Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 457 The Soul

Chapter 457 The Soul
Ji Jiashu never imagined that the first time he played Jiu Ge Da Si Ming in public would be under such circumstances.

He clenched the piccolo tightly in his hand and walked into the music booth again, while the other musicians in the music room who refused to play just now looked at him in astonishment.

"I won't ask you to cooperate with me," Ji Jiashu said lightly, facing their eyes.

The grandness of the festival music cannot be accomplished by one person alone, but he also knows that there are other forces intervening behind these musicians' refusal to play the music, even he can't force them to play the music.

All he can do is try his best.

"Even if I have only one flute, I will finish the movement," Ji Jiashu said quietly, looking at the people in the shed.

Then he briefly introduced the movement he was going to play and how he was going to play it, and walked quietly to a corner of the studio without waiting for everyone's answer, leaving the musicians looking at each other with complicated expressions.

But no one ever said they wanted to play music together.

There were still few musicians, and Ji Jiashu stroked the piccolo in his hand.Although there was the girl's remarrying remarks before, his playing music for the former Qin Dynasty will definitely cause huge controversy. The outside world may be full of enthusiasm at this time, and he doesn't know if the sound of a flute is enough.

Ji Jiashu took a deep breath, and put the piccolo to his lips, but at this moment, he was suddenly taken aback.

Just because at this moment he suddenly discovered that there were no excessively noisy voices that he had expected coming from outside.

Ji Jiashu raised his head and looked towards the altar.

The next moment he was slightly taken aback.

It was indeed very quiet outside the music shed.But if there is any difference, it is that the girl who was standing on the edge of the altar walked towards the center of the altar.

The center of the altar is slightly higher than the surrounding area, and at this moment.

The former Qin eldest princess Ying Baoyue officially boarded the altar.

"The final round of the third round of the first-level ceremony, everyone's battle, the former Qin Dynasty!"

Accompanied by the unwilling voice of the ritual officer, the bell for the final battle of the crowd finally rang.

That girl led the former Qin team all the way up to the altar, smashing countless conspiracies, and at this moment, she finally walked to the center.

The former Qin's team was divided into eight teams, and each team maintained its own formation. The woman standing in the center was obviously the main dancer of this sacrificial dance.

And every practitioner on the stage holds a weapon in their hands.

However, unlike the messy scenes of spears and halberds in the Northern Wei Dynasty, almost all the practitioners in the former Qin Dynasty held a uniform style of long spear, which looked very solemn and neat at first glance.

Ji Jiashu quietly watched this scene.

The teenagers were covered in pure black sacrificial uniforms, holding tall and heavy daggers and scattered around, like cavalry guarding the woman.

But that woman is by no means the protected princess.

Almost following Ying Baoyue's footsteps, the chattering people under the altar suddenly became quieter.

When that girl ascended the altar.

The atmosphere of the whole world is different.

Every step she takes, everything is quietly changing.

It was very still.

This was a miraculous experience that Ji Jiashu had never had before.

And just looking at the reactions of the surrounding people, this influence is not only aimed at practitioners, but affects everyone.

Even high-level practitioners can hardly describe the feeling like time stops at this moment.Even the air seemed to thicken.

Ji Jiashu watched the girl climb up to the center of the altar step by step, and the girl's bare feet stepped on the bluestone steps, which made him startled slightly.

Only then did he realize that she was not wearing shoes.

And she seemed to have calculated all the timings in advance, just when she walked to the center of the altar, the bell for the official start just rang.

The next moment, Ji Jiashu took a deep breath, and the first flute sound came from the music booth.

However, unlike Nan Chu's former Jiu Ge Shao Si Ming, this time, there is only the sound of the flute.

Without the company of bells and drums, there is no sound of gold and stone.

Dry, monotonous, one sound after another, hovering on the altar.

No matter how brilliant the sound of the flute is, it is really hard to achieve the grandeur compared with the original magnificent movement of Jiu Ge Da Si Ming.The musicians sitting awkwardly in the music shed did not move their hands or mouths. Seeing this, some people showed a schadenfreude in their eyes.

No matter how famous Chunhua-Jun is, playing music is not practice. So what can a single person do in such a large-scale group?
But when everyone was gloating, the sound of the flute in the music shed did not stop. When it resounded through the sky for the third time, everyone suddenly seemed to hear the sound of gold and stone!
It's like a drum but not a drum, but it's more crisp.

No one beat the drums at all!
The musicians in the music booth looked at the drummer with the same shocked expression in astonishment, and at the next moment, there was another "boom" in everyone's ears!
People heard the sound and looked, but they found that it was not the music played by anyone, but the sound of Go Qiqi, the head of the former Qin cultivator, stomping on the ground.

"Open the gate of heaven wide, let me take advantage of the mysterious clouds. Make the wind move forward, let the rain sprinkle the dust."

In the sound of gold and stone stomping out like this, the girl moved.

The red and black sacrificial clothes flew up and down. When Ji Jiashu learned that the former Qin danced martial arts, she originally thought that the woman would choose the light and agile sword, but at this moment, she discovered that as the main dancer, she obviously had the largest movements. This woman is actually the same as the surrounding ones, carrying a long dagger.

And at this moment, the Chang Ge, which should be extremely heavy, rose high in the girl's hands, pointing directly at the sky!
The gate of the Heavenly Palace was wide open, and the pitch-black Chang Ge seemed to be riding a continuous black cloud in the girl's hands to welcome the Da Si Ming who hovered from the sky.

"The king is flying back and flying, and the mulberry is coming from the sky, and the daughter is coming. The general manager is in Kyushu, and He Shouyao is here."

The teenagers from the former Qin Dynasty sang loudly, facing each other with long ge in their hands, with a passionate and unrestrained momentum, and the sound of the flute also accelerated rapidly at this time. The collision of long ge and the stirring sound of the flute were intertwined to form a heroic chapter. .

"This is simply..." Ji Qingyuan in the box stared at the scene on the high platform.

The former Qin people on the altar seemed to have nothing, and even the musician was only Ji Jiashu, but in such a situation where the single person's music was not rich enough, everything was still so enthusiastic.

And in the midst of this enthusiasm, Ji Jiashu unexpectedly discovered the aura of killing.

"This is..." He said in astonishment, and the name of another movement appeared in his mind.

That girl actually fused the Dawu movement and the Nine Songs Master Siming together.

That burst of drumming just now was the first step, Dawu's Chapter 1.

After the beginning, it entered the Da Si Ming movement.

Da Si Ming was originally the god in charge of "death" in Chu State.It is opposite to Shao Siming who is in charge of "birth".In the eyes of the people of Chu, he is an awe-inspiring god and the beloved lover that all the goddesses can only dream of.

In the figures of the practitioners from the former Qin Dynasty who are covered in black spears, people seem to see the power that the soul is looking forward to leaping.

The Changge in everyone's hands was flying, but no one's Changge was as wide as that woman's. The next moment, with a soft whistle, the Changge in Ying Baoyue's hand cast a cold light!
(End of this chapter)

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