Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 455

Chapter 455
Ying Xun didn't even expect it.

This man whose identity is a mystery speaks so concisely.

Even if you are not familiar with this person, you can understand who this "she" is.

But what do these two have in common?
A mere Soochow guard, what is he going to do?Could it be that Soochow's stepson has something important to do?
Ying Xun frowned even tighter, and asked in disbelief, "Who do you think you are looking for, young man?"

"Princess of the former Qin Dynasty," Li Ji said quietly, "Ying Baoyue."

A trace of displeasure flashed in Ying Xun's eyes, but at this time the half hour restricted by the ritual officer was approaching, and he didn't want to get entangled with this man of unknown origin.

"Young master, sister-in-law is changing clothes, and I won't allow any man to come near," Ying Xun said coldly, staring at the rare dark pupils under the man's mask, "no matter what important business Soochow has, our former Qin will be on stage soon Well, you still wait..."

"Who's there outside?" At this moment, a female voice came from inside the clothes shed.

"This breath..." Ying Baoyue sat in the clothes shed and asked across the clothes shed, "Is it Li Ji?"

Li Ji nodded.

Ying Xun stared in amazement at the man who nodded to the air knowing that the speaker could not see him.

And the girl in the clothes shed could actually know who he was from a moment of silence.

"It's really you." Ying Baoyue smiled in the shed, "Cousin, I've almost finished changing, let him in."

almost done changing...

Ying Xun and Gui Chen's faces darkened, and they really didn't know what Ying Baoyue's standard was, but the masked man in front of him didn't know whether he didn't care or didn't know how to read his words, and walked away from them and walked towards the clothes shed .

"You..." Ying Xun was stunned.

Ying Baoyue's voice came from inside the clothes shed, "Cousin, don't worry, it's fine."

What's wrong?
Ying Xun had heard before that his stepson and personal guards were also living in Qing'an Yuan, but he didn't pay attention to it at that time, and it seems that things are not that simple at this time.

Are you okay?
Li Ji walked into the clothes shed, closed the eyes of the former Qin people looking at the door, and looked up at the girl sitting in the empty clothes shed.

The next moment, he was slightly taken aback.

It's because the girl sitting on the wooden pier has already changed into sacrificial clothes.

This is her appearance that he has never seen before.

She was right, she had almost changed, she had already put on all the sacrificial clothes, and she was bending over to put on her shoes.

Hearing the movement not far away, Ying Baoyue straightened up and looked at Li Ji who was standing quietly by the door.

"You're here," she asked with a smile, "what's the matter here?"

"It's nothing," Li Ji said after a pause, "It's just that Zhao Guang just asked, did Qianqin find a good musician to play?"

"Zhao Guang?" Ying Baoyue was taken aback, "Thank you for his concern."

But the former Qin Dynasty is about to play, so what's the point of asking this at this time?As long as they play, they will know immediately.

Yeah, he thinks it doesn't make sense...

Outside the clothes shed, Zhao Guang, who watched Li Ji walk in, said in his heart.

But some people may not think so.

"So have you found it?" Li Ji said lightly.

"No," Ying Baoyue shook his head, "But as long as someone plays music, I don't really care who it is."

She can dance even without sound, but other ex-Qin practitioners may not be able to catch the beat, so there must be someone who can make sound.

Li Ji's eyes froze when he heard the words.

If there is an excellent festival music, not only will the dancers save effort, but they can also get high scores and attract divine enlightenment by virtue of the festival music. This is obviously a shortcut that is easier and less expensive.

Nan Chu had done this before.

But she said she didn't care.

"So I'll trouble the musicians in the concert hall when I get ready," Ying Baoyue said with a smile.

"That's right," Li Ji said lightly, "This is also possible."

"Well," Ying Baoyue nodded, "You can make Zhao Guang not worry."

After she finished speaking, she stood up and was about to put on the unfinished shoes. Li Ji took a breath and was about to turn around and leave, but at this moment, he caught a dim light in the corner of his eyes, and his pupils shrank.


When it was too late, Li Ji turned around suddenly, only to see a black shadow rushing towards Ying Baoyue, and the sharp claws raised towards the woman's face shone with a poisonous cold light.

That black shadow didn't have the slightest breath of a practitioner or even a living person, so he didn't even notice it beforehand.

It was the same for her, but the woman's reaction speed was extremely fast.

Without any warning, Ying Baoyue took a barefoot step back, avoiding the sharp claws aimed at her face.

If he missed a hit, the black figure was sure of his figure, and the two people in the shed looked at the black figure in front of them in astonishment.

The black shadow was half a person tall and extremely flexible.

Just not personally.

"This is..." Ying Baoyue said in a daze, "Monkey?"

The one who rushed towards her suddenly just now was a pure black ape. At this time, it was climbing on the pillar in the clothes shed, looking at her very unkindly.

This is not the natural look of animals.

"It's actually..." At this time, Li Ji closed his eyes, mobilized his whole body and stretched out a hand, Ying Baoyue was stunned, and the naked eyes could see that the eyes of the monkey on the beam became terrified.

The next moment, the black shadow uttered a terrified cry, wanting to rush towards Ying Baoyue but seemed to be worried about something.At the next moment, it suddenly rushed down from the beam, and on the way towards Ying Baoyue, it saw Li Ji's hand startled again, screamed and changed direction abruptly, but it happened to pounce on the place where Ying Baoyue had just put on his shoes, and was stunned. For a moment, the black shadow suddenly picked up the shoes on the ground and ran away!
"My shoes..." Ying Baoyue was completely stunned, seeing that the black image seemed to be driven away by something, and crawled out of a hole in the shed holding her shoes desperately.

The black shadow failed to attack her face, but snatched away her shoes like a feat.

Ying Baoyue didn't know what to say for a moment.

Li Ji was also stunned, and fell into a strange silence in the clothes shed.The next moment he looked at Ying Baoyue's bare feet on the ground, closed his eyes, "Do you have any other shoes?"

Ying Baoyue shook her head.

"Then let someone borrow a pair first..." He was at a loss for words in the middle of the speech. There were men near the altar, but her feet were obviously smaller than men.

"I'll go after it," Li Ji seemed not expecting such a situation, and took a deep breath looking at the hole in the beam.

But at this moment, the bell that the sacrificial ceremony was about to start came from outside the clothes shed.

"It's too late." Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, and the next moment walked barefoot to the outside of the clothes shed.

"Barefoot is barefoot," Li Ji said as he looked at the woman, and strode out of the shed after speaking.

Outside the clothes shed, everyone was silent.

The crowd who were chattering loudly and mockingly suddenly fell silent.

The bell rang, and Ji Jiashu on the high platform stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

Looking at the woman in sacrificial attire, she quietly stepped onto the altar.

This was the first time he saw her dressed up like this, and it was also the first time he saw a woman's sacrificial attire.

Different from the teenagers who were dressed in pure black around her, the girl's black sacrificial dress was dotted with red belts.

Black and Zhu, Qin and Chu.

Ingeniously blended together, solemn and beautiful.

The musicians in the music shed by the altar stared blankly for a moment, almost forgetting the explanation just now.It was only at the next moment that he barely made a sound and said everything he had just prepared.

"What? Southern Chu musicians refused to play music for former Qin practitioners?"

Listening to the official's report, Ji Jiashu looked at the scene before him in astonishment.

Under the altar, Li Ji clenched his fists in his sleeves tightly.

The people who had finally calmed down suddenly exploded again.

Just after the ex-Qin practitioners appeared on the stage in style, the musicians in the Nanchu music shed suddenly announced that they did not want to play music for the Qin people.

What are you going to do this time and again?
Ying Xun looked desperately at the indignant Southern Chu musicians in the music shed, and felt that someone wanted to kill them all today.

"Qianqin is completely over now..."

"Who else can I find here..."

"Only people from Southern Chu can play the Nine Songs!"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and the scene was chaotic again.

"Baoyue, we..." Ying Xun looked at Ying Baoyue who was thinking for some reason and spoke with difficulty, but at this moment, he saw the woman in front of him suddenly smile.

"Only people from Southern Chu can play the Nine Songs? Then there is still a suitable candidate for a musician."

"Who is it?" Everyone on and off the stage stared wide-eyed.

Ji Qingyuan in the private room was startled suddenly.

Ying Baoyue suddenly got up and walked to the edge of the altar, facing one direction, looking at the boy.

The two looked at each other.

Ji Jiashu stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

Looking at the girl looking at him, she smiled slightly, "Mr. Nanchu Chunhua, would you like to play music for us?"

(End of this chapter)

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