Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 364 Wind Law

Chapter 364 Wind Law
"This is……"

At the moment when the wind blew up in Tianmu Mountain, the breeze rolled up a leaf and blew it to the north.

The wind blows all the way to the north, blowing to the depths of the snow-capped mountains, and to a jade lake surrounded by white clouds and continuous snow-capped mountains.

Just when Ying Baoyue uttered that proverb, a long-haired figure in white sitting by the lake suddenly raised his head.

"Wind method?"

"Wind magic awakened?"

The figure raised his hand, staring blankly at the ice crystals falling on the palm of his hand with the wind. The ice crystals melted in the wind and finally turned into nothingness.

The man looked at the empty palm, stared blankly with a lonely smile on the corner of his mouth.


And at this moment, there was a roar of a ferocious beast, and the figure looked sideways at the white giant beast that came to him, and the giant beast put its furry head on its shoulder.

"Well, I know." The man in white said softly, "I made you worry."

"I know, she's gone." The man stroked the head of the giant white beast and said quietly.

"It's just that no practitioner has been able to touch the true meaning of wind art for a long time. It reminds me of her apprentice."

"Speaking of which, do you know? In fact, that should be my apprentice," the figure in white snorted, and then laughed, but the smile was still hard to conceal the loneliness in the cold wind.

The man in white looked at the frozen lakeside, and the quarrel with that woman at the lakeside seemed to be still vivid in his memory.

"This child is a natural wind master. You actually asked her to learn the fire method from you? It's a waste of money! Do you have any vision?"

"It has nothing to do with me..." Not only did the most powerful practitioner in the sky and the world not put on airs as rumored, but he was scared by his aura and took a step back, lowering his head and muttering, "It's that girl who wants to learn from me." Well..."

"Besides...she is hunted down all day long, so the offensive fire method is more practical..."

"Fire Art has no shortage of practitioners! My side is almost exhausted! If I die, Dabai will not be able to find the Son of God!"

"What's the use of talking about it now, she's almost becoming Suzaku God Child," the man muttered in a low voice, "you'd better find another heir..."

"It's all your master's fault, if I die..."

"Don't say that."

The man in white smiled, and the serious expression of the woman holding his hand appeared in front of his eyes.

"I won't let you die."

She did.

Enduring countless slanders, even at the cost of her own life, that woman kept her promise.

It's just that she and herself failed to protect the moon they wanted to protect together.

By this lake, in the end, there is only myself left.

seven years.

I am immortal, coexisting with this land unchanged, collecting wind and listening to countless voices in this world every day, but I can't hear the most desired voice.

But at this very moment.

The figure in white raised his head, felt the slight tremor of the earth veins in the distance and closed his eyes, feeling a throbbing in his heart.

"Dabai," the man in white looked at the giant beast beside him, his heart was beating violently, and his eyes were a little dazed.

"It seems that something is different."

After the awakening of Teng Snake, as the listener of this world, the man in white once again felt a different voice.

This world seems to be a little different.

It's like she's back.



Just as the world in Snow Country in the north was turned upside down, the world in Chen Zihan's eyes in Tianmu Mountain in Southern Chu was also turned upside down.

In a trance, he seemed to see a huge banyan tree. The banyan tree connects the stars to the earth, and its countless roots penetrate into the soil, connecting with all the trees in this forest to form a huge net.

And at the moment when he saw this tree net, when he touched the girl's forehead and heard the breathing between heaven and earth, he heard the sound of a hole opening in his body.

With a light click, he felt as if he had also become a part of the huge tree net, a part of this mountain forest.

There is a gentle wind around him, but it is not a pure wind, it is like wind and water, and the waves moisten things silently. He has never felt the vitality of heaven and earth and the spirit of being a wind master so clearly. Breath fusion, and never had such a clear understanding of what wind method is.

Sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things as finely as sound.

The wind can carry everything in this world, and it can also convey everything in this world.

Feel natural.

Manipulate the environment.

See the flow of the leylines.

At the same time, I saw the disharmony that did not belong to this mountain forest.

See the darkness and malice that is blocked at the end of the leylines!
Chen Zihan suddenly opened his eyes in the dark, and suddenly drew his sword. Chen Zichu and Xu Yishan on the side watched him point the sword at the empty void, and spoke softly.

"The third sword of Fengfa, the wind and rain are like darkness."

Chen Zihan's sword energy suddenly sank into the dense forest, like a mud cow into the sea.

However, the young man was not discouraged at all, his eyes brightened.

"Fourth sword of the wind method, grow the wind and break the waves!"

A violent wind rose from the ground, piercing into the depths of the dense forest, and the next moment, Chen Zichu and Xu Yishan seemed to be in a hallucination, and when Chen Zihan stabbed out the sword, they suddenly heard a sound in the distance A cry of pain!
"found it!"

Hearing the cry of pain, Chen Zihan woke up like a dream, and looked at his hand holding the sword in a daze when he came back to his senses.

He actually stabbed an invisible enemy just now?

Who was that black shadow just now?

He raised his head and looked around in amazement, wondering if it was his illusion, the fog that shrouded the forest seemed to be a little lighter.

Just now, what the hell was... the eyes?
Did he really get stabbed?

Chen Zihan looked at the girl who brought miracles in front of him, he had too much to say, but the next moment his nostrils were suddenly filled with a sweet fragrance, a soft embrace embraced him, the boy froze in place for a moment,
"Good job!"

As if a flower was blooming in his arms, the girl raised her head, "That's the eye! Now that person can't escape!"

"Array eyes?"

Shocked by the scene in front of them, Chen Zichu, Xu Yishan, Guichen and the other three realized that the girl hadn't thought about anything at all and was still looking for something, and their minds were immediately attracted by Ying Baoyue's words.

The next moment, Ying Baoyue took a step back and looked at Chen Zihan, "Do you remember where you got stabbed?"

The girl hugged her immediately, Chen Zihan froze for a moment and then recovered his cold expression.

"Seven miles and thirty feet to the northeast, next to a huge blue stone, there is a thin man with an injured right arm!"

"Thank you, it was a great help," Ying Baoyue saluted Chen Zihan and looked at Guichen, "Let's chase after him!"

"En!" Gui Chen nodded, but just as the two turned to leave, Chen Zichu and Xu Yishan also followed.

"Are you going to find the eyes? Let's go too!"

Ying Baoyue looked back at the two teenagers and smiled, "Don't lose track of me."

"Who do you think we are? We all ran together on the southern Chu border," Chen Zichu raised his head proudly.

"Okay, let's go!"

Three teenagers and a girl set off together. Chen Zihan stared at their backs in a daze, and followed them while holding the sword hilt at his waist.

The wind was rustling in their ears, and they arrived at the place he just pointed to in less than a quarter of an hour.

There is indeed a blue boulder here, but there is no one beside it.

but a group of people.

Looking at the scattered teams and the crowd in twos and threes in front of him, Chen Zihan's eyes widened in surprise.

here is.

The camp of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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