Chapter 49 The Three Heroes
Da Sima Guichang was granted the title of Marquis of Zhongyi.

This is indeed great joy.

For this house and his master.

Da Sima was originally one of the highest military positions among the three lords, and the title of Marquis was even more honored and favored. The title of Marquis of Zhongyi was not even obtained by the father of Guichang, the founding hero of the year.

Sangong plus the title of Marquis of Loyalty is simply precious.This means that Guichang, the great Sima who relied on his ancestral shadow to ascend to the position of first-rank minister, not only did not ruin the family business, but also raised the dignity of his own title.

However, Ying Baoyue's gaze deepened.

Back then, Guichang's father's title was bestowed by Emperor Ying, and Guichang's Marquis of Loyalty...

It was only conferred by a certain former Qin king.

Of course, the people in this house don't care whether the title is granted by the emperor or the king. Anyway, his master is the first-class celebrity in front of His Majesty. The whole Sima Mansion has gone crazy because of this news.

"Hurry up, bring that flowerpot here! My master likes this flowerpot the most!"

"Have you bought the lamb that the master loves? You want to die, you little hoof!"

"Hey, clean this up quickly, Madam is going to take the second young master to the ancestral hall to announce the good news!"

However, in the joyous atmosphere of all the staff, there were three people who did not keep up with their emotions at all.

In the ecstatic Sima Mansion, Ying Baoyue and Gui's brother and sister were stunned on the spot.

Ying Baoyue was stunned because she felt something was wrong about the whole thing.

Putting aside her preconceived impressions of the great Sima spoiling his concubines and destroying his wives, she grew up in the court in her previous life and did not doubt that people like Guichang would be trusted by the emperor.

In the memory of the little princess Ying Baoyue, there are some related memories.

There is no direct connection between restlessness in the back house and troubles in the previous dynasty.

What's more, this big Sima didn't have a restless house at all, and directly expelled his wife and son. He was either a lunatic or a ruthless person.

It's too much to drive the legitimate children and the first wife out of the house, and it's really impossible to have no secrets.

On the way back from Sima's Mansion last time, when Ying Baoyue asked if there was something hidden, the Gui brothers and sisters were furious.

"Did anything happen between Madam and Lord Sima before?" Ying Baoyue asked at that time.

This kind of harsh treatment when rushing to the farm is usually only given to the big family only if the mistress has made a big mistake.

Although the Mu family didn't give Ying Baoyue the feeling that he would make a big mistake.

"What the hell happened! Mother didn't do anything!" Before Gui Chen could answer, Gui Li jumped up like a cat that had been scalded, and was about to speak excitedly, when Gui Chen quickly stretched out his hand to hold down his sister, with a complicated expression on his face. Look at Ying Baoyue.

"Forget it, it's okay to tell you, the neighbors can find out about it."

"In case you misunderstand mother," the young man pursed his thin lips tightly, his eyes were dark and shining, "I will never allow this alone."

After speaking, he spoke coldly.

Ying Baoyue learned from the young man's indifferent narration that although Guichang is so ruthless towards his first wife now, in fact, the two had a strong relationship in the early years.

From this, Ying Baoyue finally remembered who the surname Mu was.

The Mu family and Guijia do have a relationship.

Among the founding generals of the Great Qin Dynasty, there were three with the greatest achievements, that is, the three main generals of the Qin Army at that time, and the three generals under Emperor Ying who were later called "Three Heroes".

General Mu You of Hussars, General Jin Cheng of Chariots, and General Long Xiang returned to Ming Dynasty.

General Longxiang Guiming is Guichang's father and also Guichen's grandfather, while Hussar General Mu You is Guichen's mother's father and Guichen's grandfather.

General Gui's son-in-law and General Mu's daughter-in-law, these two children are indeed childhood sweethearts, and they can be regarded as a match made in heaven.

However, founding heroes, especially military commanders, are actually one of the most dangerous professions in the world.

Ying Baoyue looked at Guichen Guili's tightly clenched fists under his sleeve and remained silent.

Their father made him a marquis, and it stands to reason that the siblings are already the serious Lord and Miss Hou, but Ying Baoyue can't see any joy on their faces.

Of the three founding heroes, only the Guijia lineage was able to achieve a good death.

The first to have an accident was Chariot General Jin Cheng.

In the second year of Taizu's founding of the People's Republic of China, Jin Cheng's family, who had been promoted to the governor, was found to have usurped ritual vessels, and the entire family was executed.

No male above the age of five was spared.

Then there was General Mu Youmu.

The oldest of the three heroes, General Mu may have noticed something from the demise of the Jin family. In the fifth month of the Jin family's extermination, General Mu escorted his eldest son to the main hall to report his son for accepting bribes. To destroy relatives in a righteous way, I asked the emperor Taizu to remove his title and demote the whole family to common people.

The Mu family is a powerful family that has gone through many dynasties and lasted for thousands of years. The old General Mu's actions back then could not be said to be ruthless, and they shocked the government and the public.

However, the Emperor Taizu tried his best to comfort him, but Old General Mu did not change his mind. Emperor Taizu sighed, and following General Mu's wishes, he removed his military power and the post of General of the Wei Kingdom, named him Shangzhu Kingdom, and gave him a thousand gold to let him go. Retreat to the countryside with your descendants.

Shangzhu Kingdom is an honorary position with no privileges or powers, and the Mu clan has since disappeared in the court.

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath and looked up at the plaque in the courtyard in front of him.

The rest... only the Gui clan.

But in the precarious year, the old general Da Simagui only did one thing.

It is to pass the title to his son.

Not long after that, Guiming passed away due to a chronic illness caused by many years of fighting.

The story of the Great Qin Sanxiong has come to an end.

The current former Qin Dynasty has no famous generals.

Back then when the empire was divided, Ying Hanri just ran around with his courtiers and was led by his courtiers, and he never heard of Da Sima Guichang wearing armor to show off his demeanor.

There has been no fierce battle in the former Qin Dynasty for many years.

This is what makes Ying Baoyue feel strange.

The title of marquis is the honor and favor of the superior, so generally only the courtiers who have made great achievements are eligible, not to mention the title of Marquis of Loyalty, which has to be shown great loyalty.

The most common thing is that military generals have made great military exploits to get this title.

But there was no war in the former Qin Dynasty this year.

So what kind of loyalty did Guichang show to be named the Marquis of Loyalty?
Ying Baoyue narrowed her eyes, puzzled.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her, Gui Chen and the others.

It was Steward Li, who also had an uncontrollable smile on his face, but when he saw Guichen and the others, he restrained himself instantly.

"Eldest Young Master, Eldest Miss, you have also heard the great joy in the mansion today. The Master has not yet come back after being conferred in the capital. Madam is busy welcoming the Master. I have no time to see you today. Go back."

The old butler said expressionlessly, as cold as the content that came and went when it was called.

The excitement and glory in this mansion has nothing to do with Guichen Guili.

Everyone is celebrating today, no one has time to pay attention to them, so no one has time to toss them.

Gui Chen turned around numbly, there was no trace of emotion in his eyes.

But it fell into the eyes of the girl who turned and faced him because of him.

She looked up and smiled at him and his sister.

"Guichen, Guili, let's go home."

Yes, this mansion is not his home.

Maybe it used to be, but now he has a new home.

Until walking back with her side by side, Gui Chen was in a half-dream and half-awake state.

Just after walking a hundred meters, Gui Chen suddenly stopped in his tracks, and turned his head to look at the house where all the servants were so busy that no one noticed them.

Maybe now is the best chance.

Complete the thing he had planned for a long time.

"and many more."

"What's wrong?" Ying Baoyue looked at him suspiciously.

"I remembered something, you and Gui Li go back first, I'll follow up later." After speaking, Gui Chen turned and ran to another direction of the house.

"Brother..." Gui Li stretched out a hand, but Gui Chen disappeared at an extremely fast speed.

"This..." Gui Li stomped his feet angrily, "What is this for?"

(End of this chapter)

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