Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 42 Lies

Chapter 42 Lies
Ying Baoyue stared at the young man in front of him.

It seemed that a long time ago, someone had said this to her.

"The path your master took is wrong, and you will suffer the consequences yourself. Why do you need to learn from her?" There was an old voice in her ear, and once she thought of it, it was like a magic voice.

"What do you want, as long as you are willing to be obedient, someone will obviously bring it to you. What are you still dissatisfied with?"

Ying Baoyue looked at Gui Chen who was staring at her seriously with his lips tightly pressed in front of him, but someone else's voice echoed in his ears.

But whose voice was that?
Why can't she remember?
"Mingyue?" Gui Chen looked at the girl in front of him who was suddenly in a daze, and frowned again. What was this person thinking all day long?
"What the hell are you thinking?" After holding back for so many days, Gui Chen finally uttered these words.

I don't know if it's a characteristic of people with amnesia, she is clearly here, but Gui Chen always feels that she's always thinking about something that he can't reach.

Obviously there are such weird scars on the body, there are obviously strange defects in the memory, and there are so many mysteries about the situation when he fainted.

But this girl didn't look for her family, didn't desperately seek medical advice, and didn't even ask about other things except for some things about the country and practice when she just woke up.What is she trying to do?
What are your plans for the future?
Wasn't she afraid of Chu Ji's prophecy?


Gui Chen's head was in a mess, looking at the girl in front of her who was clearly clear-eyed but stayed in the same place and was filled with doubts in her heart.

Gui Li kept telling him that she was a dangerous woman, but Gui Chen didn't think her character was dangerous, but the secrets hidden in her and the abilities she revealed inadvertently made him feel dangerous.

A woman with countless secrets.

"I'm making a choice."

Just when Guichen thought that this time the girl would still be fooled by her smile, she didn't expect the girl sitting by the wall to raise her head and stare at him to answer so seriously.


The boy who was originally filled with righteous indignation looked at the calm but complicated girl in front of him, panting and gradually calmed down.

She does sometimes have eyes that seem lost.

"What do you want to choose?"

Choose whether to become a practitioner or not.

Ying Baoyue looked at the innocent young man in front of her and said silently in her heart.

Choose whether to walk on that path in this life or not.

Although she has been helping Gui Chen find a way to become a practitioner, but at the same time she has been hesitant.

To become a practitioner, she did not have the right to choose in her previous life, but in this life.

she has.

She doesn't regret being a practitioner in her previous life, and she doesn't hate practicing. She is not afraid of pain or suffering, but she is afraid.

There is no hope of revenge, and the real murderer is free.

All because of.

The most important person to her in the past and present.

Ying Baoyue closed her eyes.

If nothing happened to Master, she would not hesitate, nor would she feel confused, but in this life, she could no longer be willful.

"You..." Looking at the clear but deep eyes of the girl in front of him, Gui Chen seems to have noticed something.

"Mingyue... do you have a grudge against someone?"

As expected of brothers and sisters who live in hatred, they really have a keen sense of hatred for people.

Ying Baoyue smiled, "When you picked me up, you also knew the environment I was in, so someone must be trying to harm me, and I naturally have enemies."

This... is indeed true.Gui Chen clenched his fists tightly, not because he couldn't explain why this girl wanted to become a practitioner.

Just like him, only by gaining power can revenge be avenged.

But... the girl in front of him should be different from him.

Gui Chen always feels that something is wrong.

Wait... Isn't there other ways for ordinary women to take revenge?
Gui Chen finally realized what was wrong, the way this woman wanted revenge...was very strange.

"You are a woman," said the young man in front of him suddenly staring at himself in a daze.

"So?" Ying Baoyue was stunned by Gui Chen's question for the first time, could it be that this person only found out now?

"If you want revenge, shouldn't you ask someone for help?"

"Help?" Ying Baoyue blinked.

Gui Chen took a deep breath.

He finally understood how strange this young girl was.

It was this young girl who planned to do everything by herself from the very beginning.

This is completely different from the behavior of those women he has seen in his life.

"Forgive me, I didn't mean to belittle women." Gui Chen looked at Ying Baoyue fixedly, "But can't you women achieve your goals by controlling others?"

Of course Gui Chen is not saying that men cannot hire people to fight, but in aristocratic families, women do have other ways to display their abilities.

As the saying goes, the battlefield for men is in the court, and the battlefield for women is in the back house.

As a man, Gui Chen didn't understand these things.

The one who taught him this was his aunt, Chu Ji.

His aunt was indeed not a powerful cultivator, but through his father, she could make him and his mother and sister feel worse than death.

It seems that this young man's unique life experience seems to have taught him some unnecessary things...

Ying Baoyue looked at Gui Chen, who was looking depressed again, and smiled wryly, "You know a lot about women's backyard methods."

Any man who was framed by a housewife for seven years and was whipped by his biological father more than forty times under the wind of my mother's pillow can understand...

Gui Chen fixedly looked at the smiling girl in front of him, "Don't tell me you can't."

Is this kind of thing appropriate to say to an unmarried girl?

Ying Baoyue smiled wryly again.

But she is not an ordinary unmarried woman.

"I seem to be very good at what I said." Ying Baoyue said helplessly.

"I haven't seen you do something you can't do." Gui Chen said quietly.

Although he has only met this girl for a few days, he has never seen a time when this woman is not good.

"That's because you haven't seen too much," Ying Baoyue took a deep breath and sighed.

But she really can't.

She doesn't have any prejudice against these means, means are just tools, there is no good or evil, some people can use them to do evil and others can use them to do good, it's just everyone's choice.

"Don't underestimate those methods." Gui Chen frowned and thought why he had to persuade a woman. He took a deep breath and said solemnly, "Back then, the chief minister used the means of a woman's harem to destroy our world. nation."

Generally, women with some skills are too lofty to disdain these methods, just in case Guichen gave the biggest example.

So even this girl should be touched, right?

It really seems to be touched...

Looking at the girl who suddenly froze in front of her eyes, Gui Chen stretched out a hand and shook it in front of her eyes.


"A harem trick..." The girl's voice was suddenly extremely cold, causing Gui Chen to shudder.

And Ying Baoyue's heart was colder than ice right now.

What kind of nonsense is this.

A witch who seduces the king.

The one who did not act as a witch but was named a witch, her master.

Ying Baoyue's nails dug deep into her palm.

The reason why she suspected that Master's death was framed by someone was precisely because of this nonsense.

Because if you want to confuse that boy Ying Hao, where the master needs to take action, she can do it.

At the beginning, Taizu hired half of the country, but he didn't win the woman a nod.

How do people know now?
 Congratulations to Gui Chen for successfully stepping on thunder

(End of this chapter)

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