Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 289 The Oath

Chapter 289 The Oath
"Second Highness..."

"His Highness finally spoke, but what is he going to do? Send this woman to Ninggu Tower?"

"Still as incomprehensible as ever..."

In the extremely small and cautious discussion, Ying Baoyue raised her head and looked at the young man at the top who was overlooking everyone.

His Highness the Second Southern Chu, Jiang Yuan.

Ying Baoyue had heard Ms. Yao mention it.

He was born in the cold palace, but unexpectedly stepped on the corpses of the princes of the Southern Chu King and a terrifying figure.

He is only 17 years old, but now that the eldest son of the King of Southern Chu is sick, the second prince has come from behind and has become the only one who can participate in various activities, and the most powerful royal family in Southern Chu.

Although the status of the mother clan is low, for people from other countries, as long as the status of the prince of Nanchu is enough.

Ying Baoyue quietly looked at the boy on the high platform.

Southern Chu royal family.

Now that the Qin Empire has disintegrated and the status of the Ying family has plummeted.With the most vast land, the most practitioners, and the most powerful national teacher, Nan Chu seems to be the new overlord of the Shanhai Continent.

As a result, the royal family of Southern Chu became the most noble royal family of the six kingdoms within the Great Wall.

There are seven kingdoms, each with its own royal family, but the Southern Chu royal family is unique.In terms of identity, Ying Hanri thought hard at the beginning to marry Ying Baoyue to Jiang Yuan, but was rejected by the Southern Chu royal family. The rejection was very confident, because according to the current situation in the mountains and seas, the former Qin royal family matched the Southern Chu royal family. Even if it is a concubine married to a concubine, it can be regarded as Gao Pan of the former Qin Dynasty.

Of course, it was also because the young man in front of her was a bastard, but he was very likely to inherit the throne of Southern Chu.

Considering that the banquet at Jixia and the opening ceremony of the primary stage are such a big event, the royal family of Southern Chu only sent him, a young man, to sit in the town.

From the eyes of the aristocratic family, it is obvious that the King of Southern Chu intends to train this Second Highness.

However, from Ying Baoyue's point of view, maybe this is not the case.

Looking at the young man's eyes that were so young, but bottomless and filled with countless thoughts, Ying Baoyue smiled.

"Excuse me, what else can His Royal Highness Nan Chu do?"

"Hiss..." Hearing the girl's question without any concealment, the other people around gasped.

Looking at the girl's clear eyes, which were obviously weak to the limit, but without the slightest fear, Jiang Yuanyuan was slightly taken aback.But his emotional control was extremely fast, and the usual smile appeared on his face almost in the next instant.

"Why, the former princess of Qin did such a great thing, but she planned to leave without saying hello?"

The young man on the high platform was smiling. His smile was as refreshing as ever, but Ji Jiashu looked at him with a cold heart.

Because he was too familiar with this person's smile.

Ji Jiashu was not surprised at all when he found out that His Highness was responsible for the change of marriage contract.

He could think of this person with such a friendly smile, setting up all the tricks and picking himself up.

This time, what does this person want to do?
Jiang Yuanyuan's words made the atmosphere in the venue drop to freezing point, and everyone was guessing how Ying Baoyue would answer.

But the next moment Ying Baoyue just smiled, "May I ask what exactly do you want to ask?"

There wasn't any official words that other people guessed, this girl was so direct that it was unimaginable, not even a hint of pleasantries.

Jiang Yuanyuan narrowed his eyes, with a deep smile on his lips, "It seems that the princess and I are meeting for the first time. But I didn't expect so many things to happen in this meeting. It's really surprising."

Ying Baoyue glanced at him and smiled helplessly, "Second Highness, according to my seniority, I am the eldest princess."

Although it is usually convenient to say it and often people call it mixed up, in theory, she is a generation higher than the Second Highness in terms of seniority.

Although the Southern Chu royal family is indeed honorable, Jiang Yuanyuan is the son of the Southern Chu king, and she is the younger sister of the former Qin king.The implication of this girl is... If there is no marriage contract, then she is an elder. Don't be so frivolous when a prince talks to her...

Standing behind Jiang Yuanyuan, Chen Zihan watched the boy in front of him twitch slightly, which was not easy to see.

Although it was very inappropriate, he actually wanted to laugh a little.

Jiang Yuanyuan is good at speaking in scenes. He likes to talk around corners in such occasions. He first makes the interlocutor feel panic, and then slowly applies pressure, but the girl in front of him obviously...doesn't like him.

I don't know if it's self-indulgence or just lack of common sense.

Jiang Yuanyuan shrugged, but the smile at the corner of his mouth faded a little the next moment, and he looked at Ying Baoyue and said lightly, "Okay, since the eldest princess said so, then I'll get straight to the point."

"I didn't expect that the former Princess Qin would use a false name to pretend to be a disciple of Jixia Academy of Gongshui, and even go to the court to fight. This is obviously against the rules." Jiang Yuanyuan said coldly.

Ji Jiashu's heart tightened when he heard the words. Just now, this man kept silent, but only mentioned it after the woman finished beating him. Is this trying to deny everything this woman has obtained?

However, there was no panic on Ying Baoyue's face. He looked at Jiang Yuanyuan and said, "What's not in compliance with the rules? The regulations of Jixia's Banquet only state that you can't use fake names, but it doesn't say that you can't use pseudonyms."

"Even if a pseudonym is used, Ji Xia's Banquet is based on the academy as the winning party, as long as the person is real. No matter what my name is, as long as the head of the Water Institute is willing to admit that I am his disciple, then all of this is in line with the law." Regular."

Everyone's eyes suddenly fell on Mr. Zhenshan, Xu Yishan suddenly became nervous, but even under the pressure of Jiang Yuanyuan and the eyes of the people around him, Mr. Zhenshan still nodded calmly as Ying Baoyue expected.

"The old man recognizes this face," the old man said indifferently, "As long as it is her, she is my apprentice, a disciple of the Water Academy."

this woman...

Jiang Yuanyuan's eyes froze slightly. This woman came prepared and caught a loophole in the rules of Jixia's Banquet from the very beginning.

But the next moment the boy narrowed his long and narrow eyes, looked at Ying Baoyue and smiled.

"So that's the case, the Banquet of Jixia is indeed a thing of the past, but..."

He looked at Ying Baoyue meaningfully with a drawn out voice, and said the name word by word, "But what about the elementary ceremony?"

Primary ceremony.

Ying Baoyue's eyes lighted up.

Ji Jiashu was shocked, what he hadn't asked all this time, was asked by Jiang Yuanyuan at this moment.

The four words of the elementary canon seemed to have magic power. The practitioners around touched their ears, opened their eyes wide in astonishment, and then exploded with a bang.

"What did the Second Highness say? The primary ceremony? I can't get it wrong, right?"

"Does this woman still want to participate in the primary ceremony? How is this possible?"

"But if she is a disciple of the Water Academy... it seems that she is really qualified..."

"You got kicked in the head by a donkey? What kind of elementary ceremony is there for a woman who can't practice?"

Jiang Yuanyuan listened to the discussions of the people around him, with a secret smile on the corner of his mouth, looking down at Ying Baoyue's face.

"What? Did I say something wrong? Princess, don't you want to participate in the primary ceremony?"

On the high platform, Ji Ange clenched her skirt tightly, looking at the royal boy on the high platform in shock, as if looking at a monster, watching him reveal the secret of the girl in her heart to the public.

But this is no secret, and it will be resolved sooner or later.

Under the worried eyes of Chen Zichu and others, Ying Baoyue looked at Jiang Yuanyuan and smiled, "According to the rules, I can also participate as a student of the Water Academy, right?"

"Isn't it?" Jiang Yuanyuan laughed loudly, and looked at the girl beside the ring with a broken smile, "Princess, you broke the stage in public, and you have already violated the convention that women are not allowed to practice. It stands to reason that you should send Ninggu Pagoda now, and you still want to participate The primary ceremony?"

"Yeah... what is this woman talking about..."

"Live ten years ago? Is this kind of thing still a dream?"

"Rule?" However, amidst countless doubts, Ying Baoyue just looked at the young man on the high platform and spoke quietly.

"Who sets the rules? Who stipulates that women cannot practice? Is it the patriarch of the practitioner? Is it a god of the first rank? Is it the god of eight beasts?"

For some reason, when the woman uttered these words, there was an icy aura in the venue, and the icy and snowy aura emanated from the woman.

Zhao Guang was shocked all over, vaguely as if he had seen such a scene somewhere.

Jiang Yuanyuan stopped laughing and didn't answer, just stood on the high platform and stared at Ying Baoyue quietly.

The patriarch of the cultivator is the grandfather of this woman, and the human god of the first rank is the dead demon girl. Of course, the will of the eight beast gods never said this sentence.

But it was the first time Jiang Yuanyuan saw a woman dare to question this matter so loudly.

Is this something questionable?

"No matter how much reason you have, as a member of the southern Chu royal family where the primary ceremony is held, I have the right not to allow you to participate in the primary ceremony," Jiang Yuanyuan looked at Ying Baoyue and smiled.

But Jiang Yuanyuan did not see the disillusioned look on the girl's face as he expected.

"Really?" Ying Baoyue smiled, but suddenly looked carefully at the boy's expression as if he had noticed something, and spoke softly.

"But His Highness stopped me suddenly, did you just want to tell me about this?"

It's a little too deliberate.

Ji Jiashu was startled.

But at this moment, Jiang Yuanyuan laughed again.

"Although I really want to say yes, but you guessed it, no."

The young man on the high platform looked at Ying Baoyue, and no one could understand his eyes, but the next moment he spoke lightly, which shocked the audience.

"I stopped you to tell you that I can let you participate in the primary ceremony, but I have one condition."

Jiang Yuanyuan narrowed his eyes and smiled, "You can guess the conditions, but as I said before, if you can't do it, then you have to immediately invite yourself to enter Ninggu Tower..."

The young man said it word by word.

"Confinement for life."

(End of this chapter)

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