Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 423 Expectation

Chapter 423 Expectation
The examiners at the racetrack checked the merits of practitioners from various countries one by one, and the civil servants beside them registered all of them.

Like the results of the first round of the competition, these records and the results of those practitioners who did not participate in the polo match will be calculated together in the end, and the list will be posted after comprehensively judging the rankings.

However, compared with the first round of the multiplayer match, the results of the polo match were much clearer.First of all, there is no controversy at the top of the list. The woman directly used her achievements to resolve the controversy.

Whether it's actually taking the position of the head of the ball and directing two consecutive games, or the number of personal goals in the game, Ying Baoyue is the most.

And all of this was done under the eyes of countless pairs of eyes.

Even if someone ever wanted to speak without conscience like Huo Zhan, they couldn't deny the facts that everyone saw.

So this time the top spot is not in dispute, and it was announced on the spot.

Although there may be many people who don't want to announce it.

But it's also a polo tradition.

At the same time, as the winning team, the eight former Qin players can all enter the top eight.But at the same time the other teams became a bit dangerous.Especially for Nan Chu, who lost in the first round, his ranking in the crowd battle and his personal ranking are not very ideal.

It is better to say that the scores of the three major powers in this round are not very ideal.Especially in the Northern Wei Dynasty, it was the first time in so many years that they lost the first polo seat.

In today's polo match.

There is only one winner.

That is the former Qin Dynasty.

First place in two consecutive rounds, it may be luck to get first place in the first round.But being first twice is no longer about luck.

And all of this is because of that girl.

Ji Jiashu stood on the high platform and watched all this quietly. Because the former Qin and Northern Wei were divided into one or two, the teams were next to each other. At this time, he saw a figure walking towards the former Qin team, and his eyes widened in surprise.

At this moment, an unexpected person suddenly appeared in front of the former Qin team who were waiting for the examiner to record their grades.

"You... the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty?"

Looking at the young man who walked out from the Northern Wei team, the ex-Qin practitioner who was originally joyful suddenly became extremely vigilant.

"Could it be that the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty still have any objections?!"

"Wait, let's see what he said." Ying Xun raised his hand to stop some excited practitioners in the team.

He could see at a glance that there was only one person that the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty was going to.Ying Xun looked sideways at his cousin behind him with a complicated expression.

Ying Baoyue's expression didn't change, she just quietly watched Meng Shi walk in front of her, and then stopped.

However, standing in front of her, Meng Shi didn't speak first, but just stared at her without saying a word.

"What is this man here for?" There were other former Qin practitioners muttering around, and some of the Northern Wei practitioners not far behind Meng Shi also showed dissatisfaction.

But Ying Baoyue didn't respond, and didn't speak first. When Meng Shi was watching her, she was also watching her.The next moment Ying Baoyue's eyes fell on the scratches and other scars exposed on Meng Shi's wrist.

Noticing her gaze, Meng Shi's shoulders trembled slightly, and she withdrew her hand.

The next moment, she looked up at the girl in front of her, and said to Ying Baoyue.

"I lost."

In these years of her disguise as a man, it was the first time that she lost to a woman. She lost completely, and even lost to that person's formation she had carefully prepared, which left her speechless.

While talking, Meng Shi lowered her head slightly again, feeling ashamed to go back to see her master.

"No, you didn't."

However, at this moment, upon hearing her words, the girl in front of her suddenly spoke.

Meng Shi lowered her head and was startled.

Ying Baoyue shook her head and looked at Meng Shi, "This is not your own victory or loss."

Meng Shi was taken aback when she heard the words, and looked up at the serious girl opposite.Such an obvious result has not yet lost, is this woman deliberately embarrassing her?

But the next moment, the girl looked into her eyes.

"I don't accept winning or losing like this."

Ying Baoyue said quietly.

It was the Northern Wei Dynasty that lost, not Meng Shi.

There are many factors that affect crowd battles, such as personal level, performance on the field at that time, and the degree of cooperation of teammates, etc...

The defeat of the Northern Wei Dynasty was not caused by Meng Shi alone.The non-cooperation of other practitioners in the Northern Wei Dynasty itself is more of the reason.Meng Shi was more or less dragged down by some of her "teammates".

Although I don't understand why Meng Shi wants to compare with her.

But she can't accept such a win or loss.

Meng Shi stared blankly at the girl in front of her, and instantly understood what she meant.

"But..." she said hoarsely, her mood was extremely complicated.

"But fortunately, there is still a chance for a real confrontation."

And at this moment, Ying Baoyue looked at her and said seriously.

Meng Shi's shoulders trembled, and she looked at the unforgettable clear eyes of the girl in front of her, "You mean a personal battle..."

"That's right," Ying Baoyue looked at Meng Shi and said.

Nowadays, all the crowd battles are going on, but there is still one round of crowd battles to come to an end, and then there is the individual stage.

In the last round of individual battles, no matter whether it is the elementary ceremony or the intermediate ceremony, the most important thing is the one-on-one battle between practitioners.

"We will eventually stand on the one-on-one battlefield."

Ying Baoyue looked at Meng Shidao.

"I look forward to that time coming."



"A one-on-one battle..."

Ji Jiashu pondered on the high platform.

By the time they reached that step, the primary ceremony had also reached the final round.And talking about the last round, Ji Jiashu heard what the woman said before again.

This time Ying Baoyue won first place.

"If you take the first place in the future, won't you be able to get the first place and become the leader?"

The girl's voice echoed in his ears again.

Although she did achieve it this time, jumping from the bottom of the crowd battle to the top of the list, Ji Jiashu really didn't know how to do it if she won the first place in every subsequent round.

Not to mention anything else, in the next third round of the crowd battle, it is absolutely impossible for Qianqin to win.

No matter how many miracles this woman can pull off, by the third round, none of it will work.

Because the third round needs to rely on the eight beast gods, and the country that itself is favored by the four gods of heaven has a natural advantage.

Among them, the former Qin Dynasty was in the most difficult situation.

After all, the eight beast gods of the former Qin Dynasty, Teng Snake, have disappeared.



The heat on the court quietly dissipated, and people began to leave in twos and threes, returning to the city full of talk.

All the teahouses and wine shops in Danyang City tonight are full, and amidst the bright lights, people are discussing the polo match of the day, chatting excitedly about every detail and what they saw and thought.

However, all of this has nothing to do with Ying Baoyue.

Because... She has been sleeping since she came back from the horse farm.

Opening her eyes, she looked at the familiar bed curtain and the familiar pillow.

She covered Ji Ange with a quilt and walked into the courtyard.

Ying Baoyue walked to the center of the courtyard, raised her head and gazed at the moon in the sky quietly.She didn't know how long she had been looking at it, but when she looked at it, she suddenly noticed that she was looking in one direction.

Ying Baoyue raised her head as if feeling something, and looked at a dark figure on the roof of the east courtyard.

There was only one person on the roof, in a somewhat unusual pose.

Under the moonlight, the boy who was no longer young hugged his knees, quietly staring at the moon in the sky.

Ying Baoyue did not expect that after so many years, this person still likes to sit on the roof.

"What are you doing here?" Under the moonlight, she looked at the boy sitting in the room and called out his name.

"Ji Qingyuan."

(End of this chapter)

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