Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 333

Chapter 333
Hearing the question from the girl in front of her, Meng Ge was startled. The next moment she looked at the woman with the scar on her cheek, closed her eyes and spoke.

"I can't, I don't want to, and I dare not."

Meng Ge said calmly, "I still have to take medicine every day, so I can't practice swordsmanship, let alone Your Highness, the folk girl doesn't want to go to Ninggu Pagoda."

"That's it." The girl in front of her nodded.

Hearing the calmness in her tone, Meng Ge quietly frowned under the hood.

"Minnv's parents passed away early, and there was only her elder brother left in the family. It was not easy for her elder brother to bring up Minnv, and Minnv didn't want to cause trouble for her elder brother."

To be honest, Meng Ge felt that the woman in front of him felt a little pain in her back when she was standing and talking.

Not everyone has her family background and luck.

The home of her and her elder brother is located near the Great Wall of Yongye in the Northern Wei Dynasty. The Xirong cavalry invaded and almost destroyed the village. Because the rescue officers and soldiers came too late, she and her elder brother's parents and relatives were all dead, leaving only her and her family. Brothers depend on each other for life.

And when she was born, she was trapped in the mother's womb for too long, and she was born weak, and no amount of treatment could cure her.

If it wasn't for her elder brother's desperate struggle, they wouldn't even have money for meals, let alone the money for her daily medicine.

These aristocratic families and royal families absolutely cannot understand this.

And how could she implicate her brother for the sake of showing off?
For her, being able to live a good life and finding a good home in the future is her greatest wish, and she really doesn't want to get involved with anything else.

This woman resisted and broke the rules so much, but it would bring more vigilance to the female cultivators.During the years she grew up, the ideas she had accepted had long since had nothing to do with cultivation.What's more, in the past few years, even if practitioners wanted to resist occasionally, most of them were just on a whim, and no one could persist until the end.

Wanting to imitate the two witches who caused all this, soliciting public favor and causing so much trouble that everyone betrays their relatives before they learn to be good.

Female nuns cannot practice.

To this day, everyone around her has said this to her, except...

However, thinking of the man who had suffered a lot for her, Meng Ge bit his lips tightly, watching the woman in front of him not say what he was thinking.

But what she just said also showed her attitude. I don't know if she made this wishful thinking princess angry.

However, Meng Ge didn't expect that the woman in front of him just looked at her and smiled, and said softly, "You respect your brother very much."

"I..." Meng Ge was taken aback for a moment. What she said just now clearly disapproved of this woman. Why did this girl only care about these things?
"Everyone has his own ambition," Ying Baoyue stared at the girl in front of her. Although she was weak, she seemed to be well protected.

I'm afraid it's because someone took her place and endured part of the pain.

"Miss Meng, your body is indeed not suitable for blowing wind." Ying Baoyue looked at her and smiled, "Take care, I still have to forge a sword, let's go first."

"Congratulations...congratulations to Your Royal Highness," Meng Ge was startled, and saluted.

Ying Baoyue returned the gift, and then left with Gui Chen.

"Miss, let's go back quickly." The little maid beside her urged.

But looking at the girl's back, Meng Ge didn't move for a long time.

For some reason, she suddenly remembered the back figure that was very similar to her but much thinner.

"Well, let's go back," Meng Ge looked at the little girl beside her, and she raised her head to look at the sky, "Go back and stop by the pharmacy, the primary ceremony is coming, we..."

She paused for a moment and said, "Bring back the big... big brother's medicine as well."



There are people from all walks of life, and there are changes in all directions.

No matter how many people are looking forward to it and how many people are not, just three days after the end of the Jixia Banquet and the opening ceremony of the Primary Ceremony, that moment finally arrived.

The primary ceremony officially begins.

The current primary ceremony held in Southern Chu is basically the same as the rules and procedures that Ying Baoyue learned in his previous life. Although the Qin Empire collapsed, all the examination methods of the primary ceremony have proved their practicality with actual results.Practitioners who can get good rankings in the primary ceremony all become strong in the end, and few of them are out of the crowd.This also maintained the prestige of the primary ceremony.

After the shattering of the Qin Empire, all countries are desperately strengthening their strength. Although a series of rules formulated by high-level officials and chief ministers of various countries have hatred, each country has no hatred for powerful practitioners. For the survival of the national destiny of each country, no matter how old The rules can be tolerated.

When looking at the exam items on the bamboo slips, Ying Baoyue never thought that one day she would try them all.

The order and content of the examination formulated by Da Si Ming simplifies some of the test content of the previous dynasty. It is easy to understand and divided, and it is still in use today.

The primary ceremony is divided into crowd battles and individual battles. Each battle has three rounds. The first round of the primary ceremony is a representative of simple and easy-to-understand rules.

There is only one thing to do first.

That is uphill.

"There are too many people, right?" Gui Chen, who was sitting in the carriage, poked his head out and sighed, looking at the dark crowd standing under a barren mountain.

"Only this first day can sigh like this," and at this moment another boy's voice sounded in the carriage.

Upon hearing this, Gui Chen glared at Chen Zichu who was clearly Nan Chu's stepson but followed him, "What do you mean?"

"This first round is used to screen the number of people." Chen Zichu looked out the window and said calmly, "In Jiashu's class back then, less than half of the people who entered the mountain eventually walked out of this mountain."

less than half...

Gui Chen was shocked when he heard the words.

"Back then..." Ying Baoyue looked at Chen Zichu, "It should be the last one, right?"

Chen Zichu nodded.

Only half of the people walked out, even though the mountain was full of dangers, this rate was too astonishing.Ying Baoyue frowned upon hearing this.

"There was a very serious personal fight in the last session," Chen Zichu said. "If it wasn't for Jiashu's presence to shock some people, the scene would have gotten even more out of control."

In other words, the fact that people like Ji Jiashu were still in such a mess also showed that the situation at that time was terrible.

No wonder Ji Jiashu reacted like that when she said she was going.

This year... what will it be like?
"Here we are." At this moment, the carriage stopped, and the three of them had arrived at the place where the first round of the crowd battle was held.

Tianmu Mountain is the highest mountain in Southern Chu except Zihua Mountain.

The first level of the Southern Chu Primary Ceremony is held here.

Unlike Zihua Mountain, where Jixia Academy is located, Tianmu Mountain is a barren mountain. There is no temple or family on the mountain, because this mountain is not suitable for anyone to live in.

After getting off the carriage, Ying Baoyue stood at the foot of the mountain, quietly gazing at the mountain peak surrounded by miasma in the distance.

This is the eyes of the heavens, and it is also a sinister place full of countless traps and beasts.

And on this mountain, everything kicked off.

Because the former Qin entered the mountain second in order, Ying Baoyue and his party arrived earlier, and a shed had already been set up at the foot of the mountain. According to the rules, Ying Baoyue and others had to go to the shed belonging to their own country to accept the approval of the Southern Chu officials. Check, verify identity, and register.

And this is also the way for the team arranged by Ying Xun to gather people.

"Then I'm going to Nanchu, I hope we won't meet each other in the mountains," a certain Nanchu stepson got off the carriage and took a look at Qianqin's shed before waving goodbye to Ying Baoyue and Guichen.

Ying Baoyue knew very well the meaning of Chen Zichu's wish that they should not meet each other in the mountains.

If seen there, they are likely to become enemies.

Ying Baoyue and Gui Chen walked side by side to Qianqin's shed, and the other practitioners watching along the way looked at them strangely.

"Guichen, you didn't dismiss, you really came." Just as they were about to enter the shed, a cold male voice suddenly came from beside the two of them, and when they turned around, they found Huo Zhan standing there.

Huo Zhan looked at Gui Chen and was about to sneer at him, but the next moment he discovered something, he was stunned.

" could you..."

Huo Zhan stared at Gui Chen in amazement. The reason why he was surprised was because of the young man in front of him, who was a tenth rank weed the day before yesterday.

Yet now.

Huo Zhan looked at Guichen's pupils flickering, "How did you become..."

Level nine?

"This is impossible!" Huo Zhan asked loudly, "What did you do? Did you take evil medicine? Why don't you tell the truth!"

He stared at the boy in front of him in astonishment.

Looking at the young man who was ridiculed the day before, he is already a cultivator of the ninth rank today.

 The primary ceremony is finally about to begin, rush forward
(End of this chapter)

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