Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 50 Distress

Chapter 50 Distress
"I remember hiding here..."

The sound of firecrackers crackling exploded in the young man's ears, Gui Chen suddenly covered his ears, his footsteps staggered and he took a deep breath, almost falling.

"so close……"

Gui Chen, who hugged the beam under the eaves, stared at his feet with cold sweat on his face. If he hadn't followed that girl up the mountain to skip rope every day, he might have fallen just now.

Looking at his own feet firmly on the beams under the eaves, Gui Chen took a deep breath.That weird training actually really worked.

The strength of his legs, feet and arms... has indeed increased.

But he also has to be careful.Gui Chen has not forgotten where he is now.

He was hanging under the eaves of the main house of a dilapidated house inside the back gate of Sima Mansion.Although this big house is dilapidated, you can still see a corner of its glory from the extremely high eaves.

Gui Chen looked at the faded carved beam covered with spider webs, his eyes were as dull as stagnant water.

It was not only because the whole mansion had gathered in the front yard to receive the rewards and courtesies that he had been able to find this place in broad daylight.

Also because he knew a path leading here with few guards.

It was found when he was still a young child playing here all day long.

Also because of this, this dilapidated house.

It was his former home.

Gui Chen tightened his five fingers holding the beam, and his veins bulged.He couldn't see the plaque on the front of the house at this position, but if it wasn't completely rotted, there should be three words on it.

Jian Jia Pavilion.

Jiajia is blue, white dew is frost, and the so-called Yiren is on the side of the water.

This is what his father wrote to her mother back then.And this room is exactly the room where Gui Chang's wife, Mu Shi, lived with him and Gui Li when they were young.

The so-called Iraqis are on the water side.Gui Chen snorted coldly through his nose, and gritted his teeth.

The Yiren back then is now in the heart of that man, what is in the heart of the man who made him a marquis and a prime minister?
And him, what are he and Gui Li?
Against the background of the dilapidated house, the name on the plaque seemed extremely ironic, if possible, Gui Chen really didn't want to stay here for a second.

I don't even want Guili and his mother to see this place again.

The Mu family did not return to the mansion for seven years, and he and Gui Li would never touch this place when they were forced to come to Sima Mansion every month.

This is the forbidden place in the hearts of the three of them, and it is also the forbidden place of Sima Mansion.

Gui Chen shook his head violently to suppress the resentment in his heart, he hadn't forgotten how dangerous his current behavior was, let alone the purpose of coming here.

If someone finds out that he is here, he will be misinterpreted by that woman.When he was 11 years old, he was beaten to pieces by his father just after taking one more look at Lu. Once he was discovered, the consequences would be disastrous.

This is also the reason why he has been hesitant to come here secretly.Gui Chen took a deep breath, hid his figure with the eaves, moved his body silently, and touched a gap under the corner of the southeast eaves.

He took a big risk to touch it not to hurt the spring and autumn, but to get something.

When he was kicked out of Sima Mansion, he and his mother and sister couldn't take anything away, they were searched all over, and all the things they found were burned by Chu Ji.

But there was an object that was secretly hidden in the gap under the eaves of the roof by him when he was young, and escaped unharmed.

Gui Chen held his breath, and stuck his middle finger into the dusty wooden cracks, and after a while, his face showed surprise.

found it!
Seven years have passed, and that thing is still there!

Without further ado, Gui Chen used two fingers to carefully pinch the thing out of the gap and put it into his bosom, heaving a long sigh of relief.

Gotta get out of here quickly.

Restraining his beating heart, Guichen's muscles tensed up and he quickened his pace. After climbing down the beam and walking away from the path, the back wall of Sima Mansion was within sight.

The journey went smoothly so far without meeting a single person, Gui Chen heaved a sigh of relief, and turned over from the most inconspicuous section of the back wall with the help of sundries, and it seemed that he was about to turn over silently to the top, and at this moment.


A loud shout sounded from behind him, and Gui Chen's scalp exploded.


It was still discovered!
Gui Chen didn't say a word and tried his best to turn over to the top of the wall. Behind this section of the courtyard wall were piles of rocks and a dense forest. As long as he turned over and landed smoothly, no one would be able to find him.

"There are thieves!"

"Stop! Don't move! If you move again, you will shoot the arrow!"

However, the sound of footsteps behind him and the servant's shouting became more and more intense, and what was even worse was the sound of the bowstring being tightened.

However, he can't turn his head back. Once he is found out, he will suffer endless troubles and will bring his sister and mother into trouble.

"Move me!" At that moment, the boy burst out with huge energy, and a large bead of sweat oozed from his forehead, and finally he jumped over the courtyard wall!

"Very good..."

However, just when Gui Chen was lying on the top of the courtyard wall with his body bowed, his heart suddenly felt the ecstasy of having escaped a catastrophe, and two feathered arrows suddenly shot at his hands and feet holding on to the eaves of the wall!
"Don't try to run!"


Gui Chen's hands and feet could no longer hold onto the wall, his body slipped and fell towards the outside of the wall, a strong sense of weightlessness was heard, and the sound of howling wind was heard, Gui Chen's whole body was stiff.


Although it is a dilapidated courtyard wall, the courtyard walls of Sima Mansion are at least ten meters high, not to mention that the courtyard walls are covered with gravel, if they fall straight down like this, the bones may break or small internal organs may bleed to death. .

He...why is there such a predestined relationship with falling to death recently?
During this unfathomable fall, Gui Chen had only one thought, but this time he couldn't grasp anything with his hands, he could only grasp the object in his arms blankly.

He might not be able to hand this thing over to...

But at that moment, Gui Chen didn't know if it was his hallucination, he heard that breathing sound again.

In the next moment, the expected severe pain did not appear, and he did not fall heavily into the gravel.


The next moment, he fell into a warm embrace.



The creaking of bones, the sound of wind, the sound of bodies colliding, the sound of eardrums, all kinds of sounds mingled together.

He fell off the wall like a sack, and the impact was strong enough to kill him, let alone someone who could catch him.

But at that moment, he felt that person took a deep breath, hugged him at the most precise angle, and spun to remove the terrible force.

Belongs to that person, smells good.

Also, the smell of grass blades.

In the sound of the wind, and with the muffled groan of the little body below them, they overlapped and fell down in a haystack.

Gui Chen opened his eyes in a daze, looking at the green grass that was still covered with mud.

This is not a naturally generated haystack, someone just built it.

Catch, spin, fall, and all the actions just now between the sword light and flint have undergone precise and terrible calculations, so that this seemingly coincidental but impossible thing can be realized.

Only she can do it.

It was she who caught him with both arms when he fell again.

The last moment was still close to death, but the next moment was extremely soft to the touch.

Is he dreaming?

However, at this moment, a helpless voice came from below.

"Well, can you get up?"

(End of this chapter)

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