Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 41 The Road

Chapter 41 The Road
Under the morning light, the boy's eyes were sincere, but Ying Baoyue couldn't help but touch his forehead when he heard the words.


Gui Chen's suggestion sounded abrupt, but Ying Baoyue understood what he meant, and also understood why the young man suddenly asked her to join the Beihan Pavilion.

Saintess, Xu Bingqing.

This is already the second time she mentioned this woman from Gui Chen.

"Mingyue?" Gui Chen frowned and looked at the girl in front of him with a suddenly complicated expression, took a deep breath, "I'm not trying to harm you...I'm..."

The boy thought about what he said, but he still felt ashamed and couldn't continue speaking halfway through.

But Ying Baoyue knew what he wanted to say.

He is for her good.

she knows.

He really didn't mean to kill her.

Because that saint is the white moonlight in the heart of that young man, and even the hearts of young people in the entire Shanhai Continent.

"The words of the Holy Maiden will surely undo the curse on your hand." Gui Chen pursed his lips, and said the words that he had thought about for a long time.

He didn't think of it on a whim. He actually struggled with this proposal for a long time today. It was the best way for the girl in front of him after careful consideration.

He didn't want to say anything if he could, and didn't want to let her go.But through the past few days of getting along, he felt ashamed of himself who was unwilling to say this proposal.

He had to admit his selfishness, he didn't want her to leave.

But obviously for her sake, this is the best suggestion, if you keep her around a trash like yourself, sooner or later she will...

"I don't think she has a solution." However, at this moment, the calm voice of the girl in front of him interrupted Gui Chen's painful thoughts.

"What?" Gui Chen expected that the girl would resist and be confused, but she didn't expect her to directly deny the saint's ability.

"What did you say?" Even though this young girl in front of her was extremely talented in medicine, she dared to question the long-established saint, and Gui Chen was at a loss for a while.

"Didn't you tell me last time that the Saintess of the Northern Wei Dynasty was only a tenth-rank cultivator?" Ying Baoyue sighed inwardly, not to mention that she might also be a natural born one.

"Although I don't know what the scar on my hand is, there is one thing I can be sure of," Ying Baoyue said lightly, "It is impossible for practitioners of the tenth rank to untie it."

"But Saintess is not an ordinary cultivator," Gui Chen said solemnly, "If there is one person in this world who can be called a female cultivator, then she is the only one."

Ying Baoyue closed her eyes, and slowly clenched her fists soaked in the bucket.

The last time she and Gui Chen talked about the saint in the woods was only halfway through. She vaguely sensed that something was wrong with that saint, but she didn't expect it to be so wrong.

"I remember you told me that in the current world, it is absolutely impossible for a woman to become a practitioner." Ying Baoyue stared into Gui Chen's eyes.

If a woman is a natural practitioner, then it is not illegal to not continue to practice and leave this realm untouched. Of course, such a person is not worthy of being called a female practitioner at all.

"This sentence is correct. A woman's cultivation is the root cause of the turmoil in this world. The stronger she is, the more dangerous she is." Gui Chen stared fixedly at Ying Baoyue, "That's why I said that the saintess is different."

"Mr. Saintess once swore that she would never raise her level in this lifetime," Gui Chen said seriously.

That's why it's so reassuring.Ying Baoyue said heartily.

"She is the daughter of Master He Bo, the master of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Although she was born with a natural state, the saint has been determined to spend her whole life studying the realm of divine medicine since she was a child, and to cultivate excellent practitioners for the mountains and seas continent." Gui Chen said with eyes. There was a trace of reverence.

Accompanied by the youthful narration, Ying Baoyue has a thorough understanding of the life of the saint Xu Bingqing.

Although it was only the saint in Guichen's eyes, Ying Baoyue felt that it was the woman who left the common impression in the eyes of male practitioners.

Saint Xu Bingqing, the white moonlight in the male cultivator's heart, ignores worldly affairs and only concentrates on writing books, never saves people but teaches other men to save people, noble but modest and cautious, as the only one on the mountain and sea continent who is now famous The female cultivator is not hunted down and hated in the practice world, but respected by men.

Known as a model of nun.

This is really exemplary.

Compared with her master, who came from a humble background but occupied the position of a country's national teacher as a woman, Ying Baoyue felt that this master was really a model.

It's like going to two extremes with my master.

But the irony is that these two people are not in the same era.

Even she herself had never heard of He Bo having such an outstanding daughter in the days of Shao Si Ming.

Ying Baoyue smiled in her heart, but if that person appeared when she was alive, who wrote the Pharmacopoeia?
If it wasn't for other things, she really wanted to meet this junior who claimed to have written the Pharmacopoeia.

"Mingyue, even if the saintess is not high-level, Your Excellency Beihan still has countless high-level disciples." Gui Chen looked at the unmoved woman in front of him and took a deep breath, "There will always be a way."

Ying Baoyue raised her head to look at the sincere young man, but felt a chill in her heart.

That's right, although this saint's realm is not high, but with the rise of fame in the past few years, countless male practitioners have gone to her.

He said that he admired the talents of the saintess, but Ying Baoyue felt that it was not that simple.

After all, that father is one of the eight gods and the son of a second-rank god... Of course, Ying Baoyue thinks that Gui Chen will not believe this guess, and it can only be his heartfelt opinion forever.

All in all, there are many high-strength practitioners serving her.

Ying Baoyue's eyes darkened.

A woman who does not practice herself, but enslaves practitioners.

"Thank you, Gui Chen." Ying Baoyue looked up at the earnest young man, and interrupted him with a smile.

"I understand your considerations, but I don't want to go."

"You..." Gui Chen was stunned, fixedly looking at the smiling girl in front of her, did she know what she was talking about?

Did she know how much he had struggled to make this suggestion?

Is she still...

"Mingyue," Gui Chen said quietly while looking at the girl in front of him, suppressing the pain even though he was hurt by the rejection of his kind proposal.

"Actually, I wanted to tell you yesterday when I was on the mountain." The young man's eyes were serious. "Actually, I know that you are still very interested in practicing..."

Obviously he warned her like that when he woke up...

If it was before, he would have been very disgusted, but after what happened on the mountain, Guichen's thoughts quietly changed in his heart.

Although she can't be a cultivator, her talent... is really unusual.

"Mingyue, although that lord's disciple will come and kill me," Gui Chen smiled wryly, but then looked at her seriously, "but I think your talent may not be lower than that of lord saint."

That's... an incredible compliment.

Ying Baoyue was startled, not because of the content of the words, but because he didn't expect this young man who admired the saint to say that about her.

This is not easy.

With this young girl's talent, in this world, the path of Saint Xu Bingqing must be the most suitable for her.

Gui Chen overcame the guilt of blaspheming the saint in his heart, and bit the bullet and said what was in his heart.

"I think with your talent, you can also develop in this direction. As long as you don't want to enter the imperial court, just stay at the low level of healing and saving people, and don't try to meddle in the government, you may also be able to become a person like the saint."

There is another absurd idea that Gui Chen didn't say.

For some reason, he always felt that if it was this girl, she might even achieve greater achievements than the Holy Maiden Xu Bingqing.

Obviously she is nothing now, how could I feel that way.

Looking at the girl's face in front of him, Gui Chen felt that he must be crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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