crazy, but along with the afterimage he just saw in a trance, Chen Zichu restored the picture just now in his mind.

Just when Ye Siyuan slashed out that murderous sword, Ji Jiashu stretched out his hand and hesitated for a moment, but the girl beside him immediately handed out the chopsticks in his hand, Ji Jiashu threw it out without even looking, penetrated the formation, and hit Ye Siyuan's sword.

All this happened in an instant.

Chen Zichu was speechless, wait, why didn't Ji Jiashu use his own chopsticks?

At this time, Ying Baoyue withdrew his hand, noticed Chen Zichu staring at the chopsticks in his hand suspiciously, and smiled for a moment, "The chopsticks in Mr. Ji's hand just now are poisonous."

The one in her hand was taken from him before, but it happened that she didn't have it, so she handed it to him.

Hearing this, Ji Jiashu glanced at the girl beside him. If Chen Zichu read it correctly, there was also a trace of surprise and unexpectedness passing through his eyes.

Chen Zichu was in a daze when he heard the words. He remembered seeing this woman give Ji Jiashu her pair of chopsticks... so her chopsticks were poisonous?
No, he didn't mean to ask this, but this woman could think of so many things at that moment just now?
Only Ji Jiashu can keep up with her speed, no, both of them.

Chen Zichu looked at Ji Jiashu with complicated eyes, and looked at the young man who was sitting in the distance and missed the shocking sword with just a chopstick.

Just that moment.

What is strong is the sword, not the man.

At the same time, it is not chopsticks that are powerful, but people.

"Who is it! Who dares to get in my way!"

On the ring, Ye Siyuan's eyes were shattered, and he looked at the chopstick in disbelief, roaring angrily, with murderous aura overflowing from his body, but the next moment, he heard people's exclamations.

He turned his head slowly and looked at Chen Zihan who looked up at something with disdain.

"What are you looking at, you..."

Ye Siyuan's noisy voice suddenly stopped.

All the noisy voices in the arena stopped.

Everyone raised their heads and stared blankly at the heights.

Ye Siyuan's face twisted, but as if he was being controlled by a force, he raised his head stiffly.

In the dead silence, Ying Baoyue looked slightly sideways.

at this time.

Ji Jiashu beside her stood up.

(End of this chapter)

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