Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 290 Conditions

Chapter 290 Conditions
Confinement for life...

Ji Jiashu's pupils shrank, but at this moment, he heard the girl beside him... breathed a sigh of relief.

He frowned and looked at Ying Baoyue who was still calm. Does she really know what this means?

At this time, a stone stirred up thousands of waves, and the people around suddenly started talking.

"Agreed... What is Second Highness thinking? Do you want to raise a demon girl?"

"However, this woman is only at the seventh level, and she can't even pass the first level of the elementary ceremony. Maybe she died directly in the mountains..."

"Isn't there still a condition? After all, it's the Second Highness, who knows what conditions will be put forward. The whole life of claustrophobia is just an excuse to completely cut off this woman's practice. After all, she is a princess and cannot be killed..."

"Lifetime claustrophobic... This woman should be locked up in the ancient pagoda. What kind of punishment is this?"

Hearing this sentence, Xu Yishan, Guichen and the others, who were not very clear about the Ninggu Pagoda, pricked up their ears, only to hear someone beside them whispering.

"You are stupid, as long as the female cultivator of Ninggu Pagoda repents and cuts off her meridian, she can still come out after a few years, but the claustrophobic person can't get out for a lifetime, and it's almost the same as killing this woman!"

After saying this, the cultivator immediately realized something, and suddenly covered his mouth and looked at Ying Baoyue not far away and... Ji Jiashu beside her.

Ji Jiashu slowly clenched his fingers while listening to these words.

Not far away, Zhao Guang looked at Li Ji in astonishment when he heard the words, "Second brother...this should not be so..."

"Shouldn't you know?" Li Ji's eyes under the bronze mask were dim, and he said quietly, "Except for Ningguta taking the initiative to release people, no one has ever been able to bring sinners out of Ningguta."

Ninggu Pagoda in the Northern Wei Dynasty is such a forbidden place.

Even if it is the heaven rank, there is no way to save people from that place.

Zhao Guang was taken aback for a moment, but at this moment he suddenly realized that when he said this, Li Ji actually removed the surrounding barriers.

For the first time, the man's voice merged into the discussion of practitioners around him, Zhao Guang was slightly startled, and looked at the girl standing in the center of the discussion.

Did the second brother say this to her?
Amidst the noisy voices, Ji Jiashu heard this sentence even though he didn't know who it was, and looked at Ying Baoyue with a tight heart.But the pupils of the girl beside him just swayed slightly, and Jiang Yuanyuan's voice urging him to die came from above again.

"How about it?"

It was obviously such a cruel bet, but the expression on the boy's face was relaxed.

Ying Baoyue looked up at him and smiled, "So what are the conditions? Do you want me to make a decision without knowing the conditions?"

Jiang Yuanyuan laughed, but his eyes were fixed on Ying Baoyue's face, "Can you?"

This man is always tempting.

Ying Baoyue smiled, "Of course it's not possible."

Although she can.

But not in front of him.

She can give everything for her goal, but she can't reveal her true thoughts in front of this boy, otherwise she has a premonition that he will become a target for him to attack her in the next moment.

Even if Jiang Yuanyuan didn't mention this matter, Ying Baoyue would try her best to participate in the primary ceremony, but if she could use this young man to use her purpose, it would be a way.

"So what's the condition?" Ying Baoyue looked at the boy who didn't know what he was thinking and asked.

It was one thing for her to find another way, but it was another for Jiang Yuanyuan to speak up.Even if he is the royal family of Southern Chu, under such circumstances, the risk of letting a woman participate in the primary ceremony should be quite high, and he might even be suspected of meddling.

From the past information, it is not difficult to know that this young man is a person who has nothing to gain, and although Ying Baoyue does not fully believe the rumors, it is impossible for a child of the royal family who can live to this day to be a fool.

There is no such thing as love at first sight, sudden interest, or sudden interest in this plot.

Thinking of the pair of eyes that had been quietly watching her every move from a distance when they were fighting in the ring, Ying Baoyue suddenly smiled.

"Second Highness of Nanchu... What exactly do you want me to do?"

What kind of price and benefit does he want to get from her?
The turbulent discussions around seemed to be unable to reach her ears at all, and the girl by the ring just looked straight at him.

The clear eyes are also the kind of eyes that Jiang Yuanyuan hates very much.

As he had judged before, this woman was terribly sober.

"There is only one condition." Jiang Yuanyuan put away the smile on the corner of his mouth, and looked at the girl under the high platform leisurely, "You can indeed participate in the primary ceremony."

Even if she is able to do such a thing at the Jixia Banquet, if she really wants to participate, she will certainly disturb this muddy water, and I don't know what else she will do.

It's better for him to mess up the water.

"The condition is," the meaningful smile appeared on the corner of the royal boy's mouth on the high platform again, he paused every word, and finally said that sentence.

"You can get the leader of the primary ceremony."

Jiang Yuanyuan spoke quietly and said the conditions that no one had thought of.


Ji Jiashu's pupils shrank.

Then he finally couldn't restrain the anger in his heart, and suddenly raised his head to look at Jiang Yuanyuan on the high platform, looking at those smiling but endlessly cold eyes.

It's not a condition at all.

This is to want this girl to die!
At this moment, Jiang Yuanyuan's words were heard around, and it exploded again with a bang, more violent than ever before!
"The leader?! How is it possible?"

"Let's not talk about a rank seven, the former Qin people can get the leader!? Just dream!"

"Second Highness really wants this woman to die..."

"Give me a nianxiang to torture in every possible way and then break it... Second Highness's method is still so terrible..."

When Chen Zichu heard the heated discussions around him, his hands and feet became cold all of a sudden.


As the name suggests, it is the No.1 of the primary ceremony.Representing the strongest cultivator below the fifth rank, he can be called the champion among practitioners.

But compared to the selection of civil servants by the chief minister, the leader of the primary ceremony is more difficult than any other selection, and the difficulty is unimaginably high.

Because in order to be the leader of the primary ceremony, not only the individual ability of the practitioner must be strong, but also the country behind him must be strong.

Chen Zichu was no stranger to the title of leader, because there happened to be one beside him.

Lord Chunhua of Southern Chu, Ji Jiashu, the second son of Ji, was the leader of the previous primary ceremony.

There is no need to talk about its strength, but Ji Jiashu was able to win the leader back then, apart from his own defying nature, it was also because he was a native of Southern Chu.

The biggest difference between the primary ceremony and the general selection is that it has both crowd battles and individual battles.

Everyone's war is the joint efforts of the whole country, and individual wars are fought alone.

However, the final result of a single practitioner is the sum of the results of the crowd battle and the individual battle.

Then to become the number one leader, both the crowd battle and individual battle results must be top-notch, so that there is some possibility.

The height is not cold.

A master fights, and the slightest miss is a thousand miles away.

Looking at the still pale young girl beside him, Chen Zichu's heart was cold.

Ying Baoyue herself is only ranked seventh, and she won't mention it until she can last a few rounds in individual battles, but before that, she is still from the former Qin Dynasty.

Beginning seven years ago, there is a country that will always be at the bottom of the battle in the primary ceremony.

That is the former Qin Dynasty.

No matter how powerful the practitioner is, it is useless. It is impossible for the practitioners of the former Qin Dynasty to get the leader.

This is a goal that is too far away for this girl.

Simply delusional.

She was never intended to participate from the very beginning.

Seeing the happy young man on the high platform with playful eyes as if he was playing tricks on people's hearts, a surge of anger suddenly rose in Chen Zichu's heart.

"Have you thought about it? I don't have time to accompany you to think slowly, but of course you can think about it for a while, if you don't want to..." Jiang Yuanyuan said slowly with a smile.

"Mingyue, you must not..."

However, at this moment, the girl's calm voice came from beside him.

"Okay, I agree."

(End of this chapter)

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