Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 267

Chapter 267
Not counting those nights of chatting online, Ying Baoyue and Ji Jiashu have known each other for a few days.But in these days, she has never seen Ji Jiashu angry.

As the saying goes, when you are seven or eight years old, cats and dogs are tired of you, and when you are thirteen or fourteen, you go to the house to uncover tiles.

The boy is a lively boy, fourteen or fifteen years old, just the age for laughing, cursing and acting recklessly, but Ying Baoyue has never seen this kind of emotion in Ji Jiashu.

He was like a child from someone else's family she had seen in her previous life, and he was more like those children from aristocratic families who were too sensible in her previous life.

He is more sensible than ordinary family members.

The first gentleman of Southern Chu.

Gentle as jade, her reputation spread far and wide.

Never laughed, never cursed, never got angry.

If you want to make Ji Jiashu angry, it is probably as difficult as trying to make Li Ji talk freely... Seeing the vacant seats at Soochow because they had never joined Jixia Academy, Ying Baoyue suddenly thought.

But at this time, although Ji Jiashu's expression was still calm when he stood up, Ying Baoyue knew that he was angry.

"Jia Shu?"

Sitting at the top, Mrs. Ye looked at his son who suddenly stood up, first puzzled but then frowned, "Jiashu, your cousin is just..."

However, Ji Jiashu didn't talk to her, but bowed to Mr. Zhenshan, Jiang Yuanyuan and his mother who had ugly faces, and then got up and walked out from behind the table.

When he was about to walk down the steps, he suddenly looked back at Ying Baoyue behind the table and smiled, "Thank you for the chopsticks just now, the speed is fast enough."

He was really surprised by this. As the groom at the engagement banquet, he was not allowed to bring a sword. He wanted to throw away the chopsticks that were not in his hand just now, but he remembered that the chopsticks in his hand were poisonous. While hesitating, the girl actually handed over the chopsticks in her hand.

I am afraid that the speed of killing and handing the knife is not as fast as hers.

Ji Jiashu met such a person for the first time.

Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled, "You're welcome, you helped me first."

Everyone stared blankly at the weird conversation between the unmarried couple.

Ying Baoyue raised a fist at Ji Jiashu, "Come on."

She probably guessed what he was going to do.

Ji Jiashu didn't understand what it meant, but he understood that the girl was probably encouraging him.

Under the sullen eyes of his mother, teacher and others, they all frowned.

Seeing Ji Qingyuan and Ji Ange beside her raised their fists at the same time in a daze, Chen Zichu imitated raising his fists looking around, the young man smiled, and then quietly turned around.

Watching Ji Jiashu step down from the high platform step by step, the others under the ring opened their eyes wide and whispered.

"Mr. Chunhua..."

"That chopstick just now is Lord Chunhua? Sure enough, the reputation is well-deserved, the difference in strength..."

"Yeah, no, what is Chunhua-jun going to do?"

Amidst the rumors and rumors, Ying Baoyue quietly stared at the back of the boy who walked down the steps alone, but at this moment, she suddenly felt a particularly venomous and cold gaze on her.

She looked at it feelingly, and she saw the familiar figure beside Mrs. Ye.

"Auntie? What's going on? Didn't elder brother win? What is cousin going to do?"

Ye Jingshu, who just arrived, supported Ye Shi's shoulders, staring at the scene in front of her in astonishment.

Today, because she didn't want to face Ji Jiashu's engagement banquet, she stayed in the National Teacher's Mansion in a fit of anger. She didn't expect that the engagement banquet was over according to the time, and her aunt hadn't come back. She was losing her temper and Ye Shi sent someone to pick her up, saying that it was her elder brother. The next time she will appear on stage, let her see her big brother's majesty.

Ye Jingshu came here aggrieved. She didn't see the scene of Ye Siyuan rushing into the air, but just in time to see Ji Jiashu turning her head and talking to Ying Baoyue. Go to the arena.

Not only Ye Jingshu, but the other practitioners beside the ring didn't know what Ji Jiashu was going to do.

Jixia Banquet cannot be disturbed by outsiders except the opponents, but the gap between the battles is not counted.

Sitting on the ground, Chen Zihan glanced at Ji Jiashu who came down, and gasped at the ceremonial officer who was stunned, "My lord, I have surrendered this time, and the verdict will be pronounced!"

"Oh, good," the ceremony official finally realized, a bell rang on the stage, and the ceremony official said loudly.

"In the third match, Ye Siyuan of the Fire Institute won!"

Cheers rang out from the Fire Court, but Ye Siyuan, whose sword was still stuck in the railing, looked extremely ugly.

Of course he will win, but not in this way!
He stared at the young man who quietly walked down the high platform, his face contorted for a moment, and a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes, but he couldn't swear anything else.

Everyone around him, although they didn't know why, looked at the boy who walked down with reverent eyes.


Why... He is clearly the son of the highest-ranking nobleman in Southern Chu, but why should he always be suppressed by this person?He had already avoided the class that this person participated in, but this person even wanted to intervene in the civil war of this year's cultivators! ?
Does this person really think that the Southern Chu practice world is his back garden?

However, before Ye Siyuan's heartfelt words leaked out, Ji Jiashu had already stepped onto the ring.

The so-called protective formation couldn't stop him, he didn't need the ceremony officer to open it, but the moment he stood on the ring, he still respectfully saluted the ceremony officer.

The ceremony officer hastily returned the gift, "Mr. Chunhua, you are..."

"Sorry, I interrupted your business. I'll just have a few words with Mr. Ye, and it will be over soon."

The ceremony officer didn't have the guts to refuse, so he quickly moved away, but at this moment, a cold and piercing male voice came from behind him.

"It's against the rules of the practice world to disturb other people's battles. Since when did our lord's son be so ignorant of the rules?"

Ji Jiashu looked at Ye Siyuan with a livid face, and nodded slightly, "I'm sorry, I broke the rules, but..."

"But what?" Ye Siyuan's face became even more proud when he heard that, but at the next moment Ji Jiashu suddenly walked up to his stuck sword, and the boy's expression suddenly changed.

"what are you going to do?!"

Before he could react, Ji Jiashu suddenly stretched out his hand, and his fingers actually landed on the sharp point of the sword!
There was a sound of breathing all around.

However, with the sound of a soldier, the long sword that Ye Siyuan hadn't pulled out for a long time actually broke away from the iron wood, which was said to be as hard as cast iron, and spun around like flowing water, and the hilt fell into Ji Jiashu's hand.

People looked at this scene, which was even more unimaginable than juggling, and were speechless.Ji Jiashu looked at Ye Siyuan and said softly, "However, my father's saber is not for fighting with each other and taking the lives of Jixia Academy disciples."

The golden long sword covered with rhombic grids shone brightly in the clear young man's hands, without a trace of blood on it.

"You, you..." Ye Siyuan stared blankly at his empty palm, unable to speak. The next moment he suddenly raised his head, Ji Jiashu was no longer in front of him.

"What... what..."

Everyone was shocked, but the next moment Ji Jiashu's figure suddenly appeared at the top!

Mr. Zhenshan looked at the young man with the famous sword flying towards him, his old eyes were violently turbulent, but the next moment Ji Jiashu turned the sword behind his back and saluted him, "Mr. Zhenshan, Ye Siyuan's original sword is here with you." Bar?"

Mr. Zhenshan held the red long sword by his waist in astonishment, because Shao Siming disappeared with the Huofa School of Mountain Gate Sword. The current Mountain Gate Sword of Huoyuan is a sword called Hongxiao, which he gave to Ye Siyuan, but this time Ye Siyuan said that there was another famous sword, so Hong Xiao took it with him.

Ji Jiashu looked at Hong Xiao and smiled slightly, "Please borrow the sword, sir."

Mr. Zhenshan took a deep breath, pulled out Hong Xiao, Ji Jiashu took it, and then put the King of Yue Goujian Sword on Ye's table under Ye Shi and Ye Jingshu's astonished eyes.

"Father's sword, please take care of it temporarily, don't give it to others." He said lightly.

The next moment, before Mrs. Ye could reply, his figure disappeared again, returned to the high platform, and placed Hong Xiao in front of Ye Siyuan.

Then Ji Jiashu looked at the ceremony officer, "My lord, my business is done, and the fourth round can begin."

Everyone's shocked emotions were blocked in their hearts, and there was only one thought.

How are you going to play this fourth game?
Who will fight Ye Siyuan?
(End of this chapter)

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