Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 36 The Truth

Chapter 36 The Truth
Among the noisy voices and ridicules, Gui Chen could only hear one voice for some reason.

It was the sound of her breathing.

Amidst the yelling and cursing of the other villain like dirty water raining down, the girl just breathed quietly.

Gui Chen heard her take a deep breath.

The next moment, there was the sound of creaking muscles twisting.

He could hear it, but the others couldn't. All he heard was the woman's sudden howl.

"Ah, it hurts! Let go!"

This sister-in-law's voice is really outstanding, and it's not uncommon for people who are close to her to gasp and be intimidated by this voice.

The children watching the excitement by the well opened their eyes wide and burst into tears.

The other women in the crowd raised their brows when they heard this, "Sister-in-law Wang, what are you screaming for! Scared me to death!"

However, the woman's face was distorted, the fat all over her body trembled, her round eyes stared at the girl in front of her, "Let go!"

The woman flew up and wanted to kick the girl in front of her. Gui Chen was shocked and wanted to rush up, but the next moment her footsteps slowed down.

Her breathing was undisturbed.

Just quietly, quietly, Ying Baoyue slowly tightened her five fingers.


Sister-in-law Wang's screams of pain broke her throat again, she trembled all over, not to mention kicking people, and stared at her hands shrunk into a ball!
" dare!"

She wondered if she had an illusion in a trance, but at that moment, the little girl's fingers actually gave her the illusion that her arm would really be crushed.

"Let go! Let go! If you dare to hurt someone, I will report to the police!"

The faces of other villagers also became tense, and Guili yanked Guichen's clothes from behind, "What's going on? Didn't you stop her?"

But unexpectedly, his elder brother just stared blankly at the figure of the young girl in the crowd, then quietly looked back at her, "It's useless."

"It's useless? What's useless?" Gui Li was stunned.

Gui Chen looked at the unwilling woman, "This kind of threat is useless to her."

It's not that easy to threaten her.

"I said, it's you who let go," Ying Baoyue looked at the struggling woman among the panic-stricken crowd and just said, "Otherwise, I'll break this hand."

"You dare to break my hand...I...I'll report to the police..." The woman's forehead was beaded with sweat, even the most vicious man in the village should weigh it now, but the girl in front of her Just smiled at her.

"It's okay, no matter what it is, I can pick it up for you before the officers and soldiers come."

The woman's eyes widened in astonishment.

"It's okay," Ying Baoyue smiled and comforted her, "Sister-in-law, your body is so strong, you can neither die nor leave any sequelae."

The girl stared into the woman's eyes and said softly, "I promise."

After speaking, she continued to tighten her five fingers.

But the shrew who has been rampant in the countryside for decades has great fear in her eyes.

The fear I felt for the first time in my life.


Accompanied by death-like pain, the woman suddenly let go of the hand holding the little girl's hair, and threw her away!
And the moment she threw the little girl away, Gui Chen's eyes blurred, and Ying Baoyue, who was standing in front of the woman, had already left accurately, as if he had predicted and hugged the little girl who almost hit the mouth of the well.

"My hand was cut off!"

"My God!"

The woman rolled on the ground with her arms folded, and the panicked villagers stepped forward to check.

Ying Baoyue on the side didn't look at her at all, just stood up holding the little girl.

"Are you ok?"

The girl who had been biting her lip and closing her eyes tightly was shaken twice before finally opening her eyes in fear.

Slowly, he opened his eyes wide.

Many years later, Xu Wenning could never forget the miracle that happened on that moonlit night.I can't forget that she who was originally in hell fell into an incomparably warm embrace. The moment she opened her eyes, she saw the appearance of that woman.However, at that time, she was completely overwhelmed by the unexpected and could not speak.

"You are……"

"It doesn't seem to be a serious problem." Ying Baoyue checked the wounds on the girl's body, and found that they were all skin wounds, walked towards Gui Chen and stuffed the child in his hand to him.


Gui Chen, who was on the sidelines, looked at the "baggage" that suddenly appeared in his hand, and looked up in a daze, only to see the woman smiling harmlessly at him, as if she wasn't the one who threatened the woman just now.

"Please take care of it."

"What about you?" Gui Chen was startled when he heard this, but saw the girl in front of him turn around.

"I've got to fix that."


Guichen hugged the little girl and looked at the shrew who was rolling and howling in the crowd, but his scalp felt numb. The little girl was saved, but what is she going to do with this mess?
Everyone knows that at this time, whoever clings to this kind of woman is unlucky, and she actually wants to solve it?
"If you don't solve this problem, the child will not be able to go home at night," Ying Baoyue smiled at Gui Chen, "And this is an opportunity for you."


Gui Chen became more and more confused, while Ying Baoyue had already walked into the crowd.

"You little bastard..."

The woman who had been rolling saw a gleam in her eyes, and was about to curse when she opened her mouth, but saw the girl stretch her fingers, walk up to her and squat down halfway.

"Stop howling, your hand is not broken."

Ying Baoyue pointedly looked at her thin and exposed arms in Xia Yi and smiled, "When you go to the county government office and even the bruises disappear, you can try it if you don't believe me."

this girl!
The woman rolling on the ground widened her eyes, and felt a stale air in her chest that couldn't be blocked!

She suddenly jumped up from the ground, but amidst the exclamation of everyone, she rolled and crawled to her son who finally remembered, hugged her and burst into tears.

"My God! No reason!"

"That stinky girl beat my son to death, and someone stopped her to pay for her life!"

The other villagers looked at the scene with unbearable faces, and pointed at Ying Baoyue.

"What's this called, helping the evildoers..."

"Why is my heart so dark at such a young age..."

"Create a crime... This will be struck by lightning..."

"Huh? Is there something wrong with your words?" However, at this moment, the girl's cool voice sounded amidst the villagers' accusations.


The villagers who were talking about it were stunned for a moment, not understanding how the little girl dared to speak back with confidence.

"Seeing the dead, no one called a doctor, what are they all paying attention to?" Ying Baoyue smiled helplessly, looked at the speechless villagers, paused, and then laughed.

"It turns out that this is not the first time."

"Why isn't it the first time?" Gui Li grabbed Gui Chen's clothes tightly and opened his eyes.

"It's clear that no one can die," Ying Baoyue shook his head helplessly, walked to the mourning woman by the well, and reached out to the unconscious boy in her arms.

"What are you doing!" Mrs. Wang yelled flatly, "If you dare to touch my child, I will chop it up with all my might..."

A clatter.

The air was suddenly quiet.

The ferocious looking woman froze on the spot with drops of water dripping all over her head and face.

Gui Chen and Gui Li also froze on the spot.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

Just for a moment, the girl in front of her looked at the hand that was stretched out to the little boy, but it just stretched past the woman's side, and grabbed a bucket by the well.

The next moment, a bucket of water fell from the sky.

Gui Chen could see clearly, the angle of the water was precise, if the woman hadn't insisted on rushing forward excitedly, it would have just splashed on the little boy's face.

However, when the woman leaned forward, she and the child in her arms felt chilled.

"Summer is here, and you can't get sick. If you don't wake up, you will get sick." Ying Baoyue looked at the unconscious little boy and said calmly.

"What..." Mrs. Wang said stiffly.

"Your son is not dead," Ying Baoyue looked at her and smiled, "His wounds are not as severe as that of the little girl's, so why not die?"

"He's almost dizzy with blood." The girl said lightly.

In the dead silence, the woman's expression gradually turned from embarrassment to anger, and she raised her hand high and was about to slap the girl in front of her, but the next moment, a weak child's voice suddenly came from her arms.


(End of this chapter)

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