Chapter 48
Gui Chen felt that his vision had changed a lot these days, but he still couldn't believe his ears when he heard what the girl in front of him said.

" it the jump that I understand?"

Looking at the thickest hemp rope on the ground, the muscles in the corners of Guichen's eyes twitched.

"It should be." Ying Baoyue nodded.

Looking at the pile of hemp ropes on the ground, Gui Chen suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"Then... don't you think you're ready to jump off all the hemp ropes?"

Shouldn't be...

"Yes." Ying Baoyue nodded and said, "I should buy enough."

This is more than enough...

"Is this something that humans can do?" Gui Chen took a deep breath, although he didn't want to admit defeat, but what this woman said was too unbelievable, "Before... have ordinary people done it?"

Ying Baoyue thought for a moment, then nodded again.

It doesn't matter whether they are ordinary people or not.

But when she completed these trainings before, she didn't use the power of the practitioner, probably.

"There is one in my restored memory."

Where did this strong man come from to be so brave...

"Then I really want to meet that strong man..." Gui Chen stiffened, "Do you remember his name?"

To be able to do such a thing, even if it wasn't for the cultivator Gui Chen, he would still be a warrior in the army.

"A strong man?" Ying Baoyue looked at her palm that had been rubbed with tiny blood blisters by the hemp rope, wondering if she should tell him the truth.

Although she remembered the rumors of the Taizu's handbook, the content of the practitioner's practice disappeared completely in her mind like being amnesticized. The practice she can remember now is just some sporadic masters who taught her when she was young. time for her basic training.

and so……

"It's not a strong man who does this," Ying Baoyue stared into the eyes of the young man in front of him, and said honestly.

"It's a ten-year-old boy."

To be precise, it was a ten-year-old girl.

"What..." Gui Chen froze completely.

This is the first thought in his heart, not to mention the other nine, can a child break this thick fist?

This is hemp rope not grass rope!
Anyone who hears this nonsense will think so, because it is too unbelievable to lie to a child...

However, looking at the clear and calm eyes of the girl in front of him, Gui Chen had a bold idea in his heart.

No way……

"Don't you believe it?" Ying Baoyue looked at him and asked.

If she didn't have the common sense of traveling to modern times, in fact, in her previous life, she never felt that Master's training for her might be a little...unusual.

"To be honest... I really don't want to believe it." Gui Chen stood up, looked at the little red rope on the girl's hand, took a deep breath, and tore off a piece of the skirt from her body with a snap.

"You..." The boy in front of him snatched the hemp rope from her hand, wrapped the cloth layer by layer around the end of the rope, and then stuffed it back into her hand and turned around.

"Thank you..." Ying Baoyue watched his back and said slowly.

"It's okay, don't you feel the scratches on your palms? Can't you be more careful?" Gui Chen said as he walked towards the tree where he was jumping rope, holding his hemp rope.

And the next moment, another sentence from the young man standing under the tree reached Ying Baoyue's ears.

"Whether it's true or not."

His voice was soft but clear.

"I'll try my best."

How can you lose to a child.Gui Chen clenched the hemp rope in his hand, although he didn't work much, but he was a man with thick skin and his palms had some calluses.

In front of Gui Chen's eyes, the girl's white and tender palm that would break skin when she touched it just now appeared.

Those hands were not honed hands.


Probably not her.



The days of exhaustion always pass quickly, and in the following days, life seems to be back on track, Guichen still goes up the mountain every morning and returns at sunset.

But unlike before, the back view of him going up the mountain is no longer alone.

Ying Baoyue continued to go up the mountain with Gui Chen every day.There was also an extra bamboo basket on her back, but the hemp rope inside was divided in half by Gui Chen.

In Guichen's medicine basket, there was a large bundle of hemp rope in addition to the utensils for making medicine and collecting herbs.

However... What frustrates him is that although he carries such a large pile of hemp ropes up the mountain every day, as the sun goes by... the amount of hemp ropes has not decreased.

Sure enough, hemp rope is not something that can be broken in a day or two!

Sure enough, in the conversation on the mountain, the girl said that someone did it, was she trying to deceive him?

Gui Chen harbored such doubts in his heart all the time, but it was rare that he did not give up this seemingly stupid way of cultivation.


Having someone around him who is constantly doing instead of just watching makes it hard for him to even say the words to give up.

That girl was exactly the same as himself, she kept repeating this monotonous movement, without stopping from morning to night, and her rope was not broken, but it was worn out faster than her own.

In such monotonous repetitions, her speed continued to increase.

Then Gui Chen had no choice but to grit his teeth and keep up, trying his best, trying not to think about the meaning of doing so.

But...what's the point?
In the eyes of Gui Li who stayed at home, the situation of his brother going out every day has not changed much, the only thing that has changed is...

The elder brother went from walking down the mountain every day to floating down the mountain every day.

On the first day when she got home, she was startled, she felt as if she was fished out of the water, and her footsteps were so sloppy that Gui Li suspected that she would fall down on the side of the road and fall asleep the next moment.

However, Gui Chen is indeed lying on the bed every night and loses consciousness.

Not even aware that the other person in the room disappeared from time to time during the night.

This saved Ying Baoyue a lot of trouble.

She was not idle during these nights, it would be better to say that someone on the opposite side would not let her be idle.

The conversation between her and Ji Jiashu continued almost every day. That person seems to be addicted to chatting, not to say that he is too talkative. The conversation at the beginning was polite, but as the topic unfolded, he seemed to be Talk to her endlessly.

The topics of the two of them flew from astronomy to geography, from geography to humanities, and even to practice experience.

However, due to Ying Baoyue's high-end status wearing a vest, it is not easy to discuss too specific cultivation methods.

But even so, they were able to chat together. It could be heard that this young man was a young genius who was obsessed with cultivation, and his ability to explore psychology was extremely high. The two of them chatted more and more deeply about many topics, and even forgot the time.

And just as time flies by, that day finally arrives.



"It's fifteen again so soon..."

The steps of Guili stepping out of the gate of the dark cloud seemed to weigh a thousand catties.

"Jin Ren is over." Gui Chen's face was also ugly, but he still looked at his sister and said in relief, "Don't you think that something big happened last time?"

However, when Gui Li heard this sentence, there was no smile on his face, and he spoke coldly.

"Last time, that person was not at home, but this time, didn't it mean that he came back today?"


Ying Baoyue, who was walking aside wearing a veiled hat, looked down at Gui Chen's clenched fists under his sleeves.

The person Guili mentioned was none other than her biological father, the former Great Sima Guichang of the Qin Dynasty.

The last time I was urgently summoned by the emperor to leave the mansion, I heard from the servants of the Sima mansion that today happened to be the day to return.

This is a happy event for the Sima Mansion, but for the Gui brothers and sisters, it is nothing more than a bolt from the blue.

What kind of father is he who can be so disgusted and feared by his children? If nothing happens, he will be able to see him today.

Looking at the backs of the servants of the Sima Mansion leading the way, the footsteps of the Gui brothers and sisters were like lead.

A long and painful road.

However, just when the familiar huge mansion reappeared before Ying Baoyue's eyes, and just when the Gui brothers and sisters were about to step into the corner gate in bitter vengeance, a burst of excited shouts burst into the sky.

"Madam is overjoyed!"

"Congratulations to Mrs. and Mrs.!"

what happened?
Ying Baoyue Guichen and the others stopped, and the next moment there was a sharp and ecstatic cry from a distance.

"A message has been sent from the capital!"

"Your Majesty has a decree, Da Sima Guichang is a noble character, unparalleled in loyalty and filial piety, and is the pillar of the country."

The voice tremblingly announced.

"Promote to rank one loyal marquis!"

(End of this chapter)

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