Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 334 Start

Chapter 334 Start

Huo Zhan's angry questioning attracted many practitioners to watch, and Guichen frowned at the suspicious eyes of other people around him.

"Mr. Huo, I don't know what prejudice you have against me, but it is common for practitioners to advance, and my promotion is only a low level. How can you make Mr. Huo make such a fuss?"

Gui Chen said coldly, "Could it be that in Mr. Huo's eyes, you are the only one who can be promoted?"

Huo Zhan's pupils shrank when he heard this, but his originally angry eyes suddenly turned cold as if thinking of something.After he went back yesterday, he had already inquired. The former Qin Guijia had already separated from Guichen, and the chief wife of Nanchu Da Sima had also changed.

"You can pretend as much as you want," Huo Zhan said looking at Gui Chen, "I'm afraid you don't know that you are so low-level, but your details are clear to high-level practitioners at a glance!"

"What's the bottom line?" Gui Chen and Ying Baoyue who was beside him looked at each other.In front of him, Huo Zhan showed a smug face, and sneered.

"The aura on your body is so fresh, you can tell at a glance that it was only a month since you became the tenth rank!"

As soon as Huo Zhan said this, the practitioners around were startled and whispered.

"What's going on? Less than a month?"

"Then isn't this person a natural practitioner?"

"Impossible, is it delayed until this age to awaken?"

Gui Chen's gaze was fixed, but Huo Zhan was even more motivated, "Everyone knows that it takes at least a year to advance from rank ten to rank nine!"

Different from other ranks, rank nine needs to tame the beasts, even if there are beasts raised from childhood, it takes time to adapt to it, not to mention that Huo Zhan knows better than anyone that Guichen has no beasts raised from childhood!
"Promoted in two days? It's impossible!"

The noble young master in front of him proudly declared, "What kind of sorcery did you use? Quickly spit it out. My team doesn't need you to pretend to be a ghost!"

After speaking, Huo Zhan looked down at the young man in front of him, waiting for Gui Chen to confess or make excuses.

However, he didn't expect that the young man in front of him would suddenly show a strange expression upon hearing his sharp revelation.

"Everyone knows? It's been at least one year to be promoted to rank nine?" Gui Chen gave him a strange look, and then, for some reason, looked at the woman beside him who was smiling and watching all this, which Huo Zhanti didn't even want to mention.

Ying Baoyue noticed Gui Chen's gaze and glanced at him, "Don't look at me, I don't know this kind of common sense."

Gui Chen was shocked, and then suddenly felt Huo Zhan's mood.

When he advanced yesterday, although he was very excited, he didn't think about the time to advance, because there was an even more heaven-defying existence beside him.

If Huo Zhan knew the real promotion speed of this woman, his jaw would probably drop.

At this moment, Gui Chen suddenly realized the difference between his thoughts and those around him, because he had been by her side all the time, and his standards of cultivation had changed at some point...

In other words, he has become numb to the speed of advancement.

"Have you thought of an excuse yet?" At this moment Huo Zhan's proud voice came again, but he didn't hear Gui Chen's flustered explanation.

"Everyone knows..." Gui Chen glanced at Huo Zhan with a complicated expression, then tilted his head and said, "Then Mr. Huo, I can only say that you may not be human."

Huo Zhan was stunned when he heard the words, and the whispers around him also stopped, and everyone looked at Gui Chen who spoke surprisingly.

In the silence, a woman's laughter suddenly sounded.

"Mingyue..." Gui Chen looked helplessly at Ying Baoyue who was smiling beside him, and the corners of his mouth also slightly raised the next moment.

Being able to make her happy, it's not bad for Huo Zhan to do this.

"Your Highness!" Huo Zhan glared at Ying Baoyue angrily.

"Sorry," Ying Baoyue smiled and waved his hands, "You can continue to argue, but Mr. Huo, don't just convict people."

She stopped laughing, and quietly stared at the boy in front of her, "There are so many things in this world that you don't know."

"It's not something you don't know, it's wrong."

The woman's voice was light and quiet, but the air seemed to have invisible pressure.

what is this?
Obviously she is only ranked seventh... By the way, thinking of this woman's ranked seventh, Huo Zhan suddenly remembered that this woman's advancement speed is even more abnormal than Gui Chen's, and this woman has repeatedly defended Gui Chen, Gui Chen's advancement speed is so abnormal , Could it be that she has something to do with this woman! ?
Noticing the look in Huo Zhan's eyes, Gui Chen took a step forward towards Ying Baoyue, looked at him and said, "Mr. Huo, no matter what you want to question, but let me just say this once, I advanced through the normal way. Please don’t spout blood on the evidence.”

He looked at Huo Zhan coldly, "After all, you are still the leader of the first team."

"Ah Zhan, what's the matter with you? It's time to sign the book of life and death!" At this moment, Ying Xun's voice sounded behind Huo Zhan. Huo Zhan put away the anger on his face and took a deep breath.

"If it's fake, it won't be true. There will always be a day when it will be revealed. We'll wait and see. Using magic indiscriminately in actual combat will cost you your life." He looked coldly at Guichen and Ying Baoyue in front of him.

"Since you are determined to participate in the primary ceremony, then come and sign the life and death certificate!"

Gui Chen shivered all over, and a chill rose from the bottom of his heart.

And at this moment, a cool hand held his hand.

"Let's go," Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled.

Gui Chen settled down and nodded.

He was very scared, but with her here, he would not be so scared, and he couldn't be afraid.

He believed her.

Just like yesterday, she said that he would not be at the tenth level forever. Even though he was tortured to the point of suffocation by the new training, he never thought that he would actually be able to advance to the next level.

It was just to prevent Huo Zhan from thinking of Ying Baoyue. He did advance through normal channels.

But it was she who brought the miracle to him.



"It was really scary yesterday, that something like that would happen."

At the same moment, in the Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion, Ji Si and Wang Zhong were discussing with lingering fear while cleaning the yard.

"That's right, a horse in the stable suddenly became psychic..."

"It seems to be the horse that Her Royal Highness the Princess rode when she came to the former Qin Dynasty. I often saw her asking her guard to feed the horse..."

"By the way, there was a strong wind in the Qing'an Academy yesterday. It was similar to the wind when the young master was promoted to a lower rank!"

"It happened at the same time, what a coincidence..."

This is no coincidence.

Ji Jiashu sat at the table in the main room, looking at the willow branches in the courtyard that were slightly swaying by the wind.

He learned from Chen Zichu that the bay red horse in the stable yesterday was the one that the woman brought out when she rushed out from the chase.

Although it is said that the woman even rode a leopard, but that horse is a horse she brought all the way from the former Qin Dynasty, there is no mistake in that.

Although that horse did not know when it became human, it was not wrong to become a ladder to help the guard next to her advance.

Once again she did something he had never seen before.

After that, how many surprises will she bring to the world?
"Speaking of which, this elementary ceremony started like this..." Ji Si looked at Wang Zhong and sighed, "It seems like it happened yesterday when you participated in it, and you became an examiner in the blink of an eye."

"It's time to start signing the book of life and death."

One session after another, Feng Shui turns, and everything finally comes.

Ji Jiashu looked at the chattering bookboys in the courtyard, as if he saw the bustling crowd in front of Tianmu Mountain.

"It's started."

He spoke softly, then stood up.

Wang Zhong and Ji Si, who were sweeping the floor in the courtyard, were stunned, and suddenly stood up straight, looking at the young man in the main room, there was a trace of imperceptible tension under their calm faces. .

"Young master, are you going?"


It's all started.

He's going to do his duty.

Ji Jiashu turned his head and quietly looked at the one on the table.

An iron mask.

 Here he is.

  All kinds of divine exhibitions are ready to go online.

(End of this chapter)

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