Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 385 Challenge

Chapter 385 Challenge

Hearing this, Ji Qingyuan fixedly looked at the girl beside him.

She was talking about his mother, but Ji Qingyuan knew very well that for her, the woman who was called Master by this girl was also like a mother for her.

even more so.

Although there is no blood relationship, the relationship between the master and apprentice is even deeper than that of people who are related by blood.

No one can understand the feelings between them except themselves.

Not including him.

Ji Qingyuan was still immersed in the shock of hearing the news of Lin Baoyue's death just now, when he heard Ying Baoyue's question, he took a deep breath and clenched his teeth.

"Back then... I..." he said with difficulty, "I couldn't see my mother for the last time. I..."

Ying Baoyue was taken aback for a moment, and the next moment she stretched out her hand to cover the eyes of the young man in front of her.

"Enough," she said softly, "don't say what you don't want to say. Don't rush at this moment."

Obviously she wants to know more than anyone else in the world, and wants to know with all her heart, but for his feelings, this person can always bear it.

Ji Qingyuan took a deep breath, then stretched out his hand to cover hers, "I'm fine."

Seven years have passed for him no matter how painful it is, and no matter how deep the pain is, it has dried up.

"It all started eight years ago," Ji Qingyuan took Ying Baoyue's hand and gave her a complicated look, "Although I know you really want to know about your mother, it still depends on your mother's affairs." Let's start talking."

They are inseparable.

Ying Baoyue bit her lips tightly.

"You said you were dead, but at least ordinary people don't know about this," Ji Qingyuan calmed down, trying to strip his emotions away so that the conversation could continue normally.

And when it comes to the death or disappearance of the young Si Ming Lin Baoyue, another person needs to be mentioned.

Everything started from that nightmare eight years ago.

"Eight years ago, news came from the Efang Palace of the Qin Empire that Emperor Taizu had passed away."

The entire mountain, sea and continent were shaken.

This is a real death, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a landslide.

As long as they are from the Shanhai Continent, they can still remember the scene when the whole world was in mourning and everyone was in danger.

However, Ji Qingyuan looked at the expression of the girl beside him while talking, but found that Ying Baoyue didn't empathize with the words on his face, but was a little stunned.

Ji Qingyuan's heart skipped a beat, but he had already spoken and had to continue.

"Everyone is inquiring about the next succession, and they are also inquiring about my mother."

Emperor Taizu passed away, and he died suddenly without any warning. The next most important thing is the succession of the throne.And everyone knows that the only one who has the most power to influence the succession to the throne is his mother, Lin Shubai, the Grand Master of the Qin Empire.

"But at this moment, news came from the palace that my mother was not with His Majesty when Emperor Taizu passed away."

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes bit by bit when she heard the words.

This is the first time she has learned the details of what happened in the chaos eight years ago.

Teng Snake has no memory of that year seven years ago, and as a beast god, it will not pay attention to human struggles.

But compared to Teng Snake, Ji Qingyuan obviously knows a lot of inside information, at least he knows some things on the surface, more than Ying Baoyue imagined.

"Master... wasn't there at the time?" Ying Baoyue murmured upon hearing the words.

She learned for the first time that when the man died, the master was not by his side.This is obviously very unusual.

But in Ji Qingyuan's eyes, Ying Baoyue was also very wrong at this time.

This matter... doesn't she know?Although ordinary people don't know these details, how could she not know?What the hell happened to her?Ji Qingyuan's heart suddenly felt a little cold.

"Continue." Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Qingyuan and said.

Ji Qingyuan settled down and continued.

"Mother is not here. For some reason, the Efang Palace just found out. The palace was in chaos. At this moment, news came that although mother was not there, someone saw you entering the palace."

"Me?" Ying Baoyue was slightly startled when she heard the words.

Ji Qingyuan felt even more strange in his heart.

This woman seemed to be listening to other people's affairs. If it wasn't for the other information to match, he would doubt her identity again.

"Anyway, my mother didn't come back for a while. Since I heard that you were there, people in the palace started looking for you."

Although the big commander is not there, the situation can be stabilized for a while if the young commander is there.

Even though she lived in seclusion in the cloud forest for a whole year and didn't care about world affairs, the prestige of that girl at the critical moment was still deeply rooted in Qin people's hearts.

"But at this moment," Ji Qingyuan clenched his clothes tightly on his chest. He still remembers his distraught heart when he heard the news.

"There is news from the palace that you are missing."

After the death of Emperor Taizu.

Shao Si ordered Lin Baoyue to disappear.

At that time, people were just in a general panic, but just three days later, the chief minister ordered Lin Shubai to rush back to Efang Palace.

She didn't know what was holding her back, and she was in a state of embarrassment that Guiyang people had never seen before.

But what impressed the people who saw this scene even more was the dejected look of the woman who had always been extremely strong and determined.

Ji Qingyuan saw this scene, and he will never forget it.

He couldn't tell if it was fate or a curse, but the reason why he was so clear about all this was that he happened to be in Guiyang City when the Efang Palace changed.

That was his last successful sneak, for which he had been planning for a whole year.

Ever since Lin Baoyue got engaged, he had been hiding at home behind closed doors, but later when the engagement changed, when Lin Baoyue went to the mountains to go back to hiding, he just regretted wanting to see her, but found that he couldn't enter the cloud forest at all.

Back then when he sneaked to Guiyang, it was the first time he wanted to find his mother with his own strength, and wanted to beg his mother to take him to see her.

But Ji Qingyuan never expected that the first time he came to Guiyang, he would catch up with such a huge change.

At that time, he was standing on the side of the street in a disguise all over his body, watching his mother who was always calm and strong in his memory pass by the street almost in a state of embarrassment, almost knocking down several stalls.

After passing hundreds of steps by his side in one breath, the travel-worn man and god came back to his senses, turned his head and stared blankly at himself standing in the crowd, and stopped for the first time.

Looking at the woman whose clothes were full of rips in the distance, she turned her head and met her eyes. He muttered and wanted to speak, "Mother..."

But before he said anything, a gust of wind hit him, and he found that he had been grabbed and held under his arms, and the woman led him all the way into the Efang Palace without saying a word.

At that time, there were no coffins in the main hall of Efang Palace.

What Ji Qingyuan didn't expect was that he actually saw his father there.

Before the chief minister ordered Lin Shubai to return to Efang Palace, several other sons of gods who were out of town rushed to Afang Palace first, and then it was said that the funeral was done according to the emperor Taizu's will.

Emperor Taizu Emperor Yingdi asked him to be buried immediately after his death, and put the coffin in the mausoleum built in advance to close the emperor's mausoleum in order to achieve the great cause of longevity.

Except for Lin Shubai and Lin Baoyue, the only one who was not present at that time was Hou Liao Shenzi Shangui, who was too far away and arrived. The remaining five of the eight gods presided over the event together in one day. At the funeral, the coffin of Emperor Taizu was buried secretly, and the Mausoleum of Emperor Taizu was completely closed.

What he and his mother saw was actually a scene where the dust had settled.

Ji Qingyuan remembered his mother holding his hand, squeezing his hand so painfully, staring blankly at the empty hall.

"Is the book white?"

Standing on the high platform, his father just looked back at them, his eyes stayed on him for a moment, then he just looked at his mother and spoke lightly.

"You came a step late."

And at that moment, Ji Qingyuan suddenly felt difficult to breathe, and a terrible coercion suddenly permeated from his mother.

No mention of Emperor Taizu, no mention of the so-called throne, the only woman on top of the hall just stared at the man on the high platform, and spoke every word.

"What about her?"

 The tip of the iceberg of the truth eight years ago is being revealed little by little.The pair of Lin Shubai and Ji Mo is really...

(End of this chapter)

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