Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 291 Blood Alliance

Chapter 291 Blood Alliance


Chen Zichu was stunned when he heard the words, wondering if there was something wrong with his ears.It wasn't until he turned his head to see Ji Jiashu that he couldn't hide his astonishment that he realized that he had heard correctly.

He heard correctly.

Anyone would take it as making things difficult for her. The girl beside him accepted that far-away condition.

The speed of promise was even faster than the instigator expected.

Jiang Yuanyuan, who was still eloquent on the high platform, stopped suddenly, and squinted at the girl on the high platform, "What did you say?"

Ying Baoyue smiled, "I said I agreed."

Jiang Yuanyuan actually didn't intend to discuss it with her, because such a desperate bet was not something a pampered princess in the deep palace would accept.

Besides, there was no need for this woman to pay such a high price for participating in a primary ceremony.

Jiang Yuanyuan originally speculated that Ying Baoyue wanted to participate, but it was because a princess who had no strength to restrain a chicken suddenly felt that she had received a talent from heaven, and wanted to prove that she enjoyed flattery on a whim.

He deliberately raised an impossible condition, just to peel off the woman's hypocritical shell.

After all, compared to dying alone in Ninggu Pagoda, of course it is more comfortable to be the wife of Lord Chunhua.

If she doesn't participate in the primary ceremony, she can still be Chunhuajun's fiancée, but once she participates in the primary ceremony, let alone getting married is worse than being in the cold palace, what awaits her is worse than life.

Jiang Yuanyuan grew up in the cold palace, and he understands better than anyone else what lifelong confinement means to a person.

At this time, this woman will probably understand that the so-called practice is nothing more than that to her, and she will obediently sit back in her new seat and treat it as her decoration.

However, Jiang Yuanyuan did not expect that this woman agreed without hesitation.

Did she think he was joking with her?Think he dare not send her into Ninggu Tower?Do you think her status as the eldest princess of the Ying family is so honorable?

"The answer is so fast," Jiang Yuanyuan looked at Ying Baoyue under the ring and suddenly smiled, "Your Highness, do you know what will happen if you don't get the leader, even if you are just a little bit short of becoming No.2?"

"Enter the Ninggu Pagoda and be imprisoned for life." Ying Baoyue glanced at him, "Didn't the Second Highness say so in front of everyone?"

"It seems that you are clear about the bet." Jiang Yuanyuan looked coldly at Ying Baoyue.

"Of course." Ying Baoyue nodded and looked directly at him, "So Second Highness, please remember our agreement."

"I accept the condition, but relative."

She said calmly, "All the practitioners present are witnesses, and no one should stop me from participating in the primary ceremony."

The girl's voice is not loud, but clear.

The surroundings fell silent for a moment, and she looked at her in disbelief, with contempt or ridicule or astonishment or...satisfaction in her eyes.

Ji Jiashu didn't know what to say, but just looked at the side face of the girl beside her, her words were equivalent.

All back roads were cut off.

Cut off Jiang Yuanyuan's retreat, and also cut off her retreat.

He not only put His Highness Nanchu Second Highness on the fire, but also set himself on the road of no return.

Once she stopped, there was an abyss in front of her.

If Jiang Yuanyuan sticks to this agreement, then maybe no one will stop her from participating in the primary ceremony, but at the same time, if she loses, the former Qin side will have no reason not to abide by this agreement!
He broke the boat, but in the eyes of those around him, he was just overwhelmed.

"Everyone can't stand in the way... Dare I say, if she loses to Qianqin, will she still have the guts not to send her to Ninggu Pagoda! If you want to evade it then it's out of anger! Everyone has heard it!"

"The king of the former Qin Dynasty...has the guts to stop him hahaha."

"What kind of relationship is this? How did Mr. Chunhua end up with such a fiancée..."

"Qianqin concealed the fact that the princess was a practitioner from the very beginning, and dared to criticize her for a long time! Alright, this time there will be a princess who will be sent to Ninggu Pagoda!"

Ji Jiashu listened quietly to the gossip.

It's a big gamble.

And no one believed that she would win the bet.

Feeling the growing discussion around him, he felt bad.This matter has become a big deal, and now only Jiang Yuanyuan himself can cancel this so-called bet, otherwise she...

"Okay." But at this moment, Jiang Yuanyuan suddenly laughed out loud.

Ji Jiashu raised his head suddenly, only to see the narrow eyes of the young man on the high platform staring fixedly at Ying Baoyue, "But Your Royal Highness, you should know that I am not joking."

Chen Zihan felt a little cold when he heard Jiang Yuanyuan's tone.

If Jiang Yuanyuan didn't have a mask-like smile on his face, he believed that the young man's complexion might not be pretty at this time.

Once Jiang Yuanyuan smiles like this, it means that someone is going to be unlucky.

If Jiang Yuanyuan thought that Ying Baoyue was throwing a princess' temper, that he was joking and wouldn't take it seriously, then what she just said didn't mean that at all.

Even he would have turned it into something that wasn't.

"I know, I'm not joking either." Ying Baoyue looked at him with a smile.

Looking at the face of the girl who still didn't see the slightest fear, Jiang Yuanyuan's face turned cold.

No matter what naive fantasy this woman still harbors, he's here to smash it right now.

"That's right," Jiang Yuanyuan smiled, "But just talking doesn't count."

Even if there are so-called practitioners present to testify, people like him will not believe the promise made by mouth.

Those oaths that were witnessed by the people of the world have been broken countless times. What would people like them believe?
Hearing a click, the young man on the high platform smiled slightly, and suddenly pulled out a long and thin handle from his sleeve.

Ji Jiashu looked at that thing and his heart skipped a beat.

That's a dagger.

Is this person going to...

At this moment, exclamations sounded from the crowd, and the people around the ring raised their heads in disbelief, looking at the young man who suddenly walked down the high platform in front of him.

Jiang Yuanyuan pulled out the sharp dagger in his hand as he walked.

Chen Zihan followed behind him, watching his back with an extremely complicated expression.

Zhao Guang suddenly felt a chill around him, and when he turned his head, he saw Li Ji's cold eyes, which were focused on... the dagger in Jiang Yuanyuan's hand.

As Jiang Yuanyuan walked all the way, practitioners around him bowed down and saluted. When he walked in front of Ying Baoyue, Ji Jiashu was the only person standing beside her.

The leader of the primary ceremony and the practitioners of the fifth rank and above do not need to bow down to the royal family, and Ji Jiashu has both of these identities.

Jiang Yuanyuan looked at Ji Jiashu who seemed to be standing slightly in front of Ying Baoyue for some reason, "Mr. Chunhua, long time no see, congratulations today."

"Second Highness," Ji Jiashu cupped his hands and saluted, "You are..."

Jiang Yuanyuan didn't answer, but looked at him with a smile, "Can you let me go?"

Ji Jiashu froze, but at this moment a warm hand was on his shoulder, and Ying Baoyue walked out to look at the boy who was facing her.

She looked at Jiang Yuanyuan, "It doesn't count, then..."

"Then," Jiang Yuanyuan suddenly raised the dagger in his hand, and the practitioners who were peeping around all gasped suddenly!
Hearing a chirp, Jiang Yuanyuan stretched out his hand and slashed on his five fingers, blood pouring from his fingers immediately.

Ji Jiashu's pupils shrank.

Five fingers meet blood, thinking of an oath.

"Chunqiu Zuo Zhuan Zhengyi": "In every alliance ceremony, kill animals and drink their blood, and swear to the gods. If there is any violation, you want to make the gods add disasters and make such sacrifices."

"Honorable and inferior, the blood of Dun is passed on from the right to the right, and the blood is given to those who are worthy."

In the chaotic years when the princes fought among the princes, there used to be the most binding form of covenant among the princes and royal families.

its name.

blood alliance.

Its oath even has the ability to curse. If you violate the covenant and betray the covenant, you will be sanctioned by the Eight Beast Gods, and your life will be cut off like five fingers.

"Since we are both members of the royal family," Jiang Yuanyuan raised his bleeding five fingers and smiled at Ying Baoyue, "Then why don't we form a blood alliance today."

"I allow you to participate in the primary ceremony, but if you don't get the leader, you will be imprisoned in Ninggu Tower for life."

Hey, hey, this is no joke, there is something wrong with Jiang Yuanyuan's dagger, the curse will take effect!Chen Zichu, who bowed his head and bowed his head, roared in his heart, but at this moment, a drop of blood splashed on the ground where he bowed his head.

"I don't need to cut it anymore," Ying Baoyue smiled and opened the five fingers of her left hand while watching this scene, only then did Ji Jiashu realize that her palm had already been worn out by the sword hilt, and her fingertips were already bleeding.

Ying Baoyue raised her hand, and her bleeding fingers joined the cold five fingers of the boy in front of her little by little.

Seeing the boy whose expression suddenly changed, she smiled slightly.

"The covenant is established."

"We have a date."

 In fact, it is impossible for her to hold the suffer.

  Does anyone remember what our classmate Baoyue originally had on his left hand?

  The blood alliance ceremony refers to the ancient blood-drinking alliance.

  Swallowing blood for an alliance, sworn blood: In order to show sincerity in an alliance between ancient countries, a ceremony must be held to kill animals and swallow the blood of the animals to show that if they violate the contract and betray their allies, they will be sanctioned by God. "Zuo Zhuan Justice": "In every alliance ceremony, kill animals and drink blood, and swear to the gods. If there is any violation, you want to add disaster to the gods, and make such sacrifices." Those who are given the right to drink will be ordered to contain their blood."

(End of this chapter)

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