Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 40 Night Chapter

Chapter 40
Many years ago, the saying in the practice world that every practitioner is a star in the sky was overturned by the Chief Commander Lin Shubai.

In her old man's words, do you know how big each of the stars you look up every day is?How many times bigger than the land under your feet, one person represents one star?Nonsense.

This statement caused a huge shock in the entire practice world at that time, and it also caused those practitioners who claimed to be the incarnation of the stars to attack the Da Si Ming group for a while.

However, Lin Shubai, the chief commander, relied on his own record in astrology, which directly forced those practitioners to shut up.

There are still many practitioners who do not recognize the theory of Da Si Ming Lin Shubai.

But Ying Baoyue, who has worn it all over, can already fully understand the meaning of Master's words.

After all, most of the stars that can be seen in the sky are stars that are many times larger than the planet under your feet... People on a mere planet want to link their fate to other stars?


It's nonsense.

So although there are stargazing techniques in this world, when she chose to survive as Ying Baoyue, as a princess who died and came back to life, Ying Baoyue was not worried that the princess who was extinguished in the sky would be killed when the stars came back to life. Qin Tianjian discovered such a thing.

Although there is no heavenly prison in this world.

In short, although astrology cannot tell the life and death of a person, combined with the flow of nebula, it can tell the trend of luck on the continent.

Otherwise, the art of stargazing will be useless.

Practitioners of different realms can perceive different astrological phenomena, and what can be interpreted according to the attainments of practitioners is even more different.

"Can you tell me carefully, do you see astrology over there?" Ying Baoyue asked Ji Jiashu over there after calming down his heartbeat.

This is... Ji Jiashu was taken aback for a moment, but then suddenly realized again, this is testing him, right?
When he was studying stargazing, his master often asked him the same question to test his level.

After all, the god-like woman on the opposite side must have seen more things than him, not why he needs him to repeat the astrology.

"Four assistants and four stars, holding the North Pole pivot star, the Kui four stars are Xuanji, and the three ladles are Yuchong," Ji Jiashu carefully described while looking at the starry sky above his head without blinking.

Thinking of the woman on the opposite side listening, for some reason he felt more nervous than any other master's exam. He tried his best to keep his voice calm, and tried his best to describe everything he had learned in his life.

"The sixth and seventh corners of the Big Dipper, the fourth, fifth, and sixth guides, the first and second fingers, twenty nine stars..."

Listening to Ji Jiashu's description, Ying Baoyue's originally mentioned heart gradually calmed down.

The astrology seen by this young man has been very careful, fully displaying the complex and surging astrology in front of her eyes.

And because of its complexity, it is difficult to interpret.

According to her memory revived with these stargazing words, she can basically confirm that the current astrology is difficult to decipher what happened in the former Qin Dynasty, let alone find out the source of the variables and her location.

At least practitioners below the heaven rank cannot understand it.

"Forgive me for my ignorance, I can only see this." Ji Jiashu replied.

"You are already very remarkable at your age," Ying Baoyue praised with a smile.

Ji Jiashu knew that his level of stargazing was beyond his class. After all, most of them were numb from being praised since he was a child, but the compliment from the woman over there made him feel the joy he hadn't seen for a long time.

Fortunately, the starry sky in front of him was chaotic and profound, which he had never seen before, and quickly returned him to his original form.

"Could you please interpret some of it for me?" Ji Jiashu took a deep breath, and then quickly added, "I know it's rude to ask, even if it's just a little bit."

Practitioners below the heavenly rank cannot find her based on astrology alone. The young man from far away has not yet reached the heavenly rank, so it doesn't hurt to tell him something.

Ying Baoyue thought for a while, then spoke slowly.

"Auxiliary stars are close to the ministers and help each other. If the light is as big as a fighter, then the government will be seized. If the dark is small, the official will be killed. If it is close to one or two inches, the minister will threaten the master."

"If five or six inches and four distant guests and comets enter the fight, the princes will fight for power and force the emperor."

"The moon is dizzy, and the flood enters the city, and the soldiers will be pardoned..."

Hearing the woman's calm voice, Ji Jiashu's eyes gradually widened.

The girl spoke non-stop, and his heart beat accordingly.

It was like watching the door of a new world slowly open in front of him.

He could foresee that the woman in front of him might be extraordinary, but he didn't expect her to have such terrifying strength.

When the real thing is heard, it still makes people feel numb all over.

He didn't consider the angle of every word, but when he heard it, he was enlightened and instantly inspired new ideas.

Maybe his peers in the academy don't necessarily understand.

But he can understand, he can see, the value hidden in this woman's words.

This is the real guy.

"Then... what about the spica and dead horns?" Ji Jiashu couldn't help asking eagerly.

The woman's voice did not pause at all, and her answer was as smooth as water.

"If the dark and dead corners spread, the king will lose his power. The star is small, the country will be weak and lose his power, and the king's way will not work. If the sun and the moon enter the corner and faint, the king will lose his power. If the sun and the moon are eclipsed, his country will not be peaceful."

"Then Taiyixing..." Ji Jiashu asked again.

Ying Baoyue will answer again.

The stars in the sky are twinkling, witnessing the night conversation between a boy and a girl thousands of miles apart.

It also witnessed the upcoming dark tide of the Shanhai Continent.



The night passed like that.

The bright sun shone on his face, and Gui Chen, who woke up again, endured the muscle ache all over his body and opened his eyes, looking at the girl's coat covering him in silence.

He turned his head to look at the pharmacopoeia carefully placed beside his pillow, then turned his head to look at the ceiling and exhaled.

He is really far behind.

Gui Chen took a deep breath and got up, carefully folded the outer shirt on his body, and walked out of the room.

When you are about to walk down the steps, slow down.

Silently watching the yard.

"Don't you sleep at night?" Gui Chen looked at the slender figure beside the wall in the morning light, and said quietly.

Ying Baoyue, who was sitting barefoot in the corner, turned her head and showed him a smile that was brighter than morning dew.

"I've slept in long enough."

"Life is short." The girl said with a smile, "There are some things that need to be done quickly."

"What do you mean at your age that life is short?" Gui Chen frowned and was about to walk down the steps, but the next moment his pupils shrank.

"your hands……"

Gui Chen is used to seeing this girl sitting in the yard early in the morning, but just now he found something out of harmony beside her.

That is a wooden barrel.

One of her hands was dipped in the well water of the barrel.

"This..." Ying Baoyue grabbed the bucket in front of him, but the young man rushing down the steps had already seen it.

The girl's sleeves were rolled up, and a scarlet welt wound around her forearm like a snake, complementing the scarlet scar he had seen once.

When did you get hurt?
Gui Chen was about to question, but the next moment he was shocked.

The image of the girl holding Xu Wenning's father's whip with her bare hands appeared before his eyes.

Why didn't he notice it then?
No, the girl didn't let anyone notice.

Gui Chen clenched his lips, the color of that red scar seemed to become darker, showing an increasingly ominous color.

"She's going to die soon!"

Chu Ji's strange prophecy echoed in his ears.

The boy closed his eyes, and opened them the next moment, as if he had made up his mind, he looked at Ying Baoyue and said.

"Mingyue, go to the Northern Cold Pavilion of the Northern Wei Dynasty and join the sect of the Saintess!"

 [Note] The astrological question-and-answer dialogues in this article are all quoted from the second volume of "Tongzhan Daxiang Li Xingjing", the author is unknown.Original source: "Orthodox Dao Zang" Dongzhen Department of multiple arts.

(End of this chapter)

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