Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 422 Implementation

Chapter 422 Implementation
"Former Qin, Form Six!"

"One! It's time!"

time up.

everything is over.

everything is over?
"The game is over, everyone rein in their horses!"

Under the dancing torches, all the riders on the racecourse reined in their horses abruptly, and the originally boiling stadium fell silent in an instant.

The vibration on the ground stopped, the sound of hitting the ball stopped one after another, the hoarse shouts of the boys and girls stopped, and even the dust rolling in the air fell little by little.

At the same time, it is not only the racecourse that stops.

In the shed outside the racecourse, under the tree beside the racecourse, on the high platform outside the racecourse, and in the boxes under the high platform, countless pairs of eyes were wide open, countless bystanders lost their words, and the entire spacious Nanchu Imperial Racecourse fell into a dead silence.

Only the whispers of summer insects can be heard in my ears.

In this dead silence, everyone held their breath and looked at the group of people in the racecourse in front of them, and at the girl holding a bow in her hand.

At this moment, everyone seems to be in another world.

The next moment, there was a heavy drum!
Bring everyone back to reality.

"The second round of the polo match between everyone in the primary ceremony, the former Qin wins!"

The second round of the crowd battle of the primary ceremony.

Former Qin Sheng.

Former Qin won.

The examiner standing in the center of the court looked at the boys and girls on the racetrack, and at the fluttering net in the distance, his voice trembled a little.

But looking at the expressions of everyone around him as if he was in a dream, he took a deep breath to calm down and repeated.

"The second round of the polo battle in the primary ceremony."

"Ex-Qin Sheng."

After so many years of announcing the results, the examiner seemed to feel the weight of this sentence for the first time. The original announcement of a draw had already reached his throat, but he did not expect that at the last moment, a girl turned the whole battle.

Thinking of the scene he just saw, even the examiner couldn't help but lose his mind.

It was a day that was too long, but also a day that was too difficult and too unexpected.

And all this, now, is over.

All the ex-Qin teenagers were stunned into statues. After hearing the examiner's repeated sentence, their time began to flow again, and they came back to their senses one by one, and looked at their companions in a daze.



"we won……"

"Hey! Wang Qing... are you okay?!"

A young man from the former Qin Dynasty lost his strength and fell off his horse after hearing the sentence. His companions looked at him and shouted in shock, but the next moment they found that the man was lying on the grass with his hands and feet wide open, and the corner of his mouth was grinning.

The other teenagers looked at each other in blank dismay, but the corners of their mouths were uncontrollably raised at the next moment, the eyes on their faces were getting brighter and brighter, and they were about to raise their arms to cheer, but they were suddenly shocked by the explosion of sound around them. submerged.

At this moment, the people around the racecourse finally came to their senses, and after a moment of silence, they burst into shouts like a tide.

"God! It was Qianqin who won!"

"Isn't this old man dreaming?"

"This is absolutely fake! I don't believe it!"

All kinds of voices flooded the entire arena, and there were controversies and doubts. However, amidst these controversies and doubts, watching the young riders and girls on the racetrack who straightened up and hit the horses towards the sidelines, the sidelines of the arena finally broke out. There was a wave of applause.

"It was a fantastic game."

On the high platform, Jiang Yuanyuan looked at the crowd applauding involuntarily and said with emotion.

After all, even he couldn't help giving such an evaluation.

Regardless of the result, this game is enough to infect everyone who has watched it.

It is not a side-to-side crush, nor is it a battlefield of intrigue.It's a real polo, where everyone worked hard and worked hard until the final polo.

Even if the final result was beyond everyone's expectations, there would definitely be a lot of doubts afterwards, and everyone would be immersed in shock, but no one could say that the victory just now was inexplicable.

In today's day-to-day battle, Qianqin did show new strength.

That girl showed new strength.

At this time, amidst the doubts, a new voice appeared.

Because this is already the second time.

"First place in the second round of the crowd battle..."

"Qianqin really got lucky this time! God has no eyes!"

"Wait, but... isn't this the second number one that Qian Qin won?"

the second.

Everyone who heard this sentence was startled.

"The weakest former Qin actually..."

Looking at the people chattering around the racecourse, Ji Jiashu's eyes on the high platform were slightly dark.

At the end of the polo match, Qian Qin won the first place, and this was already the second time that Qian Qin had won the first place in a crowd battle.If the first time was accidental, what about the second time?
Everyone was shocked, questioning, and at the same time puzzled.

"What's the situation? Are other countries getting weaker or the former Qin getting stronger?"

"Why did this year's former Qin suddenly become stronger..."


Ji Jiashu's eyes narrowed slightly, and at this moment, the teenagers shouted excitedly in his ears.


"Do you want to throw someone away?"

"But this is Your Highness... Mr. Chunhua is still standing on the high platform..."

"It's okay, you don't even care about the eldest son..."

"Opportunities are rare... Isn't this a tradition after winning polo? In the past, people gave us no chance, come on, come on!"


Ji Jiashu opened his eyes wide and looked at the boys from the former Qin Dynasty who dismounted by the racecourse. All the boys gathered together, and the next moment, two of them were thrown high by others.

And one of them who was thrown up was still familiar to him.

"Your Highness!"

"Eldest son!"

The teenagers laughed and cheered, and tossed the hero who led them to victory high. The girl who was tossed up with Ying Xun was a little surprised, but a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth the next moment.

"This is really..." Jiang Yuanyuan, who was standing beside Ji Jiashu, stared at the scene in front of him in a daze.

"It's the first time I've seen a young lady being thrown up like this..."

After speaking, he glanced at the young man beside him, "That's your fiancee, don't you care?"

Ji Jiashu was also a little surprised, but looking at the teenagers beside the racetrack whose faces were flushed with joy, everyone was obviously dazzled by the surprise. Looking back afterwards, they couldn't bear to look directly at it 100%, but this matter was enough to make the people of the former Qin Dynasty so happy .Looking at the screaming and cheering teenagers and the girl among them, Ji Jiashu showed a helpless smile.

"She's not Miss Everyone," he glanced at Jiang Yuanyuan beside him, "and she's not just my fiancée."

Before all identities, one of her identities will be engraved in the hearts of every former Qin person at this moment.

Ji Jiashu looked at Jiang Yuanyuan and said quietly.

"She is the princess of the former Qin Dynasty."

She was originally a princess, but this identity from blood was not respected by anyone, but more contemptuous.

But at this moment, everything is different.

It's not just relying on the blood of Emperor Taizu to get a Princess Heqin who is called the Vase Princess.

In this cruel arena, the girl relied on her own willpower to reshape her identity.

her at this time.

She was a princess that the former Qin Dynasty was proud of.

"Personal ranking check!"

"The first meritorious person in the former Qin Dynasty, report your name!"

After the crowd battle was over, it was time to calculate the merits of each practitioner in the team. All the teams lined up in order, starting from the No.1 country to receive inquiries, and going down one by one.

Facing the questions from the etiquette officer and the examiner, Ying Xun said the name again.

Huo Zhan opened his lips slightly, wanting to say something, but at this moment Ying Xun looked back at him and touched his heart.

"Ah Zhan, speak from your conscience."

Huo Zhan's pupils shrank, his eyes flickered, and in the end, he didn't speak.

Facing the examiner's questioning, Ying Xun said the name again.

And this time, no one objected.

"In the second round of the primary ceremony, everyone's battle, the top of the list is..."

In the eyes of everyone who was either complicated or shocked or unbelievable, the voice of the ritual officer sounded, announcing the result.

"In the second round of the primary competition, the top spot is the former Qin practitioner, Ying Baoyue."

Ying Baoyue.

Ji Jiashu stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

"In the second round of the polo match, I want to win the first place."

The girl's voice rang in his ears again.

At that time, what she said.


It has been realized.

(End of this chapter)

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