Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 458

Chapter 458
It's dusk on Moshang.

But at the time when the yin and yang border between heaven and earth, the cold light of the spear in the woman's hand became the brightest light that pierced that boundary.

"Flying high and flying peacefully, taking advantage of the clear energy to control yin and yang. I and the king are at the same speed, guiding the emperor to the nine pits."

Take advantage of the clear qi to guard against yin and yang.

There was no need for the chorus of former Qin youths, and the people of Nanchu, who were very familiar with Jiuge, looked at the scene in front of them and murmured.

There were low-pitched singing sounds from all around under the altar.

A four-faced song.

After a day of sacrificial dance and several confrontations, everyone should have been tired from watching, and had no interest in the former Qin's sacrificial dance, but at this moment, people couldn't look away from that group of people, from that Move away from the woman.

One's dance leaves an indelible impression on the minds of others.

This is an unbelievable and unbelievable sentence.

Ji Qingyuan had never been able to understand why someone would remember such a fleeting thing for ten years.

But now he suddenly understood something.

The figure of the young girl on the altar has nothing to do with her face, but with the rhythm of her body.

Even the rhythm in her body is different from others.

In the impression of everyone, most of the sacrificial dances are quiet and solemn, even monotonous and boring. What is important is the grand scene of many people together.

But at this time, the sacrifice dance of the former Qin Dynasty completely subverted this impression.

Except for Ying Baoyue, the dance of the former Qin teenagers was indeed very grand. Ji Jiashu watched the group of people, and the sound of the flute became more intense and high-pitched.There is no doubt that the former Qin Dynasty danced a battle dance similar to that of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and even the shadow of the Dawu movement can be seen, but the order of the original Dawu movement has been changed.

And at the same time, there are definitely a small number of people who can see it, or even dare to recognize it.

Just because no one would have thought that someone would dare to change the order of the ancient dance.

What a rebellious thing this is. The ancient dance that has been passed down for thousands of years has never been dared to change the dance steps. The predecessors in the past have arranged it a little at most, but who dares to disrupt the order of the entire movement?

Who else can do such a thing?

The Great Martial Movement consists of six sections. Although the singing of Nine Songs rang in his ears, Ji Jiashu was in a trance while watching the young men from the former Qin Dynasty dancing with spears.

The first poem in the Dawu movement is "Wu".

"King Yuhuangwu! Wujing Weilie. King Yunwen, overcome the later generations."

The first section of the Dawu movement is about the mighty Master Wang, who was originally in obscurity in accordance with King Wen's will, but now that the era has become brighter, he put on his armor and fought with spears.The soldiers of the heroic King Wen who inherited this feat will serve his successors.

The prologue of the Dawu Dance originally started with a long period of drumming and vigilance, and the songs and poems were chanted in a long, continuous manner.After drumming and singing for a long time, the dance moves to the scene where the team starts.

But in such a prologue, the Changge held by the girl pierced all of this in an instant.

The reason why Chapter 1 of the great martial arts movement is so long is originally because of King Wu's worries before the battle.

But at the center of the former Qin youths, Ying Baoyue's sacrificial dance ended all of this!
Standing without breaking, the spear in the woman's hand broke all of this, and all of this also changed the atmosphere on the high platform.

Amidst the sound of the flute and the sound of the golden sword and the iron horse, the Changge in the girl's hand made the sound of piercing through the air.

Her body is lighter than anyone else's, but her movements are more crisp than anyone else's.

In the center of the altar, the long dagger in the girl's hand is wide open and wide. No, if the war dance of the Northern Wei Dynasty is wide open and wide, this girl's dancing posture is vertical and horizontal.

Across the world, looking down on the world.

Ge Jian pierced the air, and Ge Mian passed through the tip of everyone's nose. Everyone who watched was terrified and suffocated at the same time.

The Chang Ge in the girl's hand flicked across her back, leaving a strong color in the dusk.

If you want to fight, I will fight!
This is her Chapter 1, her prelude to war.

It wasn't that King Wu had been waiting for a long time to start the battle, but the God of War, Commander Commander, descended from the sky.


At this moment, Ji Qingyuan in the box opened his eyes wide.

He finally understood that what this woman danced was the Nine Songs Da Si Ming, a Da Si Ming who was integrated into the music of King Wu Dawu, and this martial dance, what she danced was not the war of King Wu's defeating Zhou, but the real Da Si Ming. Life.

It's his mother!

What she danced was his mother's experience, and it was the scene of Da Si Ming Lin Shubai's expedition with King Qin Yingdi.

Ji Qingyuan held his breath, with countless emotions surging in his chest, and at this moment, accompanied by the music of Jiu Ge Da Si Ming, entering the second section, the second section of the Dawu movement also began.

People can see at this time that, like the previous Northern Wei Dynasty, what the former Qin danced was also a war dance, but unlike the group dances of the Northern Wei Dynasty with the same rhythm from beginning to end, the dance music of the former Qin Dynasty is like a ball of burning fire, flames Jumping high from time to time, bringing a heavy blow to people's hearts.

Just because there is that girl in the crowd.

She is the finishing touch in the crowd.

In the second paragraph, the battle has already begun.

The girl's attacking Chang Ge is in stark contrast to other former Qin practitioners who stood holding Chang Ge for a long time. It is the complement of movement and stillness.

The second poem in the Dawu Movement is "Drinking".

"Da Siming" is the coming of the gods.

"I and the king are at the same speed, and the emperor is at the Jiukeng. The spirit clothes are the quilt, and the jade pendant is Luli."

Red and black, movement and stillness.

In the silence and depression, the girl's sword tip slowly rubbed against the ground, and her bare feet stepped on the ground riddled with holes.

The unimaginable real essence spread out from the thin figure of the girl, and everyone seemed unable to see through it, but they couldn't take their eyes off the clothes tightly grasping the chest.

They have been dragged into this girl's world, and came to the battlefield that swept across the six countries.

Ancient Zhou, the Battle of Muye.

Qin and Chu, the battle of Danyang.

Qin Wang swept Liuhe, and the tiger looked at He Xiongzai.Swinging the sword to break the floating clouds, all the princes came to the west.

After that battle, Southern Chu declared surrender.

The fiery battle gradually reached the highest point, and when it reached the highest point, a dry piano sound suddenly sounded beside Ji Jiashu.

Ji Jiashu looked sideways suddenly, but found that it was the other musicians who had been watching coldly.

There was a strange brilliance in everyone's eyes, and they played the instruments in their hands irresistibly.

Whether you agree or disagree, whether you want to resist all this, or want to get rid of all this, this moment is only for that dance, only for the battlefield in everyone's heart.

The third "Lai" of Dawu poetry, the fourth "No Name" and the fifth "Time", the world continued to run wildly in that dance.

The third stage continued to march south, the fourth stage pacified the southern border, the fifth stage dance teams lined up, Zhou Gongzhao divided the territory and ruled, and the sixth stage dance team regrouped to pay tribute to King Wu.

This is Chapter 6 "Constant"

"Heaven's destiny bandit solution, King Huanhuanwu. Keep Juetu, in the four directions."

This woman jumped out of the carol, but also beyond the carol.

"Folding and sparse, Yaohua, will be left behind. The old Ran Ran is very extreme, and if you don't soak in it, you will become sparser. Ride on a dragon and ride a dragon, and a high camel will soar to the sky."

The life that blooms in the battlefield.

The music stopped abruptly at the highest point.

Da Si Ming was about to leave, so he drove the dragon's cloud car and ran high into the sky.

But Ji Jiashu's aura didn't stop.

He was sweating profusely.

At the same time, in the silence, large beads of sweat rolled down the foreheads of the former Qin teenagers.

In the last section of the Dawu movement, in order to symbolize the coming of the princes, the dancers crouched in place holding spears. There is actually no dance movement in this section.

But when all the former Qin youths squatted quietly, the figure of that girl appeared in front of everyone.

"Knotting osmanthus branches and standing still, Qiang is more thinking and worrying about people. Worrying about people, there is nothing to do. I hope that if there is no loss today. If people's lives are fixed, there is a right, which one can do when they are separated and reunited?"

This is the last sentence of Master Nine Songs.

Questions that can never be answered.

Even if thousands of troops are swept away, there are concerns that will never be let go.

One day, if you die in battle, you will never be able to return to the side of your loved one.

The girl's Chang Ge drew the last arc in the sky, and the only bright moon rose in the sky.

People have joys and sorrows, and the moon is full of gloom.

There is a right to one's life, which one can be separated and reunited?
People's lifespan has its own short and long, who can eliminate the hatred of joys and sorrows?
The gods will leave, and the chief minister is in charge of people's lifespan, but people's lifespan is inherently fixed, who can control the joys and sorrows between heaven and earth?

"Big brother?"

Ji Ange looked at the people around him in a daze.

Tears welled up from Ji Qingyuan's eyes.

This is a long battle, and it is also a girl's endless yearning for another girl.

That person saved everyone, but could never return to the one she loved.

The breath in Ji Jiashu's chest was about to run out, and Li Ji in the forest suddenly turned around, and the people under the altar lost their words.

At dusk, when the devil meets.

On the high platform, the figure of the young girl holding the sword remained in everyone's pupils for a long time.

Ji Jiashu watched all this quietly.

This is never to be forgotten, Gao Hua's gorgeous dance.

I can't forget it.

This sad but not hurt girl.

 The night passed like this, and it was really a chapter that exhausted everything written.

  The quotations in this article are from the relevant records of ancient dances and great martial arts, and the chapter of Chu Songs and Nine Songs of Da Si Ming.

  "Even if thousands of troops are swept away, there are concerns that will never be let go." Adapted from the lyrics "Even if thousands of troops are swept away, there are concerns that will never be let go." From "Tianxia 3 "Tage Mountain and Sea" Custom Album" He and his world Singer Smile_Xiaoqian
(End of this chapter)

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