Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 384 Reunion

Chapter 384 Reunion

As the sun set, the shadows of the two stretched long in front of the mottled courtyard gate.

Ying Baoyue turned around and looked quietly at the boy who called out a name that obviously didn't fit her current identity.

Ji Qingyuan straightened up after saluting, and stared at the girl a few steps away without blinking.With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he looked at her uneasy but confident, waiting for the girl in front of him to cover up.

However, the next moment, Ying Baoyue looked at him quietly, staring at Ji Qingyuan's face in the setting sun, took a step forward and spoke quietly.

"Well, I'm back."

I am back.

Obviously, he should be the one who uttered the shocking words, but the girl in front of him said this without the slightest hesitation. Every word struck Ji Qingyuan's head like a thunderbolt, causing him to be in a daze.

After Ying Baoyue finished speaking, Ji Qingyuan stood motionless in place, dumbfounded.

"What's going on?" Ying Baoyue tilted her head, and looked at Ji Qingyuan who was looking straight at her with some amusement, "Didn't you speak first?"

"I..." Ji Qingyuan opened his mouth.

At that moment, he wondered if the girl didn't hear what he said before.

"You..." He looked at Ying Baoyue suspiciously, "Did you hear what I just called you?"

"Of course, sister," Ying Baoyue looked at him with a bright smile, "I didn't expect to be called that by my future uncle one day."

"It sounds good," she looked at Ji Qingyuan with a smile, "try calling again."

Ji Qingyuan's ears were numb when he heard the name uncle brother. If it weren't for the memories of the past and the speculation about the girl's true identity, he would have been disturbed by this messy relationship... Although he is already messed up now up.

He originally planned to call out the claim, wait to see the picture of the woman frantically covering up, and then gradually find the loopholes in her words to expose her lies.

As a result, things did not develop as he imagined.

As expected of her.

But thinking of the girl staring at him when she said "I'm back", Ji Qingyuan clenched his fists and straightened his body to look at Ying Baoyue.

You can't be cowardly, if you retreat here, you will lose to her.

"If you want to hear it, I will call it no matter how many times," he looked at the girl in front of him and smiled, "but do you know why I call you that?"

Ying Baoyue looked at him with a slight smile, and stared at him quietly, "Because you know who I am?"

Even though he had just completed his mental preparation, Ji Qingyuan was still shocked by this man's direct and over-the-top answer, shaking his body back and forth.

"Hey," Ying Baoyue reached out to help him up, "Are you okay?"

Feeling the man's palm touching his shoulder, Ji Qingyuan raised his head from a very close distance, staring blankly at the pair of eyes that were close at hand.

Those eyes, still those eyes, under the setting sun, he finally saw what he hadn't understood before.

It can be seen that the past is forbearing and longing, and it can be seen that the old man cherishes and thinks about him.

She understands everything, and because she understands everything, she doesn't choose to tell anyone, and bears it alone.

The world seemed to be dyed with color in an instant. In those clear eyes, Ji Qingyuan watched himself open his eyes like a fool, letting tears flow out of his eyes without shame.

"So did I guess right?" He clenched his teeth to suppress the astringency in his throat, and he was hoarse.

"Is she back?"

"Is she back at last?"

Feeling the tight trembling of the young man's body under the palm, seeing the extremely suppressed sadness in his eyes, as if the cry that had been sealed in his heart for thousands of nights and could not be released, Ying Baoyue's heart seemed to be hit hard by ice and snow, and his eyes felt a little hot.

She closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, there was no more wetness.

"Stupid," she clenched the tensed shoulders of the boy under her palm, and said quietly, feeling the trembling that he was restrained, "Didn't I tell you? You don't need to be afraid of anything, and you don't need to be patient." what."

"That's..." Ji Qingyuan stared blankly at the young girl in front of him, watching her say that sentence to him again.

Ji Qingyuan opened his eyes wide, and the summer night when he was eight years old appeared in front of his eyes.

"Qingyuan." Sitting on the roof of Xia Ye, the young girl once looked at him and said, "As long as I'm still alive, you don't have to be afraid of anything."

This sentence, she once broke her promise.

"Qingyuan, I never lie."

Turns out she never really lied.

"Qingyuan," and at this moment, in front of the gate of the Qing'an Academy of the Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion in the seventh year of the Warring States Period, Ying Baoyue let go of the hand holding Ji Qingyuan's shoulder, stood up straight and looked at him.

"Laugh when you want to laugh, and cry when you want to cry." Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled slightly, "Qingyuan."

"As long as I'm alive, you don't have to be afraid of anything."

"You..." This sentence was engraved deep in his heart, beating his heart word by word, Ji Qingyuan stared blankly at the girl in front of him, "You are..."

"Well, it's me," Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled without haze, "You guessed it."

"I am back."

Everything is real, he is not dreaming.

Ji Qingyuan stared blankly at the girl in front of him.

Ying Baoyue raised her head, ready to greet him with her new identity, "You grow up..."

But before she could finish her words, her eyes went dark, and she had already been grabbed into her arms, and was completely strangled by the long-lost reunion hug.

"you really are……"

"Wait, wait," Ying Baoyue patted the back of the figure who was already much taller than her, and poked his head out with difficulty, "It won't work here, let's change to another place."



The sun had completely set.

A quarter of an hour later, in a small deserted garden on the north side of the Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion, in a pavilion on the dry creek bridge, Ying Baoyue caressed his chest, which was almost strangled just now, and looked at the standing man by the moonlight. Ji Qingyuan beside him.

"Calm down?"

Ji Qingyuan took a deep breath, looked sideways at her with a complicated expression, "Barely."

After all, it was equivalent to seeing the resurrection of the dead, Ying Baoyue looked at him understandingly.

"Let me confirm again," Ji Qingyuan looked at her and said, "You are..."

"Your mother's apprentice," Ying Baoyue continued, "your mother doesn't have a second apprentice."

"Yes," Ji Qingyuan looked at the girl beside him with an increasingly complicated expression, "To be honest, I really didn't expect you to really confess."

He was prepared to have countless circles with this woman, but he didn't expect to hide it, let alone cover it up, as soon as he asked, Ying Baoyue would tell him everything.

"Since you've already guessed most of it, what's the point of keeping it a secret?" Ying Baoyue said, "It's all come to this point, it's unnecessary."

It would be even more stupid if it was caused by a misunderstanding.

"Besides, since you came to test it, you probably got some basis." Ying Baoyue pondered for a while, "Is it Chen Zihan?"

She was as frighteningly sharp as ever.

"Well," Ji Qingyuan replied, "I went to Chen's house today."

"That way of finding the eye of the formation," his gaze was firmly fixed on Ying Baoyue, "I have only seen you do it alone. What's more, what you said to him...I heard you say it before. "

Chen Zihan has such a big mouth... Ying Baoyue said heartily.

But she also knew that Chen Zihan was not to blame for this matter, and it was time.The main reason is that even she never imagined that Ji Qingyuan could remember every word she said clearly at such a young age.

"I knew you wouldn't die..." Ji Qingyuan looked at Ying Baoyue and said, "Thanks to you..."

However, he could not finish his sentence.

"What you said is wrong," Ying Baoyue looked at him and said, "I am indeed dead."

Ji Qingyuan was taken aback for a moment.

Ying Baoyue stared at him, "But what I want to know most now is another thing."

She watched him speak softly.

"What happened before your mother died?"

(End of this chapter)

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