Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 52 Celebration

Chapter 52 Celebration
"Aren't you going to celebrate?"

Under the familiar mountain tree, Gui Chen stared blankly at the girl standing in front of him holding a hemp rope, his eyes filled with silent accusations.

Gui Chen thought how this man was going to celebrate, but ended up going up the mountain with the hemp rope as usual.

"First finish today's training before celebrating," Ying Baoyue smiled at him, "I'll treat everyone to a big dinner tonight."

A big meal...should mean eating something delicious, right?

Gui Chen looked around except for the trees and rocks, and was very suspicious of where the big meal was.

But looking at the girl who ran like him in the morning and caught her, Gui Chen endured the pain all over his body and silently waved the hemp rope.

No matter what happens, she will not stop what she has to do.

Well, he can't stop either.

Maybe one day, even his dull talent can catch a glimpse of that ray of light.

In the endless darkness of impotence, he can also...


Sweat dripped on the ground and made dents. The rope in the boy's hand stopped. The afterglow of the setting sun passed through the dense forest and hit his shoulders in spots. Gui Chen just stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

He thinks he will still remember this scene after many years.

It's very difficult, it can't be done, it requires talent, waste, hard work is useless.

His childhood was filled with such voices.

He had always thought so.

But one day, when the sun was about to set, there was a sudden snap in front of him.

All his childish and evasive thoughts were shattered.

Because the hemp rope in the girl's hand broke.

The light falls, the night falls.

On the No. 13 day when the girl talked to him about the whimsical rope skipping plan in the forest.

"Clap" sound.

At the last moment of the day on June [-], the seventh year of the Warring States Period, the first hemp rope in Ying Baoyue's hand broke.

It turns out that the hemp rope can really be broken.

Holding his tattered hemp rope, Gui Chen stared at the hemp rope that was split in two in Ying Baoyue's hand in front of him, his eyes were stunned and his heart was beating like a drum.

Although it is the thinnest one, it is the same as in his own hand. The goal of jumping off the pile of hemp ropes was so out of reach in his eyes, but he did not expect the girl in front of him to tell him with actions, It's not that it can't be done, but that no one does it repeatedly.

The first hemp rope, thirteen days.

This is her speed.

The speed he didn't expect.

And she... She didn't seem to think of it, and she seemed to be thinking of something else.

At the moment when she jumped, Gui Chen saw Ying Baoyue staring blankly at the broken rope in her hand for a long time, then she smiled.

She often smiles, but this is a smile that Gui Chen has never seen before.

"The one in your hand should be about the same," Ying Baoyue noticed Gui Chen's gaze and turned to look at him, "Don't worry."

He wasn't worried, Gui Chen squeezed the rope tightly, the rest time for her skipping rope was much less than him, and it was only natural that she was faster than him.

Although it is really embarrassing for someone smaller than yourself to be slow.

But she taught him what was possible.

Looking at Ying Baoyue who was staring at him worriedly, Gui Chen thought it was okay.

He had a hunch that as long as this person was by his side, he would be able to do it too.

It will be like having infinite strength to work hard.

"I will work hard!" Gui Chen yelled out the new words he learned from her these days, clenched his fists and said with a smile full of hope, "Give me another day and I can break it!"

"Well, I'm sure you can do it," Ying Baoyue also laughed seeing the enthusiastic young man, "It's getting dark, let's go prepare dinner first."

If she could, she really wanted to see the boy jump off the first rope.

But God, it's really dark too early.



"This... what is this?"

As dusk fell, Guili, who was standing at the gate of Guijia's small courtyard with a lantern, stared dumbfounded at the things Guichen and Ying Baoyue brought in.

"This is... a deer."

Gui Chen unloaded the thing and dragged it to the center of his yard, his eyes widened as he wiped his sweat.

"I know it's a deer, but this..." Gui Li looked at the beast as tall as a man, and couldn't believe his eyes, " guys hit this?"

To be precise, she was the one who hit him, Gui Chen stared blankly at the deer on the ground, unable to be surprised.

This woman really did what she said.

What a meal.

"Well," Ying Baoyue, who was standing behind Guichen, smiled, "Today is the [-]th day, and everyone didn't encounter anything during the day, so to celebrate, we have a good meal tonight."

good meal...

Ying Baoyue rolled up his sleeves, "Let's eat the roasted deer!"



This night, the always deserted small courtyard of Guijia was lit with a red fire, under the soaring fragrance and the dancing fire, Guili's original sharp and cold eyes reflected a little hesitation.

The warm flames, the fireworks in the world, the smile of the mother, the beads of sweat on the forehead of the brother struggling to cut the meat, and the quiet but smiling eyes of the woman.

Everything is like a dream.

"Come, eat quickly." A roasted deer leg was handed to her eyes, the sizzling oil shone under the firelight, accompanied by the smell of meat, it could stir the most primitive human heart desire.

Gui Li raised his head, staring blankly at the woman in front of him with her sleeves rolled up and her face still stained with soot.

"What? Don't you like meat?" Ying Baoyue looked at the motionless little girl strangely.

Surely there should be something else ready?
"Li'er?" Mu Shi and Gui Chen, who were busy with roasting deer, also looked over.

"No, it's not," Gui Li tightly grasped an emerald pendant given to him by his elder brother Noon, stretched out his hand to take the hot deer leg, and took a big bite.

good to eat.

She has not eaten such a delicious thing for a long time.

"Is it delicious?" Ying Baoyue asked.

Gui Li nodded with the venison in his mouth.

"That's good," Ying Baoyue looked at her and smiled, reaching out her hand to touch her head, but looking at the girl with her head down with a complicated expression, she withdrew her hand, "If the taste is salty, if it doesn't suit your taste I said, I'll add more seasoning."

"En." Gui Li said in a low voice.

"Mingyue! Bring some more charcoal!" Gui Chen's voice came from not far away, and Ying Baoyue turned around, "Here we come!"

Ying Baoyue turned around and was about to walk towards Guichen, which was in full swing, when a faint voice came from behind.

"Thank you."

Ying Baoyue turned her head in a daze, but Gui Li lowered his head and ate the venison, as if nothing had happened.

She smiled and walked to Gui Chen's side, and got busy again.

"It really looks more and more like a child of our family," Gui Li raised his head after the man left and before he had time to peek, Mu's voice suddenly sounded beside him.

"Mother!" Gui Li was taken aback, and looked at his mother who was wiping her hands next to her.

"I might not be that easy to bribe," Gui Li pursed his lips, "Don't want me to call her sister."

"Yeah," Mu looked at his stubborn little daughter, with a trace of helplessness in his eyes, and stretched out his hand to push her behind.

"But you also go to help together, don't just want to eat ready-made ones when you're so big."

"Just go," Gui Li stamped his feet, and ran to the side of the roasted deer, while Mu Shi took a step back, looking at the picture of the three children roasting the deer.

If you can, this scene really feels like a family.

Everyone gathers around to eat barbecue while the aroma of the flames is the most beautiful human fireworks belonging to the family.

It's been a long time since I've been so happy and happy.

In the steamy atmosphere, Guichen sat in the bathtub and was still reminiscing about the scene just now.

However, the happy time is always fleeting. Touching his full stomach, Gui Chen suddenly splashed hot water on his face to wash away the sweat of the day and the smell of charcoal fire.

In the future, he will work harder so that the family can eat meat every day, and such nights will definitely continue.


Just when Gui Chen was lost in thought, a very slight creaking sound rang in his ears.

"Guichen, let me come in."

Hiss, Gui Chen shrank down violently with a shock.

Almost drowned in the tub.

This...she...what's the matter?
 Don't overthink it, really, it's not what you think it is.

(End of this chapter)

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