Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 456 Qin Chu

Chapter 456 Qin Chu
Hearing Ying Baoyue's words, everyone was stunned, and the next moment, the loudest noises of the day erupted all around.

This elementary ceremony has been going on until today, and everyone has seen all kinds of weird things, but they didn't expect that there would be more amazing things happening every time.

"What? Ask Mr. Chunhua to play music for them?"

"Are you kidding me? Mr. Chunhua is from Chu and an examiner. What is this woman thinking?"

"What kind of dream do people from the former Qin Dynasty have?!"

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, Ji Jiashu hadn't spoken yet, but the ceremonial officer who had blocked Ying Baoyue and others before seemed to have heard some joke, looked at Ying Baoyue with a broken smile and said, "Your Highness, what did you just say? "

"Let Chunhua-jun play music? Chunhua-jun is not a musician, and I can't tolerate you people shouting and drinking!" The ceremony officer became angry as he spoke, "Chunhua-jun is the examiner for the elementary ceremony, not for you... ..."

"Huh?" But hearing his words, Ying Baoyue didn't look at him.

"Can't the examiner play music for the candidates?"

She stared into the distance and smiled at the next moment.

"But who came just now and said that it's no big deal for the examiner to play music for the candidates?"

As soon as these words came out, the chaotic altar suddenly fell silent.

Jiang Yuanyuan on the high platform almost laughed out loud when he heard the words, Ji Jiashu had a strange expression, and Ji Er who was standing in the corner of the high platform was even more indescribable.

People who originally questioned all this were speechless for a while.

Just because the examiner played music for the candidates is no big deal, this sentence was just brought by Ji Er, a servant of the National Teacher's Office.

In other words, this sentence was said by Ji Mo, the teacher of the Southern Chu State.

In the private room, Ji Qingyuan had a delicate gaze.

In order to force his younger brother to break the rules and play music for Nan Chu, his father justified the fact that the examiner could be involved, but at this time it was used by this girl instead.

"Or, the words of the Southern Chu State Teacher were not meant for all candidates, but only for the practitioners of Southern Chu?"


Maybe that's what the master of the national teacher really meant... But you can't say that in full view.

After all, Nanchu wants the examiner to play music for him, but other countries can't. This double standard may not be too obvious.

On the high platform, Jiang Yuanyuan narrowed his eyes.

With the one before Nanchu coming out first, if they Nanchu people don't want to go out and have their spine broken, it cannot be denied that the examiners can help the candidates play music.

But in this matter, there is still a turning point.

That is Ji Jiashu's will.

The eyes of the people who were originally filled with indignation towards the former Qin Dynasty suddenly turned to Ji Jiashu.

"Besides, we never shouted at Mr. Chunhua," Ying Baoyue spoke again to the ceremony officer, and she said quietly, "The little girl is just asking for Mr. Ji's opinion."

Ji Jiashu's opinion.

Everything is left with Ji Jiashu's opinion.

The girl standing on the altar looked calm, and the people around were discussing, but Ji Jiashu on the high platform kept silent.

"Don't worry, how could Lord Chunhua play music for the former Qin people..."

"That's right, people from Southern Chu actually played music for people from the former Qin Dynasty. It's not good to hear about it. After all, Southern Chu and the former Qin Dynasty are incompatible!"

Fire and water are incompatible.

Ji Jiashu's eyes flickered.

This is a word used to describe the relationship between Qin and Chu.

Everyone knows that Chu people value red, which has the virtue of fire, while Qin people value black, which has the virtue of water.

As the two countries most qualified to compete for the hegemony of the mainland, the relationship between Qin and Chu has always been tense.The existence of Lin Shubai, the chief commander of the previous generation who was originally from Chu but worked for the Qin people, also complicated the relationship between Qin and Chu.

In short, although Ji Jiashu, as an examiner, can play music for examinees theoretically, but considering the relationship between Qin and Chu, if he plays music for Qin people at this time, he will undoubtedly be regarded as a traitor by the people of Southern Chu.

The Southern Chu people watched Ji Jiashu nervously on the high platform, but the young man on the high platform just quietly stared at the former Qin team on the altar in the distance, but at the next moment he suddenly made a move that everyone did not expect.

Ji Jiashu took a slight breath and stepped off the high platform.

Alone, he walked towards the altar.

This scene was like a reenactment of when he played music for Southern Chu before, and the people around the altar opened their eyes wide in disbelief.

"Mr. Chunhua?"

"No way? Could it be that you are obsessed with ghosts?"

"Mr. Chunhua really wants to play music for the people of Qin?"

"Hush! Don't talk nonsense, Mr. Chunhua hasn't said anything yet!"

But among these doubts, there were only a few voices. Someone mentioned in a low voice, "Speaking of which, the former Princess Qin and Mr. Chunhua have a marriage contract...then it's not impossible to play music..."

But this voice was overshadowed by other voices.

Even though the people and practitioners were puzzled and shocked, when Ji Jiashu walked towards the altar, everyone still spontaneously dispersed to make way for him.

"As expected of Chunhua," Jiang Yuanyuan said with a smile on the high platform, looking at Mr. Mengyang who was on the side, "So the examiner didn't stop him?"

"That kid has his own measure." Mr. Mengyang opened his eyes, "Besides, he didn't agree."

Ji Jiashu hadn't agreed yet. Looking at the young man walking towards the altar step by step, no one knew what he was going to do.

Including the restless former Qin practitioners on the altar.

Ji Jiashu quietly boarded the altar and walked towards Ying Baoyue who was standing on the edge, but at this moment the Southern Chu ceremony officer suddenly stood between the two of them.

"Mr. Chunhua, please be cautious in your words and deeds." The official said coldly, "Water and fire are incompatible, Qin and Chu cannot be compatible, and Chu people cannot encourage Qin people..."

"Water and fire are incompatible?" At this moment, Ying Baoyue suddenly laughed.

"Although I don't know why this lord is so excited," Ying Baoyue said with a smile and looked around at the surrounding practitioners, "but Nanchu still insists on the statement that water and fire are incompatible, isn't it a bit strange?"

"If water and fire are really incompatible, then what am I?" Ying Baoyue said lightly.

Ji Jiashu, who was standing still in front of her, was slightly taken aback, and the other practitioners who were talking nonsense were taken aback.

"Who still remembers that I was a married princess?" Ying Baoyue couldn't help laughing.

Although this engagement was not her original intention, and the marriage of Qianqin seemed like a joke, but...

"I was still in Nanchu for a day, and my identity is the proof that Qin and Chu are compatible," Ying Baoyue said with a smile.

The people are still talking about incompatibility after they have kissed each other. In a sense, it can be seen that Ying Hanri's marriage has failed, but he took a ten thousand step back.

Although this marriage is dead in name, the name is still there.

"I'm not dead yet." Ying Baoyue said.

The Southern Chu practitioners who were originally filled with righteous indignation were stunned for a moment, a chill ran up their spines, and they didn't know how to speak for a while.

Once this truth is pointed out, it is difficult to refute.

In the box, the long nails of the saintess of the Northern Wei Dynasty pierced into the palm of her hand.

Originally thought that it would take countless controversies and accusations to get in front of her, but she didn't expect that she would resolve these quarrels by herself.

Ji Jiashu took a deep breath, looked at the etiquette officer standing between him and Ying Baoyue, "Master, can you let me go?"

The ritual officer's face turned pale, and then he stepped aside stiffly.

" you really want me to play music?" Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue and asked.

In fact, he had nothing against it from the very beginning, Nan Chu had already played, even for the sake of fairness, he would not refuse, but is his music really okay?
Is he alone enough?
Did the Qin people really dare to believe him before this kind of life-and-death struggle?
Ying Baoyue smiled and took a step forward.

"I've heard it once before, you play very well."

Ji Jiashu was slightly taken aback, hearing the girl whisper in his ear.

The girl's breath left his ears and smiled at him.

"Would you like to help?"

Ji Jiashu looked at her quietly, then nodded the next moment.

"Okay," he said.

(End of this chapter)

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