Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 314 Start

Chapter 314 Start

All good things come to an end.

Under the bright moon hanging high, the long day for all the practitioners who participated in the primary ceremony finally came to an end.

The battle for the first place was over, and the opening ceremony of the primary ceremony came to an end.

But as the opening ceremony, its closing represents the official opening of the grand ceremony that gathered young talents from all over the continent.

However, for many far-sighted and high-level practitioners, the opening of this curtain is not tomorrow, but today.

The engagement banquet, the banquet under Jixia, the six kingdoms vying for the first place.

No one expected that so many things would happen on this day, which was originally just a warm-up ceremony for the primary ceremony.

Too many accidents happened on this day today, and it also brought too many shocks to people.

Although Jiang Yuanyuan and Mr. Haoran announced that the opening ceremony of today's primary ceremony was successfully concluded, and practitioners from all over the world can leave in order, there are still many practitioners gathered in the hall of the Southern Chu Imperial Prayer Province.People gather in twos and threes to discuss what happened today.

Too much happened today, and there are too many battles that are engraved in everyone's memory. Those thrilling battles will remain in people's memory for a long time, and even looking back will make people excited.

But during the heated discussion, complex and subtle expressions appeared on people's faces from time to time, and some teenagers even talked about looking up secretly, peeking at a closed window on the second floor.

Practitioners who have been to the Southern Chu Imperial Prayer Province or have immortal officials at home know that there is no one pavilion.

There is an Accord that belongs exclusively to Chunhuajun Ji Jiashu.

Once upon a time, when young practitioners looked at that window from a distance, they all wanted to cultivate well, envious of that young genius.

But today when people see that window, the first time people think of that young master who is famous all over the world.

Of course, Ji Jiashu's performance today is also very impressive, blocking a poisonous needle through the air, blocking a famous sword with chopsticks, and becoming a junior examiner at the age of 15, each of which is a legend that people can talk about.Xu Yishan, the elder brother of Shuiyuan, and Ying Xun, the former step-son of the Qin Dynasty, are undoubtedly the two biggest dark horses today, showing superb swordsmanship that has never been shown in front of everyone.

There will be many dark horses in the initial ceremony every year, and the stepchildren of the Six Kingdoms will bring countless surprises to people every year.


If you talk about what left the deepest impression on everyone today.

But it was a young girl.

Before today, no one could have imagined it.

The biggest winners of this year's Jixia Banquet and Battle for the First Place are all related to the female cultivator who has disappeared in this continent for seven years.

At the Banquet at Jixia, it was a woman who broke out of the cocoon with a posture that no one expected, was promoted to two ranks on the spot, avenged her senior brother and even surpassed Chunhuajun Ji Jiashu's winning streak.

The former eldest princess of Qin, Ying Baoyue.

In the fight for the first place, the situation reappeared out of nowhere that no one expected, and it was a woman's swordsmanship that broke the offensive of the former Qin stepson Ying Xun.

The former Qin god son, Shao Si ordered Lin Baoyue.

Ying Baoyue.

Lin Baoyue.

In the deep night, someone murmured and repeated the name, looking up at the moon in the sky, feeling a little cold in his heart.

Shao Siming is dead, and the female cultivator is dead, but just today, people feel faintly that something has changed since today.

"Second Highness starts driving!"

Accompanied by the ceremonial officer's yell, the practitioners who had been talking a lot hurriedly turned around and saluted, shouting in unison.

"Congratulations to the Second Highness!"

Jiang Yuanyuan left under the escort of Chen Zihan and surrounded by a crowd of palace people. Seeing the pair of red gold cloud shoes leaving step by step in front of his eyes, the practitioners secretly raised their heads, looking at the young man's back and the faint bloodstains under his wide sleeves finger.

His Highness the Second Southern Chu, Jiang Yuanyuan.

Among the major events that happened today, one of them was the bet that the notorious prince made with that woman.

Jiang Yuanyuan, the Prince of Southern Chu, and Ying Baoyue, the former Princess of Qin formed a blood alliance, and that woman has thus far gained the opportunity to participate in the primary ceremony.

"The Second Highness is gone, let's go too." At this moment, the figure of a woman in white floated past, accompanied by a gust of fragrant wind, and countless practitioners responded.Xu Bingqing, the Saintess of the Northern Wei Dynasty, led the people from Beihan Pavilion to get up and leave. At the end of the team, Yeluqi was lying on a stretcher.

Seeing this scene, people will inevitably think of the bloodthirsty madness of this young man and the poisonous needle that accompanied him for the first time.

Even if the opening ceremony is like this, will this uncaught black hand appear in the primary ceremony?

"What will this year's elementary ceremony be like..."

"Even women can participate, this is going to be a mess!"

"Anyway, the Northern Wei Dynasty is too strong this time, what is going on with the swordsmanship of the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty..."

At this moment, the windows of Wuyi Pavilion on the second floor opened with a creak, and everyone looked up at the figure of the boy and girl who appeared by the window.

"Hiss, they're all looking this way!" Chen Zichu shivered, and then followed everyone's gaze to Ying Baoyue who was beside Ji Jiashu.

It was the first time he saw Ji Jiashu around, and some people would look at other people.

Obviously that girl's realm is still so low, but she stood there with her usual expression, and for some reason, he really had the feeling that she was standing side by side with Ji Jiashu.

"It's that woman..."

"Is she really planning to participate in the primary ceremony?"

"If you don't get the leader, you will enter Ninggu Pagoda... Return the leader... This woman's wishful thinking has no end..."

"I thought it was just a display, but I didn't expect..."

Listening to the whispers below, Ji Jiashu's eyes narrowed slightly, not only these people didn't expect it, but he didn't either.

At the beginning, this woman said that she would participate in the primary ceremony, such a wish that he only thought she was wishful thinking when he heard it for the first time, has come true today.

And she has a new wishful thinking, so where will she go?

It was so difficult for her to survive in the elementary ceremony where there were so many masters, how on earth would she defeat so many powerful opponents?

At this time, there was a burst of exclamation from downstairs, and the figure of the thin and small boy appeared in the crowd that suddenly parted.

Meng Shi led the other troops from the Northern Wei Dynasty out of the Southern Chu Imperial Prayer Province, and Mo Hua followed closely behind him.

It was different from when he came in. At this time, when people looked at this thin stepson and his unattractive younger brother, their eyes became strange.

After today, many things have changed.

"Look at me, Yishan, when you go out of the water courtyard, I think it will attract so much attention." Chen Zichu looked back at Xu Yishan and teased.

"It can't be compared," Xu Yishan looked up and said in a muffled voice, "That man...maybe the disciple of the Son of God."

"No way?" Chen Zichu was startled when he heard the words, "You mean that Meng Shi might be the apprentice of Shao Siming?"

Ji Jiashu and Ying Baoyue, who were standing by the window, both looked over after hearing the words.

Xu Yishan nodded silently.

Chen Zichu frowned, his expression was agitated for a moment but calmed down the next moment, he shook his head and said, "I guessed that too, but it's still not possible. That person didn't always live in seclusion back then."

After all, taking an apprentice is not raising a lover, and Shao Siming didn't live in the deep mountains and old forests back then, and his every move was under the eyes of countless people.If she really had an apprentice, as the hottest genius practitioner back then, it is impossible for her to be unknown.

"But... I lived in seclusion for a year, didn't I?" Xu Yishan said.

Ying Baoyue's eyes were fixed.

Before Shao Siming died, he had indeed disappeared from everyone's sight for a year, but...

Chen Zichu spread his hands and said, "It's only a short year. Meng Shi was still in Jixia Academy. Even if he could go out a few times, how could he learn such complicated sword skills in such a short time."

He looked speechless, "Do you think someone can learn a sword technique just by looking at it? Ah..."

Chen Zichu paused in the middle of speaking, remembering something and looking at Ying Baoyue by the window.

It seems that...someone really can...

What the hell is going on with this woman?

Chen Zichu's words were stuck in his throat.

(End of this chapter)

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