Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 315 Broken Sword

Chapter 315 Broken Sword
After a brief silence, Chen Zichu was forced to change his words due to the presence of someone in the box.

"Do you think anyone can learn swordsmanship just by looking at it?"

This sentence was an answer to Xu Yishan, but he was looking at her from the corner of his eye.

Ying Baoyue smiled bitterly when she heard the words, always feeling that Chen Zichu might have misunderstood something.

"Your Highness, do you think I'm right?" Noticing her smile, Chen Zichu asked with a sigh in his heart.

Is it because this person subverts the common sense of the world that he is so difficult to deal with?As a result, this person has no self-awareness at all.

"Hmm...Although I don't know much about the situation of that person who lived in seclusion," Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled when he heard this, "but your deduction is quite reasonable."

In her only memory, she did confiscate her apprentice.And as Chen Zichu said, under normal circumstances, it is indeed impossible to teach one apprentice a year.

Not counting as an apprentice, she had never met a boy named Meng Shi in her previous life.It's something that even she can't figure out.

Not only sword moves, but also one thing that she doesn't quite understand.After wearing it back, she knew very well that her past identity and reputation were taboo in the current cultivation world, so why would there still be fire magicians to learn her sword skills back then?

Although she said it a little bit, it was obviously a rather thankless task.With Meng Shi's swordsmanship ability, he can win even without her swordsmanship, so not getting involved with her is obviously more beneficial to his future in practice.

Just like now, Ying Baoyue quietly stared at the crowd downstairs, people looked at Meng Shi with different expressions, some of them looked disgusted.

"I knew I was right!" Hearing that someone agreed with his speculation, Chen Zichu was immediately excited, but the next moment he saw the thin back of the young man downstairs, he frowned again.

"Since he's not an apprentice...why does this kid insist on using Shao Si Ming's sword technique?" Chen Zichu said, "I really didn't expect it."

"I didn't expect that either," Ji Jiashu also looked over, "and the swordsmanship of that Shao Si Ming...

"It's quite troublesome to use," Ying Baoyue commented.

If you don't remember anything, if you look at your own swordsmanship as a bystander, it is fair to say that the swordsmanship that Meng Shi showed just now is not sufficient, but it can be seen that he has tried his best. It is conceivable that the swordsmanship was originally designed. The difficulty should be quite anti-human.

She evaluated it fairly, but after she finished speaking, Ying Baoyue found that Ji Qingyuan looked up speechlessly and suddenly looked up at her.

"I didn't expect you to say that," but at this moment Ji Jiashu quietly looked at Ying Baoyue, "Then, if it were you, would you be able to learn it?"

Ying Baoyue was startled when he heard the words, and the others in the cabinet were startled when they heard the words.

"Haha, Chunhua, what are you talking about? Are you confused? Our Highness is..."

After a brief silence, Chen Zichu broke the dead silence with a haha, although he was more or less aware of this woman's unforgettable ability to watch sword moves, but anyway, Shao Si Ming's sword technique is fire sword, and this woman is now...

"Water magician," unexpectedly, Ji Jiashu didn't answer, but Xu Yishan suddenly jumped on top.

He looked at Ying Baoyue and said word by word, "She is a water mage."

"everybody knows."

Of course Ji Jiashu also knew it, but he still asked this question, but no matter whether the swordsmanship of the Four Swords School can be used interchangeably, even if there are a few talented practitioners who can use his swordsmanship a few moves, it is definitely not enough. Included between water and fire.

Because the water method and the fire method are completely incompatible, even if you learn the moves, neither of them can exert their complete effects.

However, knowing that Ji Jiashu still asked, Chen Zichu felt a little cold in his heart. What did this man discover?
Facing the teenagers with different ideas in Wuyi Pavilion, Ying Baoyue just smiled and looked at Ji Jiashu.

"I don't know it yet," she said seriously, "Water mages should not be able to use fire mage swords, but as for whether they will in the future, first..."

Ying Baoyue looked seriously, and looked at her palm, "First, I want to get something back."

What did you get back?Everyone in the Wuyi Pavilion was taken aback, but at this moment, the pavilions were suddenly knocked, and Ying Baoyue's eyes lit up.

"Is it Guichen?"

"Well, Mingyue, I brought back your things." Gui Chen's voice came from outside the door, and Ji Qingyuan stood up and opened the pavilion door.

As soon as Guichen entered the door with his things in his arms, he found that everyone in the room looked at him with strange expressions.After noticing the half-length but not short cloth bag he was holding, Chen Zichu and the others opened their eyes wide.

"Thank you," Ying Baoyue, the only one in the pavilion with a normal expression, stepped forward and took the cloth bag from him.

"Your Highness, this is..."

Ji Jiashu looked at the long object in her hand, but the length was obviously wrong, and was slightly taken aback.

"This?" Ying Baoyue smiled and opened the cloth bag, and Ji Jiashu's pupils shrank.

This is something that everyone has seen, but didn't expect it to appear again, and it appears here.

"This isn't..." Chen Zichu stared at the long sword broken in two in Ying Baoyue's arms, and his eyes widened.

The slender fingers of the girl in front of her touched the rusty seal characters slightly, and Ying Baoyue read softly.


It was the Sunset Sword that was broken in the ring before.

Because of the toxin, she asked Gui Li to help clean it before, but now the broken sword returned to her side.


Ji Jiashu looked at the Broken Sword in the girl's arms, speechless.

The setting sun sword was broken before, but everyone didn't pay much attention to it. After all, it was a rusty sword, and it should be thrown away if it was broken in two. But he didn't expect that the girl in front of him picked up the broken sword. He cleaned it up and held it in his arms.

Combined with Ying Baoyue's previous words, Ji Jiashu's eyes narrowed, "Do you want to..."

Does she still want to use this sword in the subsequent elementary ceremony?
"I broke it, so naturally I have to connect it." Ying Baoyue looked at him and said.

But who would want to pick up a broken sword?

"Can this be connected?" Chen Zichu intervened, "Why don't you just change it!"

"It can be connected." But looking at the girl in front of him, Ji Jiashu just shook his head and smiled brightly.

"Even a broken sword can be connected."

Ying Baoyue looked out of the window where the bustling has all but changed tomorrow, and walked out of the Wuyi Pavilion with the broken sword in his arms. When he crossed the threshold, he looked back at the pavilion and smiled, "Let's go back."

Today's battle is over, but a new one is about to begin.

Even a broken sword can be reconnected.

Just like a king.

Will always come back.



Even sitting in the rumbling carriage, Ji Jiashu still saw the smile of the girl when she crossed the threshold for some reason.

At that moment, he seemed to feel an extremely powerful aura, but the next moment he came back to his senses, the girl sitting in front of him was still the seventh-rank girl.

Rank seven.

Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue opposite.

When he and she came in different carriages this morning, she was still waiting for stage nine.

But when she went all the way back, she was already at the seventh rank.

Who would have thought.

"What's wrong?" Noticing his gaze, Ying Baoyue looked over, and Ji Qingyuan and Ji Ange in the car also looked over.

This car is no longer the car that came in the morning. It is spacious enough to accommodate four people.

According to the custom, although Ji Jiashu and Ying Baoyue could not be in the same car when they came in the morning, they must be in the same car when they go back.

The nun of etiquette is already waiting in the mansion, and she still doesn't know how she will be manipulated when she returns home. Ji Jiashu's scalp tingles when she thinks about it.

"It's nothing," Ji Jiashu said, looking back at Ying Baoyue.

Ying Baoyue nodded, and didn't ask any more questions. Ji Jiashu exhaled slightly, and had to say that getting along with this girl was very comfortable. However, the next moment he saw Ying Baoyue in the carriage looking out the window, and suddenly spoke.


"What's wrong?" Ji Jiashu was startled now.

"Something happened," Ying Baoyue leaned forward and opened the curtain of the car after speaking, "I'll go out for a while, sorry if you can't wait, please go first, I will catch up right away."

With that, she jumped out of the carriage.

"Dian..." Ji Jiashu was stunned, the carriage had just left the palace, and when he leaned out, he saw Ying Baoyue walking towards a corner along the periphery of the palace wall.

What is this for?
(End of this chapter)

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