Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 466

Chapter 466
The former Qin Dynasty and the Northern Wei Dynasty made peace.

The news silenced everyone in the courtyard.

"It seems that the former Qin King was not very satisfied with the result of the marriage with Southern Chu." Ji Jiashu flipped through the detailed information on the marriage with the former Qin and Northern Wei in his hand, looked up at Ying Baoyue and said.

"It seems that's right." Ying Baoyue said with a smile.

It is unheard of in the Shanhai Continent to be married to two big countries in less than three months, and both of them are descendants of the royal family.

If it weren't for the current chaotic situation of the six countries, as the lord of a country, such actions would be as absurd as grass on the wall.

"After all, we haven't really gotten married yet, and my father hasn't been able to retreat." Ji Jiashu quietly looked at Ying Baoyue, and smiled bitterly, "It's normal for the former Qin King to be anxious, but..."

It's just that no one could have imagined that that person would be so absurdly humble.

Ying Baoyue quietly looked at Ji Jiashu who was holding the information in his hand and looked subtle.

A marriage is a marriage, but no one thought that the former King of Qin, Ying Hanri, would be able to make a marriage with himself.

Ying Hanri is a man, different from her last time, this time Qian Qin is marrying a wife, not a daughter, it is a princess from the Northern Wei Dynasty who married to Qian Qin.But the reason why it is said that the former Qin made peace with the Northern Wei, rather than the Northern Wei Dynasty made a marriage with the former Qin, is that Ying Hanri gave the position of queen.

Marriages between countries are very common, and in general, when a princess is not married to a child of the royal family but is directly married to the monarch, the king of a country can only show his sincerity by giving him a higher status in the harem, but Ying Hanri gave it directly. Out of the position of wife.

This is not only the position of a queen, Ying Baoyue's eyes are slightly cold.

More importantly, the right of inheritance is given.

In today's Shanhai Continent, the system of eldest son inheritance is still strictly followed in terms of royal succession.Once the princess of the Northern Wei Dynasty becomes the former Queen of Qin, it means that once Ying Hanri dies, only her child is eligible to become the next former King of Qin, ranking ahead of Ying Xun in the order of succession.

Inheritance is a very important position in the royal family. The reason why Ying Hao was able to inherit the throne as the second son and not Ying Xun, the son of Ying Su, is that the Emperor Taizu did not have a queen. Essentially, Ying Su and Ying Hao are both bastards. , then whoever is ahead and who is behind will depend on Emperor Taizu's will.

Ying Su was just the eldest son, not the eldest son, otherwise Ying Hao would never have been able to take the throne.

But the emperor who insisted on not having a queen is the only one in the world, the Taizu Emperor, and the second emperor Ying Hao has a queen.Both Ying Baoyue and Ying Hanri were born to the queen, and Ying Hanri is Ying Hao's eldest son.

So even though Ying Hanri obviously has no emperor's talent, let alone cultivation ability, and even the empire is lost, he still continues to be his former Qin king. Ying Xun can only go far away to Southern Chu in order to save his life.

Ying Baoyue thought of this and took a deep breath.

Now Ying Hanri has no descendants, so as long as the Queen of the Northern Wei Dynasty gives birth to a son who will be the eldest son, he will become the strongest heir of the former Qin Dynasty in terms of etiquette.Since then, the blood of the Northern Wei Dynasty will enter the royal family inheritance of the former Qin Dynasty. Such a temptation is not insignificant for the Northern Wei Dynasty. It is probably because of this reason that they agreed to this marriage.

"It's just that I remember Ying brother used to have a queen," Ying Baoyue frowned after changing his words, "Where did his original queen go?"

Ji Jiashu didn't expect that Ying Baoyue would call the former King of Qin by his first name, but thinking of what the former King of Qin did to this younger sister, her attitude now is really polite, she didn't say anything, just looked down Get started with the intelligence.

"The queen before the former king of Qin was abolished by the former king of Qin for three years of innocence six days ago," Ji Jiashu said.

Nothing for three years.

In other words, no son was born for three years.

Upon hearing this, Ying Baoyue clenched her fists silently.

Among the seven crimes, childlessness is the first crime.

Ying Hanri's current wife was married when he was 14 years old, and it has been exactly three years now, and Ying Hanri still has no son.Even the veteran officials of the former Qin Dynasty could not stop such a reason.

Was it just scrapped six days ago?
This is obviously not a seven-out, but to make room for the princess of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

"I didn't expect Brother Wang to be able to do this," Ying Baoyue said expressionlessly.

"I didn't expect the former King Qin to be able to do this."

At the same time, in the Qing'an Yuan not far away, Zhao Guang sat under the eaves of the Qing'an Yuan's east courtyard and spoke leisurely.

Ji Qingyuan, who was holding a scroll in his hand in the room, glanced at the playful young man outside, wondering why this Soochow stepson, who had returned to Qing'an Yuan, would come to talk to him out of the blue.

"Ah, Mr. Ji, don't worry, just pretend I'm talking to myself." Zhao Guang glanced at him with a smile, "Now there are no people who can talk to me, I'm not used to it."

Zhao Guang sat under the eaves, and the masked man was no longer beside him.

Now Li Ji has probably reached the border of Southern Chu, Zhao Guang thought about it.

Although that person is no longer there, the conversation with Li Ji at the foot of Tianmu Mountain yesterday is still vivid in his memory.Zhao Guang raised his head, and yesterday's conversation rang in his ears.

"I didn't expect that after the Southern Chu, the former Qin would marry the Northern Wei." He couldn't help sighing when he received the news. "Tomorrow, the news will spread all over the mainland."

"Qianqin is really not picky," Li Ji said lightly.

"As long as it is a strong country, anyone should be able to." He looked at the news that had arrived in his hands a day earlier in awe.

Today's news has spread in Danyang City, but just as he expected, Soochow did get the news of the former Qin and Northern Wei's marriage first.

And the reason why Soochow could know in advance...

"The reason why the eldest brother knew about it in advance," he said with a glance at Li Ji, "is because the former Qin Dynasty also found us in Soochow."

Former Qin also wanted to make peace with Soochow.

A sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Guang's mouth, "But the King of Soochow refused."

The former Qin Dynasty was already desperate for marriage, he didn't care about any national system, and he didn't know how afraid of death Ying Hanri was, so he launched a policy of wooing all the powerful countries around him.

That's right, they are all drawn together.As the only country among the three powerful countries that did not make peace with the former Qin, it was not that the former Qin did not want to make peace, but that Soochow did not agree.

"There are not many princesses in Eastern Wu who can be sent to the former Qin Dynasty." Li Ji said lightly.

Li Ji's voice rang in Zhao Guang's ears at that time, but the complicated gaze that suddenly appeared on the brother's face after he said this sentence also remained in Zhao Guang's mind.

And the reason why Li Ji showed such an expression, and Zhao Guang's eyes flickered, was probably because he thought of someone.

It reminds me of a certain princess.

Sitting under the eaves of the Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion, Zhao Guang's eyes were slightly condensed.The reason why Li Ji said that Soochow had no princesses to give away was that the royal family of Soochow was sparsely populated.

But the royal family with the smallest population on this continent is not Soochow.Speaking of the small population of the royal family, the former Qin didn't even have a princess, there was only one eldest princess, but Ying Hanri still sent her to Nanchu indifferently.

Don't even care about it and don't provide any assistance.

The former eldest princess of Qin, Ying Baoyue.

Now that the news of the marriage between the former Qin Dynasty and the Northern Wei Dynasty came out, the situation of that woman became even more dangerous.

Zhao Guang's eyes were slightly cold.

In less than a month, the former Qin and the pro-Southern Chu remarried with another powerful country, the Northern Wei Dynasty, and also gave the position of the queen, which was tantamount to putting their previous princess who was pro-Southern Chu in a very embarrassing position.

After all, turning to make peace with other powerful countries so quickly, he almost wrote his disappointment with Nanchu's marriage on his forehead.

It's like saying that Southern Chu doesn't pay much attention to the marriage contract with the princess, and the princess can't please the people of Southern Chu, so I will go to the Northern Wei Dynasty in the former Qin Dynasty.

But what about the princess who married Nanchu beforehand?
After the Princess Heqin of the Northern Wei Dynasty will become one country, what about the Princess Heqin of the former Qin Dynasty?
In his small courtyard, Ji Jiashu looked at the information in his hand and clenched his fingers inch by inch.

Under the grand national marriage between the former Qin Dynasty and the Northern Wei Dynasty, the marriage contract that the princess of the former Qin Dynasty was pushed to the son of the Southern Chu State Teacher was like a joke.

Coupled with the indifference of the former Qin King to the princess from beginning to end, it is obvious that he regarded that girl as an abandoned son.

Ji Jiashu raised his head and looked at the calm girl standing in his courtyard.


Does the former King of Qin really know what he gave up?

Because of the time difference, the result of the former Qin polo match should have just arrived in Qianqin, and the fact that the ex-Qin princess summoned the Teng Snake God in the sacrifice dance yesterday should not have been reported to Southern Chu, and it is even more impossible for the former Qin king to know.

Sitting under the eaves of Qing'an Yuan, Zhao Guang suddenly smiled slightly.

"Ying Hanri definitely couldn't imagine what kind of character the princess he abandoned was like."



 It's okay, Ying Hanri has many things to regret
(End of this chapter)

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