Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 337 Cooperation

Chapter 337 Cooperation
Just when Ying Baoyue said these words, the entire dense forest fell silent.

next moment.The rubbing sound of countless branches, leaves and stones came one after another, like countless poisonous snakes spying in invisible places.

"What... what did this woman say..."

"This should be a trap arranged by someone..."

"I've never heard of such a thing..."

Someone in the Northern Wei team laughed dryly, and Huo Zhan, who was rushed to the front by that woman at some point, also looked a little ugly.

In any case, this strange incident did not harm the people of the former Qin Dynasty, but this woman rushed forward and attracted everyone's attention, making the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty realize that the people of the former Qin Dynasty were coming.

Seeing the hostile eyes of the Northern Wei people, Ying Xun frowned. Sure enough, this woman is a problem. Did she think the Northern Wei people would appreciate her?

Who would believe the endless assertions of a woman without any prestige and reputation from a hostile country at such a critical moment?

Even if she cut off the black vine just now, who knows what happened?

Ying Xun took a deep breath and stretched out his hand in annoyance, just about to call back the woman in front, but at this moment, the whistling wind when the black shadow was pulled down rang again in people's ears.

The practitioners of the Northern Wei Dynasty turned pale again, and fled in all directions. Even when they were fleeing, they could see that they were divided into two factions.

One group looks at the stepson, the other does not.

But no matter how he ran, the huge vines hanging from the dense forest above followed him like a shadow.

Even after discovering Qianqin's team, the black shadow actually began to approach the front of Qianqin's team.

Looking at the oncoming black shadow, Ying Xun's pupils shrank. The thing came so fast that it almost reached the tip of his nose in an instant, so fast that he couldn't react in time...

"Back!" There was a stern shout in his ear, Ying Xun took a step back abruptly, and the black shadow flew into the air.

His heart fell to the limit, but the next moment, the black shadow trembled like a living thing and rushed towards him again.

Ying Xun's hand holding the sword trembled for a moment, but the next moment he heard the soft shout again.

"Fire Law's third sword!"

The third sword of the fire method... Ying Xun's pupils shrank, and before he could react, the sword move had already come out of his hand.

His body seemed to obey her immediately when he heard her voice without preparing for anything.

The next moment, tongues of fire rose from the Chu sword in Ying Xun's hand.

In the flame that was half-rushed like a spirit snake, the black vine that was attacking him seemed to be afraid, and shrank back for the first time.

Ying Xun's eyes widened, and then his heart skipped a beat.

This thing is afraid of fire!

That being the case... Ying Xun continued to draw his sword and prepare to use other sword moves. At this time, other practitioners who saw this scene also reacted.There may not be many in the Northern Wei Dynasty, but the former Qin lacked everything, but there was no shortage of fire magicians. Seeing this scene, many people in the former Qin team had drawn their swords, and some people had flames rising from the blades.

However, at this moment, another hoarse scream sounded in the air.

"Don't use the fire sword!"

Accompanied by this scolding, an unprecedented coercion permeated the air. This is the coercion of the high-ranking fire mages on other fire mages. Ying Baoyue looked at Meng Shi, who was shocked by the crowd in front of him, and also looked at Ying Xun.

"He's right," she said, looking at Ying Xun, "You can't use the Fire Sword in such a large area, let the former Qin practitioners stop, this is a forest!"

Ying Xun was startled when he heard the words, and the next moment he realized something, a burst of cold sweat broke out behind his back.

"Stop! Do you want to set the forest on fire?"

"It caused a wildfire and everyone died!"

In Ying Xun's chanting, the fire magicians who had been in a panic reacted and broke out in a cold sweat.

Although the forest in Southern Chu is humid, it is still a forest after all. For such a forest, the fire method is not a method that can be used anywhere.

High-level fire mages can control the range, but low-level practitioners are often difficult to control. If a large number of people use it at the same time, it is easy to cause wildfires.

Once a wildfire occurs, everything will be out of control.

But until just now, only the boy was directly aware of this matter.

Ying Baoyue quietly looked at the skinny young man among countless flustered Northern Wei people.

Is this the reason why he has not made a move until now?
In times of crisis, people struggle to protect themselves, and it is instinctive to wish to use everything they have learned.Looking at the fire magicians on the former Qin side just now, they couldn't help but want to make a move before they were completely threatened by the ghost vines.

And this young man, as the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty, has already lost so many people in the team, and it is not easy for him to be able to hide and remain rational when surrounded by panic and suspicious eyes.

is someone who can communicate.

However, without using the fire sword, the problem cannot be solved.


"Step-son! Don't worry about it, let's burn these damn things first!"

"Why is our stepson in the Northern Wei Dynasty so cautious! A coward?"

The practitioners of the Northern Wei Dynasty gradually became irritable and angry. Mo Hua, who was beside Meng Shi, clenched the hilt of his sword tightly and leaned against him.

However, at this moment, amidst everyone's doubts, Meng Shi looked at Ying Baoyue.

The next moment he spoke hoarsely, and asked the question that no one believed her or asked her just now.

"Your Royal Highness, I'm taking the liberty to ask, what is a ghost vine?"

Ying Baoyue glanced at him, "It's a kind of vine."

There was a vein on Meng Shi's forehead, but the next moment he heard the girl in front of him speak very quickly, "This rattan plate is attached to the canopy of the dense forest, and it feeds on the flesh and blood of humans and animals. It can be hacked constantly, and it can't be attacked by lightning. There is only one weakness." .”

Meng Shi's eyes widened, only to hear the girl in front of him whisper softly, "No matter how ghostly it is, it's also a kind of vine."

Since it is wood, there is naturally a wood solution.

"Afraid of fire."

Sure enough, being afraid of fire is a weakness, but Meng Shi didn't expect fire to be his only weakness.

But how to defeat in this way, he can't be here after all...

"Young Master Meng, use the Fire Sword."

At this time, a girl's voice sounded in his ear.

"Burn these!"

Meng Shi was startled, looked up at the girl not far away, and said subconsciously, "But..."

If he uses the Fire Sword, his surroundings will be engulfed in a sea of ​​flames.

How does this make him feel at ease.

However, as if she knew what he was thinking, the woman said again, "Just use it, and let me control the fire."


People from the two countries present were stunned when they heard the words, and all kinds of voices of doubt suddenly sounded around them.Meng Shi frowned and looked at Ying Baoyue, only to see the girl quietly holding the hilt of the sword, and the middle finger on her hand could still faintly see traces of blue.

The trace of drawing the sword once worn.

"Do you remember my other identity?" Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled, "Don't worry, leave it to me."

Meng Shi took a deep breath, then quietly drew his sword out of its sheath.

"The eighth sword of the fire method, the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​fire."

The raging flames shot up into the sky.

And just when he said these words, Gui Chen looked at the girl beside him, Ying Baoyue quietly raised the sword, and at the same time spoke softly.

"The first sword of water magic."

"Falling flowers and flowing water."

(End of this chapter)

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