Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 47 Cultivation

Chapter 47 Cultivation
Gui Chen doesn't know what the limit of human beings is, and he doesn't believe how strong ordinary people can be.

However, the existence of the girl in front of him made him have to believe it.

"So as long as you know how to breathe, can you solve this problem?" Gui Chen looked at Ying Baoyue and asked in a daze.

If he is not interested in anything else, but when it comes to breathing methods, he has experience.

When he was in danger on the cliff, he had been led by this woman to breathe rhythmically. It was the first time he heard the sound of this girl's breathing when life and death were on the line.

It is indeed special.

Listening to it can make people's heart calm down.

He also heard it when the girl at the entrance of the village rescued the little girl.

So he thought that she might know some secrets, yes, there were some secrets in the scriptures, it must be this...


However, just when Gui Chen was getting excited, the girl's plain voice instantly shattered his fantasy.

"There is indeed a method, but your current body control ability is too weak, and it is useless to just know it."

Knowing how and being able to do it are two different things.

Just like the difficult movements of an acrobat, it looks like it can be done, but others just can't do it.

On the other hand, if an action is proficient to a certain extent, the human body will move by itself.

Breathing is also an action.If the body and consciousness are not in place, breathing, an action that needs to be subconsciously continued, cannot proceed at all.Both awareness and muscle quality have not met the requirements, and knowing the method cannot be switched.

Ying Baoyue's current state is that consciousness temporarily makes up for the lack of physical body. After all, the movement of breathing has been carried out for more than ten years in her previous life, and her body memory has been formed, which can barely be maintained.

But Gui Chen obviously couldn't start like this.

Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled, "In short, your body is not ready yet."

"Then what should I do?" Gui Chen was completely stunned.

"This is..."

The girl in front of her took off the cloth bag on her shoulders and put it on the ground, smiling at him.

"Let's start with the most basic strengthening of physical strength."

"Increase your physical strength..." Gui Chen looked at the big package on the ground, which Ying Baoyue bought behind his back.He had been wondering what it was for a long time, but when he saw what was revealed in the package, the boy froze on the spot.

It always feels a little different from what he imagined.

Hearing what the girl said, he thought it would be some kind of magic trick with a special effect, but he didn't expect that the thing wrapped in coarse cloth on the ground was...

"hemp rope?"

That's right, the thing exposed in the cloth bag on the ground is indeed hemp rope. The reason why the bag looks so big is because there are many bundles of hemp rope of different thicknesses inside.

The ones are as thin as a thumb, the ones as thick as a fist, and the bundle is so huge that it feels heavy to look at.

"What is this used for?" Gui Chen was completely at a loss.

You don't have to buy so much to bundle things.

"Could it you use this to exercise your body?" Gui Chen looked at the sky speechlessly. He had no chance to go to the academy to find a master, but he had never heard of any school that uses hemp rope for cultivation.

This is too...

"Well, that's what this is for."

Under his questioning gaze, the girl looked as usual, not feeling that this behavior was weird at all, and very naturally picked out the thick thumb from the pile of hemp rope, and held the two ends in her hand.

The girl waved the hemp rope with both hands, and the semicircular rope slid through the air, she jumped up, and the rope passed under her feet again.

Her movements are very familiar, as if she has done it countless times.

"It's called skipping rope. That's what this twine is for."

After a dozen demonstrations, Ying Baoyue stopped and said to Guichen.

"try it yourself."

Wait, that's not what hemp rope is for, is it? !

Gui Chen shouted from the bottom of his heart, but seeing the action of the girl in front of him, he reluctantly picked a rope of the same thickness from the pile of hemp rope on the ground, held it in his hand, waved it, and jumped up...


Then he drew it on his forehead.

"Well, it's really like this for the first time." The girl in front of him showed him a heartless smile, "the more you dance, the more you can master the rhythm."

Seeing that she made it so simple and light, why did he make it like this?
"It's okay, you will learn it soon." Ying Baoyue encouraged the young man whose forehead was reddened.

"It was a common game of ours as a child, as I recall."


Gui Chen's blood boiled all over his body, he took a deep breath, tightly squeezed the rope in his hand, and swung it suddenly.

He still doesn't believe it!



"Huh, huh."

As the sun set, it shone on the sweaty figure of the boy in the mountains and forests.

Beads of sweat hit the ground, leaving circular marks one by one, and above the marks, the jumping figure of the young man with a blushing face finally stopped stagnating.

Become smooth and rhythmic.

But this fluency comes at a price.

Gui Chen squinted his eyes that were sore from sweat, looked at the girl in front of him who was also jumping constantly, and finally understood why this game can exercise physical strength.

This action is really... Tired to death!

He would no longer be drawn by the hemp rope, but after practicing all afternoon, his whole body was sore and abnormal, as if he had been beaten up by someone... not like he had been beaten by a gang.

Now he has to take a break every quarter of an hour, and he also wants to extend it, but it is really the limit, beyond which he can't even jump over the hemp rope.

But the rest of the girl in front of her was two quarters of an hour.

What kind of women are these.

Seeing the girl who finally stopped, Gui Chen panted violently and also stopped.

"Is... is it okay to practice like this?" Gui Chen, who was sitting on a rock and gulping down the spring water, asked vaguely while panting.

"Yes?" Unexpectedly, the girl with her eyes closed opened her eyes, looked at him suspiciously, and then suddenly realized.

"You mean you can change the way you breathe?"

Gui Chen nodded heavily.

"What are you thinking about?" Gui Chen was exhausted, but the girl in front of her just smiled softly and looked at the pile of hemp rope on the ground.

"At least until the bottom rope is used."


Gui Chen's eyelids twitched.

The twine the woman bought came in ten different thicknesses.

The thicker the lower the position.

The bottom one is the thickest model with the thickness of the fist.

Is it...

Gui Chen looked at the thinnest hemp rope in his hand and blew his scalp.

Is this why she bought so many hemp ropes of different thicknesses?That fist is so thick that it is difficult to hold it with one hand, but you want to swing it to skip rope?
tease him?
Where did she learn the cultivation method?

"Can you do it now?" Gui Chen couldn't help asking.

"It can be done, but it is difficult for this body to last more than a quarter of an hour." Ying Baoyue thought for a while and replied.

"Then... has anyone done it before?" Gui Chen reluctantly breathed a sigh of relief, and asked eagerly the next moment.

"I remember it." Ying Baoyue replied with a smile.

That must be a strong man with well-developed muscles, Gui Chen thought.

It might be possible for the old Zhangtou who strikes iron in the east of the village.

"Then I should slowly change the jumping hemp rope to thicker and thicker ones, right?" Gui Chen took a deep breath.

Ying Baoyue nodded.

This is also a step-by-step process, Gui Chen always feels that he has understood the girl's intentions, after all, it is a training method thought up by a girl, and it cannot be difficult to think about it.

"Then when do I want to change the hemp rope?" Gui Chen asked.

Now that he knows the way to upgrade the hemp rope, even though he is still apprehensive looking at the thicker one, Gui Chen still wants to use the next thicker hemp rope as soon as possible.


"Three days later?"

Gui Chen, who didn't wait for an answer, kept asking questions, and looked at the girl who didn't speak, becoming more and more puzzled.

"Could it be a week from now?"

Then how long will he practice with such a big bag of hemp rope?

Looking at the girl who blinked at him, Gui Chen asked with a smile, "It doesn't have to be too long, right? Could it be two weeks?"

This is the limit in Gui Chen's heart.

"What are you talking about?" But at this moment, the girl looked at him and smiled, and said.

"Of course after the jumper in your hand is broken."

"That's it, jump off..." Gui Chen replied with a smile.

Then the next moment, the boy's smile froze on his face.


(End of this chapter)

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