Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 51 Gifts

Chapter 51 Gifts
"Ah... yes... I'm sorry."

Gui Chen stared blankly at the helpless smile of the girl under him, and suddenly woke up like a carp standing up straight and about to roll to the side.

"Slow down, there are stones next to you."

Unexpectedly, being gently stopped by that slender arm, Gui Chen felt that the blood in his whole body was about to freeze, and he moved aside stiffly.

The rocks are really hard.

The sense of touch, which was so different from just now, finally cleared Guichen's mind a little.

The girl lying flat on the haystack beside him turned her face towards him and sighed slightly.

"What you want to do is your freedom," Ying Baoyue said, "but I hope you can remember to observe the environment."

"Leave yourself a way out, you..."

Too reckless.

Gui Chen said in his heart that he hated himself, but the girl in front of him didn't say that.

"You have to be careful. I can't..."

When she reached this point, she suddenly stopped.

What can't she?
Can't keep cleaning up the mess for him?

Gui Chen raised his heart, but Ying Baoyue was stunned for a moment but didn't continue. Instead, he changed his mind and said, "You can't make your family worry all the time, can you?"

What was she trying to say just now?Gui Chen stared at her in a daze, but Ying Baoyue only said so much after all.

"Sorry," Gui Chen apologized honestly.

"I'm not the one you should apologize to." Ying Baoyue smiled and propped up her body, and her face became serious when she listened to it, "Someone is chasing you, have you finished what you want to do?"

Gui Chen nodded, dragging his sore body to get up.

"Gui Li, I told her to wait at the east side of the forest, let's go."

The girl in front of her kicked the haystacks on the ground, and the two quickly disappeared into the miscellaneous forest.



"You have finally returned from death." Gui Chen's scalp tingled as he looked at his sister who was waiting with her hips akimbo from a distance.

"Well, let's go back." The boy deliberately said indifferently, pretending nothing happened.

"What did you do?" Gui Li would not let him go easily.

"Casual walk..."

"He entered the backyard of Sima Mansion." The girl's calm voice sounded from behind, but to Gui Chen's ears it sounded like the bell of death.

Guichen Mumu turned his head to look at his sister, and clearly saw a few blue veins on Guili's forehead.

"You, think, die, ah." Gui Li looked at his brother and said word by word.

The voice was calm and murderous.

"I'm just going to get something," Gui Chen said with a murderous look, "Didn't I come back with arms and legs?"

Although almost fell to his death.

Gui Chen prayed from the bottom of his heart that the girl would never reveal the truth again.

Ying Baoyue looked at the young man who was gesturing desperately with his hands behind his back, smiled and said nothing.

Gui Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

"Able to retreat completely..." Gui Li asked suspiciously and then his whole body shook, "Brother, you won't... have you gone to Jianjia Pavilion?"

Ying Baoyue looked at the young man whose muscles tensed instantly and asked suspiciously, "Jian Jia Pavilion?"

Gui Li glanced at her through the stiff Gui Chen's shoulder and said coldly, "The place where we used to live."

Where did he live when he was a child?

Ying Baoyue was taken aback, going back now might not be a good memory for this young man, why...

As soon as she opened her mouth, Gui Chen remembered something.

"By the way, why are you waiting for me under that wall?"

It was so good to catch him.Obviously he ran away after finishing speaking without saying where he went.

Ying Baoyue smiled, "Because I'm behind you."

Gui Chen ran fast enough, Gui Li could only stamp his feet in anger, and the boy disappeared after a few steps, Ying Baoyue, who was really worried, had to let Gui Li wait here, and chased after him.

Did she catch up with him?Could it be that he watched himself flip up?

Gui Chen's back felt cold, he didn't realize it at all.Gui Li's expression on the side was also not good, and she wanted to chase after her, but found that she couldn't keep up with the two of them at all.

"Okay." Seeing the two people looking at each other, Gui Xin became angry, stepped forward and stood between the two, and looked at his elder brother coldly.

"What are you taking such a big risk for? What else are we going to leave there?"

This is what she was curious about, Ying Baoyue also looked at Gui Chen.

Gui Chen pinched the hard object in his arms, his ears were a little hot.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go home and talk about it."



Of course it was because he couldn't show it in front of Gui Li.

Once you see him, you will be whispered to death by this girl.

After all, he ventured to go under the beam of the house where he lived when he was a child just to get this thing, and then give it to...

"For me?"

Sitting on the bed in Guichen's room, Ying Baoyue stared blankly at an extremely old red cloth bag handed to her.

After returning home, Guili was sent to Mu's room with a few words by Guichen. Guichen pulled her into the room and closed the door. Ying Baoyue thought he was going to say something to her.

Unexpectedly, the boy took out something from his arms and handed it to her.

Looking at the dusty red cloth bag, Ying Baoyue instinctively realized that this might be what Gui Chen took out from Sima's mansion.

Ying Baoyue didn't answer, but looked up at the young man with pursed lips.

He took such a big risk to get something... to give it to her?
"My grandfather left this to me, and it's always been there because it's hidden under the eaves," Gui Chen stretched out his palm in front of Ying Baoyue without saying a word. .

"It's not a big deal..." the young man said softly, "But I can only find this now."

Ying Baoyue looked at the serious-eyed young man, and slowly reached out to pick up the red cloth bag in his palm, and unwrapped it in his palm.

A faint but bright sharp light shone inside the room.

Ying Baoyue was slightly taken aback.

This is an arrowhead.

Although small, the edges of the blades on both sides still exuded a sharp cold light.

"You said... you want a weapon," Gui Chen scratched his head, "but I really can't get a sword or anything, the only thing I can find is..."

That's all.

However, the boy's guilty voice was interrupted.

"Thank you, Guichen." Ying Baoyue held the arrowhead in his palm and spoke softly.

Although small, this is indeed a weapon.

It was under the prohibition order that this young man took a huge risk to obtain the weapon for her.

"This is a great gift." Ying Baoyue looked at Gui Chen and said, "I have to return the gift."

Looking at the clear eyes of the girl in front of him, Gui Chen was a little stunned, and everything seemed to be back to the time when he fell from the wall.

"Need not……"

Before he could stop him, the girl in front of her suddenly started groping around her body.

Finally, the hand rested on his ear.

Having found what she was looking for, a smile appeared on the corner of Ying Baoyue's mouth.

Except for the funeral clothes, there was almost nothing left on the little princess, but fortunately there was only one thing left.

Because I wear it all the time and I don't realize it.Ying Baoyue touched the pair of jade earrings beside her ears and smiled.

The only property left on the little princess is a pair of jadeite earrings around her ears.

The girl's pure white fingers and the emerald green jade, as well as the movement of her lightly touching her ear.

It was the first time for Gui Chen to see her make such a move, it was poison to his eyes.

Gui Chen let out a slight breath.

"Mingyue, you are..."

Gui Chen didn't know what she wanted to do and just wanted to speak, but the next scene completely swallowed his voice.

Ying Baoyue took off the jadeite earring from her right ear, and hung this small arrowhead to her ear.

The weapon made a pleasing flash of ice on the girl's white neck.

"Does it look good?"

Gui Chen stared blankly at her when she spoke.


After he finished speaking, he realized what he had said. He was deeply ashamed of it, and blushed and said, "That was just now..."

He didn't finish speaking, but was interrupted by Jade who suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Ying Baoyue stretched out her hand to him, on the palm lay the jade earring.

"This is……"

The boy looked at her suspiciously.

"For you." Ying Baoyue smiled, "Thank you."

"What do I want with this woman's stuff?" Gui Chen turned his head away.

"This is a fine jadeite, which can be used as a material for practitioners in the future." Ying Baoyue said with a smile.

"Is that so..." Gui Chen turned around in a daze.

The next moment she took off another one and handed it to him.

"Give this one to Gui Li, but you can't tell her that I gave it to you, you can make up whatever you pick and buy."

"Why?" Gui Chen was stunned.

"This is a secret among women."

Ying Baoyue lightly put a finger in front of her lips, "Young man won't understand."

"Okay," Gui Chen sighed and stopped talking.

He was really going to lose to her.

"Today is a day worth celebrating," Ying Baoyue stood up from the bed, "Let's go."

"Where are you going?" Gui Chen asked suspiciously.

What does this person want to do?
(End of this chapter)

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