Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 467 Situation

Chapter 467 Situation

The news of the marriage between the Northern Wei Dynasty and the former Qin Dynasty spread in the entire city of Danyang, not only because of the huge influence of the former Qin Dynasty's marriage partner, the Northern Wei Dynasty as the three powerful countries, but also because of the current time.

The news came on the second day after the crowd battle ended.

Ji Jiashu clenched the letter paper in his hand, and looked at Ying Baoyue who was thinking in the courtyard.

This marriage between the former Qin Dynasty and the Northern Wei Dynasty had an impact on this woman not only because she was treated as an abandoned son.

The crowd battle has ended, and the first round of the individual battle will start in two days.As we all know, the content of the first round of the personal battle of the elementary ceremony is drug poisoning, that is, using medicine and poisoning.

At the beginning, the Emperor Taizu set up the primary scriptures to test and improve the actual combat ability of the practitioners. Compared with the cooperation and luck that everyone needs in the battle, the individual battle tests the personal lethality of each practitioner.

In other words... For personal battles, there is a more terrifying saying among practitioners in private. Ji Jiashu clenched his lips.

That is, personal combat is actually compared to... the ability to kill people.

Of course, like everyone in the war, special safety measures will be set up for each round, and the battle also requires practitioners to click as far as possible, so it will not become very dark and chaotic, but no one can guarantee that if something happens, it will be saved.

The only one who can protect himself in a personal battle is the practitioner himself.

Poisoning can kill people invisible. It is a skill that every practitioner must master more or less, so it is the first round of content to become a personal battle leader.

There is no separation between medicine and poison. If you want to test poison, you must test medicine.

But no matter whether it is medicine or poison, Ji Jiashu's eyes are slightly focused, and now there is something on the mountain and sea road that everyone knows.

That is, whether it is poisoning or medicine, this is the housekeeping skill of Beihan Pavilion in the Northern Wei Dynasty.

And she...

Ji Jiashu paused and looked at Ying Baoyue.

"If you get the first place in every game after that, wouldn't you be able to become the top of the list?" The words the girl said rang in his ears again.

Ji Jiashu looked at the girl in the courtyard who had just learned about his brother's marriage. The scene of yesterday's splendid sacrificial dance and her smiling at him while leaning against the tree flashed before his eyes.

Just yesterday, she once again fulfilled her promise, taking her second No. [-] spot.

But there are still three rounds of individual battles waiting for her.

Ji Jiashu finally understood now that she really planned to take the first place in all the next rounds.

But with the Beihan Pavilion in the Northern Wei Dynasty, at least the first round of individual battles in the day after tomorrow is impossible.

Everyone knows that the Pharmacopoeia came out of the Beihan Pavilion. Although it is for the benefit of the public, it is impossible for the Beihan Pavilion to expose all the top secrets to the world. There must be a lot of things that only inner disciples can see content.

Therefore, Beihan Pavilion can be said to be invincible in the aspect of medicine poisoning.

In the last two sessions, including the one he participated in, the first round winners in the individual competition were all from Beihan Pavilion in the Northern Wei Dynasty.

If Ying Baoyue still intends to do so in the next personal battle, then in the first round the day after tomorrow, the conflict between the former Qin Dynasty and the Northern Wei Dynasty will be inevitable.

If she wanted to take the first place, it would be tantamount to making Beihan Pavilion an enemy, that is to say, making an enemy of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

"Thank you, Mr. Ji, for the information you provided." Noticing Ji Jiashu's gaze, Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled, "What's the matter?"

Since the end of the sacrificial dance yesterday, I don't know if it's her illusion, but I always feel that Ji Jiashu looks at her for a longer time.

"The marriage between the Northern Wei Dynasty and the former Qin Dynasty is a certainty," Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue and asked, "Then what are you going to do the day after tomorrow?"

The question was endless, but Ying Baoyue immediately understood what he meant.

Now that the high-profile marriage between the former Qin Dynasty and the Northern Wei Dynasty is known to the world, it is still the marriage marriage that the former Qin Dynasty is chasing after. It stands to reason that Qin and Wei have become allies, so it stands to reason that it is for the upcoming national wedding in Guiyang...

In the primary ceremony, the people of the former Qin Dynasty should not be able to confront the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Well, be friendly.


"The day after tomorrow's personal battle," Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Jiashu and smiled, "Of course it's how to fight."

"What should I do..." Ji Jiashu was taken aback, "But the former King of Qin..."

"It's him who got married, not me," Ying Baoyue said lightly, "Whoever gets married should be friendly to whom."

"I've already beaten the prince of the Northern Wei Dynasty at the Jixia Banquet," she said with a smile, "Do you think I'll still care about the princess of the Northern Wei Dynasty?"

I don't know if Yeluqi, who made trouble at the Jixia Banquet, can still get out of bed now.

Of course, if he wants to get up and do something again, she doesn't mind using physical means to make him lie down again.

Ji Jiashu was completely stunned when he heard the words, he almost forgot what this woman did to the Northern Wei people after she arrived in Southern Chu.

The next moment, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

As expected of her.

"However, if you do this, I'm afraid that you will be completely regarded by the former Qin..." But the next moment he recalled the previous speculation, he spoke with some difficulty.

"Abandoned?" Ying Baoyue continued.

Ji Jiashu was startled, and looked up at the girl in the courtyard.

"What's wrong?" Ying Baoyue laughed, "At least that person won't come and meddle in anything."

Ying Hanri will focus on the Northern Wei princess at least for a period of time, which should be enough for her to complete the primary ceremony.

Besides, she has never been his pawn, and Ying Hao can't even control her, let alone the 17-year-old king who loves and knows how to govern the country.

Even if he wants to settle accounts afterwards, he must have the ability to do something to her.

"But..." Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue, hesitant to speak, "But after the Heqin Princess of the Northern Wei Dynasty is about to become a country...

Ji Jiashu took a deep breath.

As a concubine princess, has she ever regretted it?

"You want to ask me..." Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Jiashu and asked, "Do you envy her becoming a queen?"

Ji Jiashu froze for a moment, he meant that, but he didn't expect this woman to ask so straightforwardly...

Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Jiashu and laughed, "Young Master Ji, which one do you think is more attractive, the queen or the queen?"


Ji Jiashu was completely stunned, never expecting to receive such a question.After a moment of silence, he said, "Of course it's the former."

But in today's Shanhai Continent, no woman can become a queen, and only people from the former Qin Dynasty would ask this question.Presumably this girl is also the daughter of the former queen, it is normal to have longing for this position, but why does she ask such a question?

"Then there is no problem, I have nothing to envy," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "Besides, compared to the Northern Wei princess, most women in this world should envy me."

Compared to marrying that stupid king Ying Hanri... a normal woman should choose to marry Mr. Nanchu Chunhua.

Of course, except for those who have a special interest in the position of queen.

Ji Jiashu understood Ying Baoyue's meaning, and felt a little hot in his ears for a moment.

Ying Baoyue laughed again, and saluted Ji Jiashu, "Anyway, thank you Mr. Ji for telling me the information. I'm going back to sort it out. Thank you. I'm leaving first."

Ji Jiashu calmed down, looked at Ying Baoyue's back, but still couldn't figure out why this woman would ask such a question.



But in the National Teacher's Mansion, there is a person who knows.


Sitting on the roof of Qing'an Yuan, Ji Qingyuan looked at the girl beside him.

"Jiashu actually asked such a question." Hearing Ying Baoyue talking about the conversation with Ji Jiashu during the day, his expression was slightly subtle.

Ji Qingyuan was a little amused to ask this girl if she wanted to be queen.

After all, he was well aware of the girl beside him.

It was a person who had almost become a queen, but then rejected the queen's position.



(End of this chapter)

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