Chapter 45
" bought a bucket of rice for thirty baht?"

In Guijia's small courtyard, Guili looked at the dejected Guichen with his hands on his hips and shouted angrily in disbelief.

"Why don't you look elsewhere?"

Although Gui Chen was also distressed, but when he heard this, he straightened his back, pursed his lips and glanced at the silent girl behind him, and said to his sister.

"Later, Mingyue and I went to Jishang and other village entrances, and it was really much more expensive. And the price at the closing market in the afternoon was actually higher than when it opened!"

"What..." This time, Guili froze.

Gui Chen looked at the girl behind him in disbelief.

At that time, if she hadn't insisted, he might have waited for another family, but everything was as she expected, the old man's words were actually right and not to deceive him.

The price of rice on the market is indeed soaring.

"How could this happen..." Gui Li frowned tightly, "Is this to starve the people to death?"

"Although the episode was a bit deserted, I didn't see anything unusual," Gui Chen said, "But I think it might be because of the rumors."

"Rumors? What rumors?" Gui Li asked, and before she could answer, she suddenly asked in disgust, "Is it because Princess Heqin hasn't been found yet?"

"That's right," Gui Chen carefully picked up the rice bag from the bamboo basket, "I guess it's based on the judgment that the marriage is about to end, maybe Nan Chu will take the opportunity to start a war, and those rice vendors are just acting on hearing the news."

After all, the biggest thing about the former Qin Dynasty now is the loss of the princess and his wife. Many traders in the countryside will make trouble because of this.

Guichen and the others have experienced many such things over the years, but most of them were just a little bit of thunder and rain, and they just passed by tightening their belts.

"It's really not that easy to fight," Gui Chen spread his hands, "If you can't get married, you think there is going to be a war, and the officials above won't be so stupid."

This is also true, Ying Baoyue said heartily.It depends on who can hold their breath in this dark tide, but officials and rulers with a little experience in troubled times should stand still at this time.

The premise is experience.

Ying Baoyue recalled the depression he saw at the market today, and his heart sank slightly.

"Furthermore, Nanchu is planning to hold the Primary Ceremony this year. This is a grand event held every three years in the entire cultivation world. All the immortal officials are busy doing this. It is impossible to start a war this year!"

However, at this moment, Gui Chen's words interrupted Ying Baoyue's thoughts.

"The primary ceremony?" Ying Baoyue asked in a daze.

And with this word, countless memories flooded into her mind.

"Yes, the elementary ceremony," Gui Chen turned his head to look at her with excited and complicated eyes, "you don't even remember this? This is the only way for elementary practitioners to advance to the next level, and it is also the way to touch the immortal official." The starting point of the threshold!"

Yes, she remembered.

Regardless of how to become a practitioner, even if an ordinary person is lucky enough to become a practitioner, there is an extremely difficult and long road ahead of him.

If you want to go on this never-ending path of cultivation, you must rely on the wisdom of the predecessors and a steady stream of cultivation resources.

The classics and prescriptions left by the predecessors, the epiphany of cultivation, and the most important training for practitioners.

That is fighting and competition.

Heroes are born in troubled times because everyone is trying their best to survive, but how to cultivate strong practitioners in a peaceful and prosperous world?
Decades ago, when Emperor Taizu established the cultivation system, he created two major systems, the Immortal Official System and the Complementary Examination System.

The advancement method of practitioners is a top-secret resource, and in order to ensure that high-level practitioners are used by the court, the immortal official system monopolizes this resource.

Emperor Taizu himself was not a top-notch practitioner, and he was only ranked third before his death, but this man who was once said to have had a "group meeting" with Yagami and was favored by the gods had extremely complete theoretical knowledge of practice, and all of these theoretical knowledge recorded in his handbook.

"If you can become a fairy official, people like me may also be able to get in touch with the legendary Taizu Handbook!" Gui Chen said to Ying Baoyue and his sister with infinite longing in his eyes.

"A letter..." Ying Baoyue said in a low voice, has that thing become a legend...

"Yeah, don't you know?" Gui Chen looked at Ying Baoyue and said, "It is said that the secret of advanced practitioners' advancement is hidden in the letter left by Emperor Taizu."

Yes, that's right.

The practice method of Emperor Taizu was changed from theory to reality by a woman beside him.Da Si ordered Lin Shubai to complete the practice letters above the third level, and proved that the first level does exist. So far, the Taizu Handbook has become an authority in the practice world.

Cultivation of the tenth level, if the first five levels can still rely on barbaric growth, but after reaching the sixth level, you must rely on the power of the Taizu's handwriting, and if you want to get the qualification to read the Taizu's handwriting, you will be able to read the Taizu's handwriting in the entire Shanhai Continent. There is only one way.

That is to become a fairy official.

In the Shanhai Continent, only immortal officials of a certain rank are eligible to read the Emperor Taizu's handwriting.

So far, the fairy official has become the only way for practitioners to make contributions and get ahead.

High-grade immortal officials can even ascend to the pilgrimage, and when they reach the apex, they can become a national teacher of a country, meet the gods, and control the luck of the world.

How can practitioners from all over the continent flock to it.

The Immortal Official System and the Cultivation Rule System correspond to the tenth rank, and practitioners of the same level are eligible to become immortal officials of the corresponding rank, but... they are only qualified.

Practitioners of rank nine are eligible to become rank nine immortal officials, but if they do not participate in the test and win it, they cannot become immortal officials.

The so-called test is such a thing.

In a sense, the code examination system can be called the imperial examination for the selection of practitioners, although the way of the examination seems to Ying Baoyue... a bit like the Olympic Games.

Not shown here, the code examination system is divided into three parts: junior high school and high school, the elementary competition, the intermediate competition and the advanced competition.

The Taizu manuscript was divided into four parts and delivered to the four most powerful vassal states in terms of practice.

It's really not conducive to the centralization of power. I don't know what that man is thinking at all.

The primary ceremony and the intermediate ceremony are held in one country, while the high-level ceremony is not widely known. In a sense, it is closer to the secret ceremony of a few people, and it is held in two countries.

After all, practitioners who can reach the high-level ceremony... are really rare.

Even if one can read the Taizu's handwriting, practice is a complex process that combines talent and opportunity, as evidenced by the fact that there are only eight second-rank god sons in the entire continent.

Different from the secret high-level ceremony, the primary ceremony that selects the most immortal officials is a grand event in the whole continent, and the scale is extremely grand.

And the venue for the elementary ceremony with the largest number of participants is...

The vassal state with the largest area on the mainland, the sanctuary of the four spirits of the sky, Suzaku, was once the place where the most powerful practitioners were born.

"Nan Chu."

Gui Chen clenched his fists and took a deep breath, "Sooner or later, I'll save up enough money to go there."

"I remember that the money should be almost saved, brother, you won't use this travel expenses to buy rice, will you?" Gui Li frowned and looked at Gui Chen.

"No, how could it be...just..." The young man bit his lips until they turned white, and sat down on the ground dejectedly.

"If you don't become the tenth rank, you are not eligible to participate in the primary ceremony."

The selection examination for practitioners, of course, only accepts practitioners.

Rank ten is just the lowest standard, but Gui Chen has not even reached this minimum standard.

"There are only three months left until the elementary ceremony. I am already 15 years old. It seems that your brother really has no talent for cultivation." Gui Chen looked at his pale sister and smiled wryly.

"Brother, don't say that, you're just..." Gui Li didn't run down his elder brother, but he didn't know how to comfort him.

"It's okay, Southern Chu Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, even if I am lucky enough to enter the tenth rank, I'm afraid I will be eliminated in the first round," Gui Chen forced a few smiles at his sister with an ugly face, laughing more than crying ugly.

"Nan Chu..." Ying Baoyue murmured.

It is indeed a holy place for practice.

Because there is.

Master's hometown.

But now also...

"It's the place where our Highness Princess is going to marry," Gui Chen turned his head to look at her and spread his hands, frowning tightly.

"By the way, where did Her Royal Highness go?"

 In your small yard.

(End of this chapter)

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