Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 368

Chapter 368
Ji Jiashu's voice was very calm, but the morning light hit the two of them, and neither of them spoke after he finished speaking.

Have we met somewhere before?
This is inexplicable at first glance.After all, it is usually said to people who meet for the first time, but neither he nor Li Ji met for the first time.

Southern Chu Chunhua Lord Ji Jiashu and the guard of the Eastern Wu stepson should have met for the first time at the Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion a few days ago, before the start of the primary ceremony.

But when Ji Jiashu asked this sentence, both of them knew exactly what it meant.

Where have we met before.

This is obviously not referring to Nanchu and Nanchu Guoshifu.

But somewhere else, at another time.

Hearing what Ji Jiashu meant, Li Ji just looked at the Chaoyang in the distance without saying a word.

"Who knows," he said lightly the next moment.

"Really," Ji Jiashu also looked at Chaoyang in the distance after hearing this answer which was not considered an answer at all.

In the faint morning light, the young man's eyes darkened slightly, and the man's answer when he thanked the man for holding Ying Baoyue rang in his ears.

"I'm not for you."

Who is he for?

Ji Jiashu looked at the girl under the tree who was smiling and talking to the guards beside her, and the joyful Chen Zichu and others, feeling a little complicated for a while.

Although what he said just now seems to be acting like an overreach, Ying Baoyue is still his fiancée in the open. Except for a few people, no one knows the agreement between her and him. In front of ordinary people, he is her fiancé, but facing him Intentionally mentioned it, but the man still spoke like this.

It's just because no one in this world can force this man to do anything, and this man will always only serve his own goals.

Unlike when he met Mo Hua, he couldn't confirm his identity when facing Ji Jiashu, a man whose realm was higher than him.

He wasn't his all-knowing father after all.

Li Ji?
Ji Jiashu looked at the dark eyes in the mask of the man beside him, "Your name was..."

However, Ji Jiashu couldn't finish speaking. Li Ji glanced at the girl under the tree who was about to leave, and said to Ji Jiashu, "Second Master Ji, the formation has been solved, and the next step is for the teams from all over the world to fight for their reactions and speed. My mission is over. ,I go first."

"Go..." Ji Jiashu was taken aback, but at the same time, the girl's voice came from under the tree, "It's time to fight for speed, Guichen, hurry up and run!"

"What? Speed? Wait until the fog has just cleared..."

The ups and downs in a short period of time, the practitioners around hadn't reacted yet, or were still immersed in the joy of the rest of their lives, but the girl in front of Gui Chen had already sheathed her sword and was about to leave, and her reaction speed was faster than anyone else.

"Run!" Ying Baoyue smiled at Gui Chen, "Otherwise we won't be able to get the first place!"

"First?" Chen Zichu was stunned, and then he suddenly remembered the matter of the initial ceremony.Now that the ghost hitting the wall has dissipated, it is time for teams from various countries to show their magical powers.

But after the night of scaring and fighting with ghosts last night, everyone in each team was exhausted.Because of the ghost hitting the wall, all the teams deviated from the normal route, walking everywhere, and some teams even wandered around in the forest. It would take a long time to clean up this chaotic situation.

Chen Zichu looked around at the Northern Wei people around him. This place directly experienced the chaos of a traitor killing. Everyone experienced ups and downs. After cheering, many people looked at the dead body of the poisoned man on the ground and sat on the ground exhausted.

Too many things happened in the past three days, and too many things happened this night. Even though the thick fog had dissipated, many people didn't react and sorted out the situation. The fastest and most sober reaction was always only this woman.

"Ah, the Beginning Ceremony!"

Hearing Ying Baoyue's words, Chen Zichu suddenly remembered that he was still the stepson of Southern Chu, and looked at Xu Yishan in a panic, "We are going back too! We must find a way to Gushanya!"

"Really?" Xu Yishan just looked at Chen Zichu in a daze when he heard the words, "Where... how?"

It's really useless to ask him, this is his teammate... Chen Zichu raised his forehead, and the next moment he suddenly found that only the girl's back was left in his line of sight.

too fast!
Gui Chen, who didn't react, was directly pulled away by her, and when everyone was still immersed in the shocking scene just now and still dazed, Ying Baoyue pulled Gui Chen up, turned around and was about to leave.

"Dian..." However, Meng Shi stretched out her hand to the girl's back in a daze. If Ying Baoyue felt something, just as she was about to walk out of the edge of the Northern Wei team, she turned her head and looked at the girl.

"I'll leave the rest of the matter here to you," Ying Baoyue glanced at the thin man's body on the ground, and lightly bowed to Meng Shi, "I've done what I can do here."

"I'm going to fight for my country," Ying Baoyue said softly, showing a smile to Meng Shi, "Meng Jizi, see you next time in the arena."

Hearing her words, seeing the girl's expression in the morning light, Meng Shi stared wide-eyed, then smiled as well.

In the morning light, the two women whose true identities were unknown looked at each other quietly.

"Okay," Meng Shi turned around and waved his hand violently, with a serious expression at the next moment, "Everyone get up! Take the corpses and get ready to go. This is the last section of the road. Let's go to the Gushanya together!"

All the practitioners of the Northern Wei Dynasty were shocked, and Meng Shi looked at the back of the girl who left quickly.

"The last stretch," she murmured, "let me see who is faster."

"Who wins the deer's death, this is the one action."



Ji Jiashu looked at the rapidly moving Northern Wei team, raised his head and felt the commotion in the mountains and forests.

"I am leaving."

With Ying Baoyue's departure, Li Ji also quickly disappeared. Ji Jiashu finally failed to ask the last question, but no matter what the question was, there was only one question left in this mountain.

That is which country can reach the end of this crowd battle the fastest, the lonely cliff at the northernmost tip of Tianmu Mountain.

Seeing the direction in which Li Ji disappeared, Ji Jiashu was a little worried about the progress of the Southern Chu team.

In the assassination last night, the loss of personnel from all countries was almost the same. This has never happened in the history of the elementary ceremony. The black hand behind the scenes seemed to be manipulating the number of people.

Ji Jiashu shuddered at his thought, but no matter whether someone did it deliberately or not, the first round of the crowd battle had reached the final stage due to countless accidents, but all countries seemed to be pulled to almost the same level again.

Now, which country can return to the normal route the fastest, adjust the team state and reach the lonely mountain cliff, will become the winner of this crowd battle.

This is probably the first crowd battle in the history of the elementary ceremony that depends on speed.

Amidst the running sounds of practitioners, Ji Jiashu looked far into the distance, feeling the aura that gradually began to surge from various countries.

His heartbeat also started to speed up.

It has been such an extraordinary three days.

Which country will be the final winner?

(End of this chapter)

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