Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 53 Red Moon

Chapter 53 Red Moon
There was only a bamboo curtain between Guichen's tub and the outside, and when he heard the woman's voice, he froze.

Although only separated by a bamboo curtain, Guichen was not worried about any accidents before, including being in the same room with her for more than ten days, he also went from being uncomfortable at the beginning to now calmly.

It's because although this woman does things casually, as long as she gets along gradually, she can find that etiquette is almost engraved in her bones.

In fact, except for those moments of crisis, she would never have any contact with him.He is always generous all the time, but if he is surprised at first glance, he will look like a small belly.



Sure enough, she was a little weird today.

Although he couldn't tell what was wrong, Gui Chen felt that Ying Baoyue's mood was a bit wrong today, but she hid it so well that he couldn't see through it.

Listening to the inaudible footsteps walking towards him, every step seemed to be stepping on the heart of the boy in the bathtub.

Being soaked in hot water is like turning into magma.Bubbling and bubbling, Gui Chen was almost on fire.

"You... how could you..."

Gui Chen froze for a moment and realized that it was too late. He is too big a man to say what a loss, but what is this girl thinking?Come in while he's in the shower to...


However, no matter when the boy's daydreams in the bathtub still had no chance to continue.

Gui Chen sat in the bathtub blankly, looking at the dark liquid flowing from the ends of his hair.

A strong smell of medicine rises in the tub.

"Sorry, did I pour it too fast?" The woman's voice sounded above his head, "But it's most effective if it's poured over the head, didn't you just nod?"

Speaking of it like this, she seemed to say something like "I'm going to splash it" after she came in, but he didn't have the heart to listen to what she said at that time...

Before he had time to think, he was splashed with... lukewarm water.

Ying Baoyue looked at the boy who was sitting in the bathtub with the medicinal juice on his head, "I tested the temperature before and it should be just right?"

Why do you look stupid when you splash it?
"This is... decoction?" Gui Chen finally came back to his senses, before he had time to remember the thoughts in his heart, he stared at the dark concoction spreading from the water surface of the bathtub and said blankly.

"Yeah," Ying Baoyue stood behind Gui Chen holding a teacup, smiled and said, "I just made it today."

"Pour it into the bathwater to heal fatigue and heal wounds. Nice stuff."

Gui Chen raised his head in a daze, and the next moment he felt that the medicine in the room filled his lungs, and the muscle soreness and mental tension dissipated little by little.

So comfortable.

The whole person felt completely relaxed and softened.

"Looking at it like this, it's working." Ying Baoyue laughed as she looked at the young man in the tub with blurred eyes.

"I wrote the formula of the soup on the reverse side of the cover of the Pharmacopoeia under your pillow," Ying Baoyue said quietly, "Remember it."

"Well," Gui Chen vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he didn't think much about it in the steam, and he hummed casually. Ying Baoyue glanced at the top of the boy's black head, "Then I'm going out, and I'll go to bed early."

"Yeah." Gui Chen sat in the tub and nodded.

Gui Chen couldn't see her eyes, and didn't dare to look back, so he didn't see her eyes at that moment.

Ying Baoyue, who was about to leave with her own intention, didn't see his eyes either.

Hearing the girl's footsteps leaving, the boy's eyes regained clarity in the warm bath, and he quietly clenched his fists.

In fact, he didn't ask a word just now.

That is, you have thought of so many things, but you really haven't remembered who you are?

Gui Chen wanted to ask, but couldn't ask.

If he really asked, he couldn't predict what would happen.That's fine for now.

Gui Chen is unwilling to open his mouth, unwilling to break all this.

The boy sitting in the tub, and the girl leaving with her back turned to him.

And at this moment, the blood moon outside the window was rising.

Midday on the moon.



"Really, have you observed it too?" Ying Baoyue sat on the giant spirit tree, listening to Ji Jiashu's trembling voice opposite her, her eyes dim.

A blood moon is a red moon rising in the sky.

There have been rumors among the people since ancient times that if the moon changes color, there will be disasters.

Green is for hunger and worry, red is for fighting and fighting, yellow is for virtue and happiness, white is for drought and mourning, black is for water, people are sick and dying.

But what will happen in a real blood moon can only be told by those who have experienced it first-hand.

Ying Baoyue also heard from her master when she was young that the folks believed that the blood moon was a bad month and a bad omen, but the master felt that the rumors were not entirely correct.

The biggest impact of a blood moon is that it will bring about a lunar eclipse, and every lunar eclipse, major events often occurred in ancient times.The master believes that under the influence of tidal forces, natural disasters such as earthquakes and landslides are prone to occur, so hysteria thinks it will bring disasters.

But no matter what it is said, this is the opportunity that Ying Baoyue has been waiting for for a long time.

"Why is there such a bad omen happening tonight..." Ji Jiashu over there looked at the huge blood-colored moon above his head, his heart beating wildly.

Although there were predictions in the academy that there would be a strange celestial phenomenon tonight, none of the teachers predicted that there would be a blood moon.

I'm afraid the whole academy is in chaos now.Ji Jiashu leaned against the tree in the back mountain and thought silently.

For many practitioners, tonight will be a sleepless night.It was the same for him, but instead of feeling scared, he was a little happy that he could take this opportunity to have a good chat with this woman.

It was a real pleasure to talk to her at night.

Unlike those corrupt old men in the academy, talking to her always gave him new insights and inspirations, which made him feel like a spring breeze.

"There will be a lunar eclipse later." Ying Baoyue said.

"Lunar eclipse?" Sure enough, Ji Jiashu lived up to expectations, he opened his eyes wide and became more interested when he heard the woman across the way, "What will it bring?"

"I don't know about that," Ying Baoyue smiled helplessly when he heard the young man on the other side who wanted to chat full of breath, "I have something to do later, I have to go first."


Ji Jiashu paused, this was the first time the conversation between him and her had been interrupted so quickly, he didn't know why a strange feeling arose in his heart.

Some... reluctance?
It was his illusion.

"Okay, I'll ask you for advice next time." Ji Jiashu pursed her lips, "I'll stay under the tree for a while longer."

Meaning, she could still find him if she was done.

"Okay, I'm leaving." Ying Baoyue smiled, left the Giant Spirit Wood and returned to Guichen's room.

The light of the blood moon hit the shoulder of the girl standing in front of the boy's bed through the window.

Ying Baoyue quietly stared at the sleeping boy's face on the bed, then closed his eyes.

After a breath.

Turn away.

The village in Xiaye was quiet, and Ying Baoyue walked out of the room alone and walked towards the courtyard door shrouded in moonlight.

However, the moment her palm was placed on the door bolt, a female voice suddenly sounded behind her.

"Are you going?"

(End of this chapter)

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