Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 46 Limits

Chapter 46 Limits
Nearly 30 years ago, a girl from Chu State met a young man from Qin State in Southern Chu.

History began to turn at this point.

At that time, Southern Chu had the largest area, but because it was located in the south humid and full of insects and miasma, the demons and ghosts were far more serious than those in the north. The people of Chu were once regarded as uncivilized people, and Chu was called "the land of Chu barbarians". , it can be said that it is the latest country in the development of the six countries in the Great Wall.

However, it is such a country that changed its destiny because of the appearance of a young girl.

In the last days of the previous dynasty where demons and monsters were rampant, the girl from the Chu State chose to help the young man from the Qin State. She was once regarded as a traitor by her hometown. glory.

Chu land produced a first-rank man-god and a second-rank god son. Since then, they have gained the aura of outstanding people and spirits. Countless practitioners rushed to Chu land to practice, and Nan Chu was also presented with the Taizu Handbook, and obtained the first-level The right to hold the grand ceremony has become the cradle of practitioners.

To this day, Southern Chu is also the place with the most immortal official families and the most practice schools in the whole continent.

Ying Baoyue learned from Guichen that even though Taizu died, the empire was divided, and the chief minister was slandered, under the guidance of Nanchu Guoshi, one of the eight gods, the holding of the primary ceremony was not affected , the only difference is that the winner can choose which country's fairy official system to join, instead of all returning to the former Qin Dynasty.

However, after the death of Taizu, the primary ceremony has only been held twice, and this time is the third one. I don't know how long this abnormal selection method will last.

Southern Chu State Teacher...

Ying Baoyue recalled bad memories from the bottom of her heart.

Forget it, it's useless for her to think about it now.Among the sons of gods in various countries, the national teacher of Southern Chu is also an extremely powerful one.

In the era of feudal lords, Southern Chu, Northern Wei, and Eastern Wu were together called the Three Powers within the Great Wall. Now that the former Qin Dynasty has declined, Southern Chu, which has the largest land area and the most practitioners, is the veritable No. [-] overlord in the South.

It's no wonder that the former king of Qin didn't hesitate to send his only sister to marry her.

Of course people don't want it yet.

Don't mention it, I feel bloody for the original owner.

For such a southern overlord, just relying on making a marriage has a lot of effect, not to mention that there are still objections to the marriage in Qin's country. In short, as far as Ying Baoyue is concerned, she feels that she should not rush to send it off.

She also knew that she would not be able to participate in the examination as a former princess of the Qin Dynasty, so she should settle with that tomb and find another way out.

But before that...

Looking at the dejected boy sitting on the ground, Ying Baoyue knelt down and patted him on the shoulder.

"Mingyue?" Seeing the girl's face suddenly appearing beside him, Gui Chen was shocked.

It was difficult for her to take the test, but at least she could do something for him.

"Up the mountain."

"Huh? Up the mountain? Now?"

Guichen ran all morning with a bamboo basket on his back, and the soles of his feet were covered with blood blisters. He looked at the cloth bag on the girl's back. It was something she bought at the market. It only cost Guichen two baht. Let her go, although it is cheap, it should not be light.

She didn't want to put it in her own bamboo basket and carried it all the way by herself, isn't she tired?
However, the girl's heart was made of iron, and she looked up at the sun in the sky.

"I used to say that I went up the mountain in the afternoon, and the sun was past noon. Now it is already afternoon."

"You can drink some water."

"Let's have lunch on the mountain, you won't die of hunger on the mountain."



When Guichen, who changed out of worn-out straw sandals and walked up the mountain with a medicine basket on his back, was still thinking about when he was turned against the customer.

However, Gui Chen found that he no longer had any sense of resistance to what the girl said...

But if you don't have it mentally, it doesn't mean you don't have it physically.
Under this terrible physical consumption, his physical strength is very honest.

"Huh, huh, can you stop for a moment?" Of course he really wanted to say this, but looking at the slender figure in front of him with a heavy load on his back, his dignity as a man made this sentence hover in his heart. I couldn't say anything, so I had to grit my teeth and follow.

When he reached almost the top of the mountain, Gui Chen had already lost feeling in his legs.

"It's here." The figure in front of him that seemed to never stop finally stopped.

Gui Chen only felt that his physical strength had never been so exhausted since he was a child.

The last time was also when the mountain fell off the cliff.

Cliff... Thinking of Guichen's heart tightened, he looked at this familiar yet unfamiliar mountain.

The surrounding scenery remained unchanged, but the relationship between him and the girl in front of him had quietly changed.

The last time she went up the mountain, she just followed behind her, but this time she was more familiar than anyone else, and the speed up the mountain was incredible.

"What's going on with your body?" Gui Chen looked at the pale girl who had never even breathed, feeling puzzled in his heart.

"Aren't you tired?"

How could she exercise vigorously for such a long time without stopping?

Should not be ah.

To know how slender and weak this young girl's body really is, Gui Chen... weighed it with her own hands.

What's more, it didn't take long for her to wake up, so it should be...

The body is very weak.

Ying Baoyue stroked this arm, whose body was so thin that it would break if folded, and said in her heart.

Compared with her previous life, the body of this little princess in a vase is much weaker.

Even after her adjustment and exercise these days, it is still far from her heyday.


"Is there any difference between you and me?" Gui Chen stared at the girl in front of him tightly.

A person's physical condition can't be fooled. This girl's body is extremely weak, but she has a kind of flexible power, which is as hard to break as a thin bamboo and never stops. So Gui Chen can think that there must be a place in her body. He is different.

Thinking of the scene when she held him with her slender arms on the cliff, Gui Chen's heart skipped a beat and his gaze on Ying Baoyue became more focused.

Willpower is different.He had experienced this firsthand.

This woman's willpower is terrifying.

And this terrible willpower drives her body.

and also……

"Maybe the way of breathing is different." The girl interrupted his thoughts with a calm and probing voice, and the next moment she had already walked in front of him.

"Wait, it's too close..." Her footsteps approaching people were silent, Gui Chen was taken aback by the scent blowing on his face, the next moment his stomach felt cold, and a slender hand suddenly pressed against his stomach.

However, before Gui Chen had any other thoughts, he felt a sharp pain in his stomach.

"Hiss..." Gui Chen suddenly inhaled.

"Sorry, I didn't expect it to hurt so much." The girl who had just hit his abdomen blinked and withdrew her hand.

"But, sure enough..." the girl in front of her lowered her eyes and said softly.

"You're so empty inside."

"What?" Although Gui Chen received the apology from the other party, he was not happy at all.

I always feel like I'm missing something more...

Such as the dignity of a man...

"Your breathing method is wrong." Ying Baoyue looked at him and said, "The dantian is completely useless, so it is easy to feel tired."

"Dantian? Use force?" Gui Chen had never heard of these things before, and of course he didn't care about them at all.

after all……

Is this related to practice?
No matter how you hear it, you think it’s just for exercising your body, right?
But in this world where practitioners run rampant, those with ranks can easily defeat strong men, so what's the use of exercising?

"Do you think these are useless?" The girl in front of her seemed to hear his heart and asked quietly while looking at him.

"I..." Gui Chen didn't know what to say.

"I don't think so." The girl stared into his eyes and said softly.

"Cultivators can indeed be stronger than ordinary people, but it doesn't mean that practitioners must be stronger than ordinary people."

"Before I ignored this problem, but since I can't find a way to practice, it doesn't mean that people can't become stronger."

The scorching sun near noon pierced through the branches and leaves of the forest, and the sunlight outlined a layer of gold on the outline of the girl in front of her.

Gui Chen looked at the girl who spoke quietly, and slowly opened his eyes wide.

Humans have limits.

Practitioners who can break through the limits of human beings will indeed be stronger in theory.

People can't beat practitioners.

Everyone has said that to him since he was a kid.

So what he has to do is to try his best to become a practitioner.

However, at the end of the road, on top of the rock, the girl turned around and said this to him.

"But in my opinion, you haven't even reached the limit of human beings."

(End of this chapter)

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