Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 37 Father

Chapter 37 Father
The boy's weak but clear voice sounded, and the woman's raised palm froze in mid-air.

"Hey! Wake up!"

"Bao Zhu is really fine..."

"Say earlier..."

The shivering little boy who was splashed with cold water opened his eyes, grabbed his mother's skirt and looked around in a daze.


Amidst the little boy's snoring and other villagers' discussions, the woman glared at the son who had finally woken up in her arms but wanted to cover his mouth, her face turned purple, and stared at the girl in front of her with hatred.


"It's okay now," Ying Baoyue bent down towards her, and turned to look at the little girl in Guichen's arms, "It was a misunderstanding from the beginning."

Although many villagers pretended to be ignorant and pretended to be confused, Ying Baoyue said in a heartfelt way.

But now that the boy has woken up and the last fig leaf has been pierced, the woman can no longer pretend to be crazy.

"this matter……"

"Don't think about it and forget it!" The woman was stunned for a while, gritted her teeth and yelled again.

It's endless.

"You boy, why does it still hurt! Don't be afraid, tell mother!" The middle-aged woman slapped the boy's body and shouted while staring at her son.The little boy trembled all over and burst into tears, "Mom, I have a headache..."

"That's right! That stinking girl smashed my son's head with a stone! This injury can't be cured!"

The woman yelled reluctantly, "I must smash her head! Hand over that girl to me..."

"I knew you would say that." However, the woman's triumphant clamor was interrupted by the girl in front of her.

"Broken skin is what you call a terminal illness," Ying Baoyue shook his head helplessly.

"You! Then what do you say about my son's injury!" The woman thought she was justified, and spit flew all over the place.

"Gui Chen." Ying Baoyue called out. "It's your turn."

Gui Chen, who was holding the little girl, was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered what she said earlier, "This is also an opportunity for you."

Is it...

"Don't worry, my brother has elixir that can heal your son's head injury." The girl in front of her smiled and said to the woman who was hugging her son and howling.

elder brother……

Gui Chen's whole body stiffened for a moment.

Gui Li looked at his elder brother with sympathy and worry, " made medicine?"

Gui Chen touched the medicine bottle in his arms, raised his head hesitantly, but when he touched the girl's clear eyes, he clenched his fists and walked forward boldly.

"Is it you? The medicine you made? Don't try to harm my son..."

When the woman saw Gui Chen, suspicion and vigilance appeared in her eyes, but the next moment Ying Baoyue looked at her and said, "If it can't be cured, I will let you deal with it."

There was a gleam of light in the woman's eyes, and the hand holding her son loosened.

"Come on," Ying Baoyue took the little girl in Gui Chen's arms and bowed to the side, and Gui Chen's palms started to sweat when he heard what she said just now, "I..."

Even if he has tried this medicine before, who can guarantee that it will cure the disease?Maybe the previous success was just a psychological effect on him?Maybe he didn't do it the right way?

After all, more than half of this medicine came from his hands who have been fighting and failing repeatedly!

"I believe in you," Ying Baoyue whispered in his ear, "so you also have to believe in yourself."

It's just a medicine, but for some reason this child looks like an enemy, but everyone has their own demons in their hearts, and she hopes to break his demons with even a small matter, instead of choosing to laugh at him.

She said she believed him.

Gui Chen's heart, which had been pounding because of nervousness, suddenly calmed down.

Since she said so.

Then he must be trustworthy.

Gui Chen took out the medicine bottle, and reached out to the little boy in the woman's arms.



"Hey, I heard that the money-losing goods of Xu's family hurt someone?"

"Is something serious going on?"

In the summer night, the cicadas were singing loudly, and the villagers who watched the excitement kept running towards the village head while greeting each other.

But the closer they got to the village, the less news they heard could not satisfy their desire to watch the excitement.

"I heard it's all right..."

"The kid who lives in the west courtyard of the village is treating his wounds..."

"The man in the courtyard in the west of the village? He didn't cure the disease, but he helped? Brother, are you trying to laugh at me to death?"

The people behind were chatting unbelievably loudly, wanting to find their companions to laugh together, but the more they got together, the more stunned the expressions of other villagers around them became.

I thought that the closer to the village, the more lively it is, but it is quieter, which makes the later people confused.

In the dead silence, a childish voice sounded.

"Hey... Does it hurt anymore?"

The boy in the middle-aged woman's arms looked around, opened his mouth with two teeth missing, and laughed through tears.

"Mom! It doesn't hurt anymore!"

However, after meeting the hateful gaze of the woman above his head, the boy quickly shrank back. What did he say wrong?
"It's really... healed..."

The surrounding villagers watched all this in a daze.

"Although it's not completely healed, it will be fine after two days of recuperation." Ying Baoyue looked at the flushed woman and said.

"It really worked," Gui Chen said in disbelief while applying medicine to the little girl in Ying Baoyue's arms.

"You have tried the effect yourself, and the two children are just skin trauma, which is just right for the symptoms." Ying Baoyue said.

Gui Chen nodded, glanced at the girl in front of him who was attentively examining the little girl's injuries, and was about to speak, when a rough and fierce voice came from afar.

"What about the stinky girl who caused trouble? I beat her to death!"

The small body in Ying Baoyue's arms trembled, and the little girl who hadn't cried all this time began to tremble.

"finally come……"

"It's really... my girl got into trouble and she only came at this time..."

"Where are you going to be happy?"

Ying Baoyue raised her head, and saw not far away, a fat yellow man with a whip walking towards this side.

If you contact the villagers, you don't need to think about it to know that this person is probably the little girl's father.

Of course it can't be any normal father.Ying Baoyue looked down at the trembling little girl in her arms, her eyes deepened.

The villagers consciously gave way, and the man who came late had not seen what was going on inside, and his whip-wielding arm was already raised.

"Xu Wenning, get out of here!"

After yelling, the man lowered his voice and apologized to the other villagers around him, "No matter what happened to this girl, I will definitely clean her up and give an explanation to my parents!"

The woman who was paralyzed on the ground finally regained her spirit, and raised her head impatiently, "You are finally here! Your girl..."

The woman who had always hated this man the most, now looked at the man she hated as if she had seen a savior, and opened her mouth wide open to sue.

However, the next moment, a slender figure had already blocked her.

(End of this chapter)

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