Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 369 Finally

Chapter 369 Finally

Ji Jiashu stood on the tree and felt the breath of the teams of various countries. Although it was a little slow, all the countries moved slowly.

The Northern Wei team under the tree also completed the assembly under the uncharacteristically tough command of his stepson Meng Shi.However, at this moment, when Ji Jiashu noticed the only stagnant aura in the northwest direction, he suddenly froze.

Ji Jiashu closed his eyes.

That direction is...

Former Qin?



"Where is she?!"

"Who told you to leave her behind?!"

Ji Jiashu felt that there was no problem with the aura. The reason why Qianqin's team stagnated was indeed an accident.

In the northwest direction that Ji Jiashu couldn't see at this time, someone in the Qianqin team was furious.

The former Qin team gathered all the teams last night, and set up a camp in front of a small hillside. At this time, all the former Qin practitioners in front of this hillside were silent, and many people peeked at the angry young man ahead.

Ying Xun clenched the hilt of his sword tightly, and was staring at the two men kneeling in front of him.

These two were Huo Zhan and Wang Tusheng, who claimed to be the vice-captain of his team.

Huo Zhan knelt down on one knee, clenching his teeth while listening to Ying Xun's reprimand without saying a word, but he looked down at the ground with no guilt but remorse in his eyes.

Regret for not doing something more subtle.

''Whether she has the status of a princess or not, she is at least one of your team, but she disappeared, and you still don't know where she went? "Ying Xun looked at Huo Zhan angrily, "Is this what the captain should do? "

"Young Master..." Huo Zhan didn't say a word, but Wang Tusheng, who was kneeling next to him, raised his head when he heard the words, his movements were trembling, but he couldn't hear the slightest conviction in his voice, "You can't blame Mr. Huo for this matter." , Mr. Huo did this to keep our team alive!"

"Her Royal Highness's reckless actions caused the Northern Wei people to chase and intercept her, just because she was in our entire team and almost wiped out the entire army!" Wang Tusheng said loudly.

"His Royal Highness is indeed a rich man," Wang Tusheng looked at Ying Xun with a forbearing expression on his face, "But isn't our life our life?"

Ying Xun was taken aback.

Huo Zhan also raised his head when he heard the words, and looked at Ying Xun with piercing eyes, the meaning was clear at a glance.

At this time, other former Qin practitioners who heard Wang Tusheng's words also whispered.

"Yeah, we can't let us elites accompany that princess to the funeral..."

"Sure enough, it's a broom star. It's useless and dragged Mr. Huo and the others down!"

"Mr. Huo, Mr. Wang, it's too miserable... I was dragged down by that useless princess when I didn't do anything wrong..."

"This..." Ying Xun looked at the indignant practitioners at a loss for words for a while, and the discussions among the practitioners also intensified.

"But being abandoned by the team, is the princess dead or alive now? I'm afraid it's impossible to survive, right? If she dies, what should I do with my marriage?"

"It's really useless at all... I don't even know how to cherish the only use... and I will drag Mr. Huo and these elites to be scolded..."

"That's right, I don't know which talent dispersed the dense fog. Should we hurry up? What are we waiting for? Waiting for that woman? Maybe he's already dead..."

Listening to other people's comments, Wang Tusheng showed a smug smile at the corner of his mouth.

It was he who abandoned the woman at that time, and he knew that abandoning the princess was mainly a felony in Guiyang.But in Southern Chu, no practitioner would blame him at the initial ceremony when that woman insisted on squeezing in.

What he did was absolutely correct.

After all, they are the first-class practitioners in the former Qin Dynasty, rare talents, and are of great use to the country, but there is no need to judge whether it is more important for a mere woman who is useful or not and wants to provoke others.

"If a woman insists on participating in the primary ceremony, it will be of no use except to hold her back..."

The rumors were rampant, Wang Tusheng raised the corners of his mouth when he heard the rumors, and looked at Ying Xun who was speechless in front of him.

"Eldest son, the villain knows that you are kind-hearted and care about brotherhood, but Her Royal Highness is besieged by so many people. You have to blame yourself. You have tried your best. Your Highness may have... You should mourn..."

"My condolences..."

When Wang Tusheng said what he had prepared for a long time, his voice pretended to be painful and he was really excited, but the next moment his words suddenly froze in his throat.

The morning light moved westward, shining on a figure that appeared on the side of the hillside.

She didn't even make a sound when she walked, no one thought she would be there, how long had she been here.

And looking at the guards beside her who were flushed with anger, it didn't look like they had just arrived.

"This..." Huo Zhan raised his head in astonishment, Wang Tusheng's eyes widened in disbelief, "This... this is impossible..."

"Impossible what?" The figure asked as he walked towards them.

"I..." Wang Tusheng looked at this scene in astonishment as if he had seen a ghost, and the former Qin practitioners also opened their eyes wide.

"This is……"

"His Royal she still alive?"

"How is it possible? Someone must have protected her. Could it be that she went to a private meeting this night?"


In the noisy voice, Ying Xun moved his hand holding the hilt of the sword, and looked at the girl who was walking towards him step by step in front of him and was about to question him.

"Cousin, why are you still here?" However, when the woman opened her mouth, she didn't mention anything about being left behind last night.

"If you don't hurry up, it will be difficult to win the first round of the crowd battle."

"You..." All kinds of guesses came from the crowd, Ying Xun closed his eyes, stared at the girl in front of him, and finally asked that sentence, "Where did you go last night?!"

"I went to the Northern Wei camp." Ying Baoyue said.

As soon as these words came out, everyone thought again.

"Aren't you going to meet the Northern Wei stepson at night again?"

"Shh, it would be terrible if Jun Chunhua knew about this!"

Ying Xun was furious in his heart, "Everyone was trembling last night, and today we waited until now to find you, but what did you do last night? You didn't return anything..."

"Last night?" However, at this moment Ying Baoyue glanced at Ying Xun and said, "I was busy last night dispelling the thick fog, and it was resolved in the morning."

Dispel the fog.

The ex-Qin cultivators who were discussing with cynicism and ridicule suddenly fell silent.

"She solved the formation covering the entire forest?"

"No, no, how is this possible? She solved it? She must be trying to gain fame!"

However, in the face of the surrounding discussions, the woman turned a deaf ear.

"Time is running out," Ying Baoyue looked at Ying Xun in front of him and said quietly, "We must hurry up."

"In the primary ceremony, Qianqin must get a good ranking, right?"

Ying Xun was taken aback when he heard the words, and then quietly looked into the eyes of the girl in front of him.

"We're afraid..." Looking at the mentally exhausted practitioners all around, Ying Xun gritted his teeth and wanted to say that it might not be possible, but the next moment a hand appeared in front of his eyes.

"If you want to win," Ying Baoyue held out her hand to Ying Xun.

"Cousin," she said quietly, "follow me."

(End of this chapter)

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