Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 336 Ghost Vine

Chapter 336 Ghost Vine
"what happened?"

"What's wrong?!"

The miasma obscured everyone's sight, and even practitioners couldn't see clearly what was happening in front of them.But that scream was piercing and piercing, echoing in the silent mountain, but it didn't startle a bird, making it even more terrifying.

Practitioners are born in battles and fights. They have better psychological qualities than ordinary people. They have seen all kinds of rare and strange things in the world because of their contact with the heavens. speak out.However, the scream coming from the front at this time was terribly shrill like never heard before, as if someone had seen the most terrifying thing in the world and suffered the most terrifying treatment.

But everyone knows that there are only practitioners in this mountain now.

Hearing that scream alone, the hearts of everyone in the former Qin team accelerated instantly, and cold sweat oozed from their foreheads.

"That's... the team from the Northern Wei Dynasty?"

"What happened?
"Is it a ghost?"

Qianqin was the second country to enter the mountains. Although Ying Baoyue thought it was like survival in the wilderness after hearing the first pass of the elementary ceremony for the first time, she realized that it was orienteering after carefully understanding the rules.

Tianmu Mountain is a long and narrow mountain range extending from north to south, with a length of nearly 100 li in front and back. The students of the elementary ceremony start from the foot of the southernmost mountain and need to go to the northernmost lonely cliff.

Only those who can reach the lonely mountain cliff within three days and survive the most can win.

Although the mountain range is narrow and long, it is still wide for human beings. After entering Tianmu Mountain, although the teams will spread out due to the terrain, they will not just file forward one by one. Scattering still maintains the order and shape when they first entered the mountain.The front of the former Qin team was the team led by Ying Xun himself, and Ying Baoyue could still vaguely see Ying Xun's clothes in the hazy miasma.

This proves that the former Qin's team has not been impacted, so it can only be the Northern Wei's team that had an accident.

However, this judgment did not reassure the people in the former Qin team. After all, it was able to frighten the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty who were known to be fierce. It is unknown what kind of terrifying existence lies ahead.

But at this moment, the second scream came, followed by the rough roar of the Northern Wei people.

"Who! What?"

"Sneak attack? Where did it come from!"

"Grab his hand and take him back!"

"No, his hand is going to break. Ah!"

The miserable screams came again, and everyone in the former Qin team shivered.

"Step-son, we... shall we go on?"

Fear spread rapidly in the dark and humid forest, Gui Chen grabbed Ying Baoyue's hand suddenly, Huo Zhan didn't have time to sneer, and just looked at Ying Xun who was at the front with a pale face.

The screams of the people in the Northern Wei Dynasty continued, but there was only one way to get here, and now they had to decide whether to move forward or retreat.

If they backed off, the advantage they had gained in the previous battle would disappear, and many teenagers blushed thinking about it and wanted to take the risk.

But hearing the screams ahead and the rustling of leaves, Ying Baoyue narrowed her eyes, took a deep breath, and shouted loudly.

"Cousin, we can't go forward here, let's stop first, and send a few people to the front to check the situation before we make a long-term plan!"

However, just as her words fell, Ying Xun, who was at the front, turned his back to her, as if he didn't hear her. Ying Baoyue saw that the hands under his sleeves seemed to be clenched tightly, and then waved violently.

"Keep going!"

Ying Baoyue was startled when she heard this.

At this time, there were also whispers around.

"It's a woman after all, she's so timid..."

"Sure enough, I'm here to slow you down. If you're afraid, you can just stay here by yourself..."

"But the front... Forget it, how can I retreat at the beginning, where will the face of Qianqin be saved..."

"Sure enough, the stepson will choose to move forward. That's right, why don't you participate in the elementary ceremony if you retreat when you come up!"

Huo Zhan's face was pale, but seeing Ying Xun at the front clenched his teeth and his eyes turned red, he waved his hand to let the team follow up, and turned to look at Ying Baoyue.

"Why, if Your Royal Highness is afraid, you can stay here with your guards. Although I am the captain, I have no obligation to take care of practitioners who shrink back when nothing happens!"

Gui Chen's eyes widened when he heard this, the veins on his forehead twitched, and he was about to say something, but Ying Baoyue held him back.

She closed her eyes, looked at Gui Chen, "Let's go."

What she was afraid of was not the one in front of her, but no one knew.

People's lives are chosen by themselves. If she is the only one, she will choose to move forward, so let's move forward now.

Ying Xun stood at the forefront, his eyes were a little red, of course he knew what was the safest thing to do, but this first level was not a challenge to retreat, countless people pushed him to this position, it was the first time he led so many people team, then he can only advance but not retreat.

The dense forest ahead is like a magic cave, but he still has to go in, he won't be a coward.

"go ahead!"

Ying Xun led the team and continued to set off. However, contrary to the desire of many people in the team to hope that the Northern Wei people would get rid of the unknown trap in front, there were still screams coming from the front. As they entered step by step, everyone in the Northern Wei team Already faintly visible.

There were so many people, the entire team had fallen into chaos.

"What are the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty doing? Did they encounter a beast?"

Unlike most people's previous guesses about encountering a beast, there were no footprints of a beast on the ground. The former Qin practitioners breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time felt contemptuous.

Looking at the chaotic Northern Wei team ahead, Huo Zhan sneered and said, "I thought the Northern Wei people were so bold that they didn't scare anything at all..."

However, his voice and the laughter of other practitioners froze in his throat the next moment.

Because at this moment, everyone suddenly saw an extremely terrifying scene.

In the forest in front of where there was no beast, in the chaotic team of the Northern Wei Dynasty, a practitioner was suddenly hoisted high!

Everything happened so fast that no one saw what it was, but a black shadow dragged him by the neck and pulled him up from the ground. The Northern Wei cultivator was instantly hoisted into the air and his neck was strangled. He stopped, his limbs twitched up and down without any resistance, and his mouth was loud.

This scene was so weird that the former Qin practitioners froze in place.


The practitioners around him screamed again and fell to the ground with weak legs.

"Don't catch me!"

"Go away!"

Someone drew his sword and swung it around, almost hurting others, but the black shadow was elusive.

The next moment, with a bang, another Northern Wei practitioner was hoisted into the air!


At this moment, one of the ex-Qin practitioners screamed, thinking only of the canopy above the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty, everyone looked up, and felt cold all over the next moment.

In the forest above the Northern Wei team, there were many figures densely packed, and they had already lost their breath.

Obviously it was the practitioner who was hung up by the ghost!
What the hell is it that can make practitioners who are not low in rank be caught off guard and killed in an instant?

Thunder and lightning flashed, and many people in the Northern Wei Dynasty released the Thunder Sword, but they still couldn't stop the black shadow from harvesting people's lives.

"What the hell is this?!"

The practitioners from the former Qin and Northern Wei yelled in amazement, but at this moment, that long and narrow black shadow appeared again, and it was drawn towards one of the Northern Wei team like lightning!
"step son!"

Someone yelled, but the speed of the black shadow was too fast, and the Lei Fa sword didn't have any effect, but at the moment when the black shadow was about to catch that person, a chirping sound suddenly sounded in the air.

The black shadow was suddenly cut off in the air, and fell to the ground and bounced a few times.

Everyone looked up in astonishment, only to see a young girl standing on the mountainside with her sword pressed.

"This thing is useless with the Thunder Sword," Ying Baoyue said while looking at the severed black shadow on the ground.

Only then did people realize that the black shadow who had killed countless people just now was actually a black vine with the thickness of an arm!
The moment it was cut off, the vine instantly corroded and seeped into the ground, and disappeared like a ghost.

"This can't be cut with ordinary swordsmanship."

Ying Baoyue raised her head and looked quietly at the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty in the crowd.

"This is a ghost vine."

 The first bullet of Survival in the wilderness.

  If you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer hardship before your eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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