Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 365 Dissipate

Chapter 365 Dissipate

In the depths of the night, a man's doubtful voice suddenly sounded from behind the rock wall of Zihua Mountain.

"Master?" Ji Er, who was about to fall asleep while kneeling in front of the rock wall, looked up at the rock wall, "What's wrong with you? Are you planning to..."

Ji Er's eyes lit up and he wanted to ask if Ji Mo was willing to save Ji Jiashu, but the next moment he remembered Ji Mo's cold attitude before, he lowered his head and did not speak.

But at this moment, a man's somewhat surprised voice came from the rock wall.

"It seems that you don't have to think about whether to persuade me to leave the mountain anymore," Ji Mo said lightly.

Ji Er was shocked, "Master, what is this?"

The man sitting facing the wall in the cave looked at the wing feathers in his hand, "The breath in that mountain is not as mixed as I imagined."

"What?" Ji Er was startled.

"The breath of panic is subsiding," Ji Mo narrowed his eyes, "The formation has also weakened, so quickly..."

There are young talents from all over the continent in that mountain, and he knows very well that some of those people have the ability not to sit still, but most of them don't have enough decisiveness and action.

The sons of the family only have more complicated thoughts and selfishness.

For young people, some abilities can only be forced out under extremely cruel circumstances, which is the meaning of the elementary ceremony.

According to Ji Mo's original prediction, it would take a few days for these boys in the mountain to ferment the situation, and after more than half of them died, everyone would feel insecure and start fighting for their own lives.Of course, it is mainly about mobilizing other people.

But he didn't expect that everything would change in less than one night.

Among the children of today's aristocratic family, is there any young man with such commanding ability and insight?

Ji Mo couldn't help frowning.

"It seems that someone has found a way to find the hole," he said lightly.

"Really?" Ji Er Daxi murmured afterwards, "The Second Young Master must be in charge of the overall situation..."

But listening to his words, Ji Mo frowned even tighter.

If there are high-level practitioners inside that mountain, it would not be difficult to find the eye of the formation, but the problem is that the one with the highest state in that mountain forest is his unworthy son.

Ji Mo knew very well that his son didn't have the ability to find out the formation.

"Jiashu can't do this," he said flatly.

Ji Er was stunned, and then looked down at the mountain in embarrassment, "I'm afraid it was the master guardian of a certain big clan at the bottom of the mountain who made the move, as expected..."

"No," Ji Mo denied again, "Practitioners who can understand this formation from the outside..."

"Besides me," he paused, "as far as I know, there is only one person in this world."

When the figure of that person appeared in his mind, it seemed that countless snowflakes were falling before Ji Mo's eyes, and he closed his eyes in disgust.

"Anyway, finding a way is just the first step," he said lightly.

The formation created by the human heart, what is really scary and difficult to solve is not the formation itself.

Ji Mo stared at the stone wall in front of him, "What are you going to do next?"



Accompanied by the exclamation from a distance, the side of the huge rock in the forest of Tianmu Mountain also exploded.

"Former Qin princess!"

"Didn't you say you were being targeted by a ghost? Why are you still alive?"

"What is she here for? Killing for life?"

"How do you mix with people from Nanchu?
When they saw Ying Baoyue appearing beside the bluestone, the Northern Wei people who had been resting around the bluestone immediately woke up with a jolt.

Quite a few even drew their swords out of their sheaths instantly, pointing at Ying Baoyue.

Such a flourishing amount of malice is even comparable to the fog that hangs over everyone's heads, no, it is even more terrifying than the fog.

"Mingyue..." Gui Chen stood next to Ying Baoyue, holding the sword firmly in his hand.

Chen Zichu, Chen Zihan and Xu Yishan were taken aback when they saw this scene. Although they had heard the rumors, they didn't expect the real situation to be so terrible.

"Do you want to kill again?"

"I will never let you go this time!"

People in the Northern Wei Dynasty were very hostile to this woman. Chen Zihan felt chills when he saw the long sword in Ying Baoyue's hand.

Did this woman really just plan to go to the Northern Wei camp without anyone?

And if he guessed correctly, this woman was planning to go to the Northern Wei camp to kill people just like that.

But if she killed people from the Northern Wei Dynasty under such circumstances, let alone someone would thank her for dispelling the formation, she might not be able to get out of this Northern Wei camp at all.

She would be directly surrounded and killed by the angry Northern Wei people.

"Wait! Don't do anything!" Just as the troops of the Northern Wei Dynasty were about to riot, a powerful wave of real energy spread out, and a thin figure separated from the crowd and walked out.

"Meng Shi." Ying Baoyue looked at the man and called out.

Meng Shi looked at the girl who was standing at the strongest side of the team with the Southern Chu people, and took a deep breath.

"Your Highness, what can I do for you?"

Wouldn't it be better for them to stay far away?Why does she still appear in front of her?

After Meng Shi finished asking, before Ying Baoyue could answer, there were laughter from other people in the team.

"What are these two playing?"

"Private meetings become public meetings?"

"It seems that Her Royal Highness is here to meet her lover, right? Take your swords away, haha, maybe she is not here at all..."

However, at this moment, Ying Baoyue looked at the woman disguised as a man and the tense crowd in front of her and spoke quietly.

"I'm here to kill."

The laughter in the Northern Wei team suddenly stopped.

In the dead silence, only the girl's voice echoed.

I'm here to kill.

This woman, just like that, dares to say that.


Meng Shi's pupils shrank, and she stared blankly at the woman who was so frank for some reason.

After a dead silence, the Northern Wei team exploded again.

"This woman really dares to speak!"

"You look down on us Northern Wei people?"

Before the others broke out again, Meng Shi stared at the girl in front of her, "Who are you going to kill? What do you want him for?"

Ying Baoyue looked at her and smiled. Just when Chen Zichu and Xu Yishan behind her thought she would cover up, they only heard her speak very clearly.

"I'm looking for a thin practitioner with an injury to his right arm," Ying Baoyue looked into Meng Shi's eyes, "he was just injured."

Meng Shi was taken aback for a moment, but only heard the girl in front of her continue.

"This person is one of the chief culprits who prevented everyone from getting out this time." Ying Baoyue said seriously, "He is the leader of this big formation."


Meng Shi was stunned, and other people in the team began to whisper, and at this moment Meng Shi frowned and took a deep breath.

"Whether it's true or not, those who can prove their innocence will all show their right arms!" Meng Shi said.

But at the next moment, she only listened to Mo Hua who was beside her, "What will happen if you are found out?"

"Naturally, it is to bear the eyes of practitioners from all over the world. Pay the price for what he did." Ying Baoyue said, "There should be a tradition of dealing with internal traitors in Nanchu."

"It's not an exaggeration to have skin cramps," Mo Hua looked at Ying Baoyue and said quietly, "Is that right?"

Mo Hua's voice was a bit gloomy in the night for some reason, but at this moment, someone deep in the Northern Wei team suddenly took a step back and squeezed his forearm tightly.

"Helian?" At this moment, Mo Hua suddenly turned around!

The practitioner named Helian ran out immediately!
(End of this chapter)

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