Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 468

Chapter 468
It's late at night.

Under the same starry sky, on the same roof, with the same two people.

Even though it was late at night, you could still see the bright lights of the streets in Danyang City in the distance, and people talking in the wineries and teahouses, you can still see the influence of the explosive news during the day.

The Qing'an courtyard of the Southern Chu State Teacher's Mansion would be much quieter, if there were no two people climbing the roof in the middle of the night.

"But there are no stars in the sky tonight, why are you still climbing on the roof in the middle of the night?" Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Qingyuan who was sitting next to him on the roof of Qing'an Courtyard of Nanchu National Teacher's Mansion.

After she learned from Ji Jiashu during the day that the former Qin, Northern and Wei dynasties were getting married, she had been practicing in Ji Ange's yard while thinking about the future countermeasures.After a whole day of tossing around, I went out late at night to take a breath, but saw someone sitting on the roof again.

Obviously there are no stars to see tonight.

"The reason why there were no stars last night and tonight is obviously caused by you people." Ji Qingyuan looked at the girl sitting beside her knees, and then looked up at the dark cloud-covered night sky.

"It's because of your continuous sacrifice and dance yesterday to invite the gods, and the changes of the gods brought too many clouds." He sighed.

If it weren't for the thick clouds, the breath of the true god would have caused great harm to ordinary people, but it had been a whole day, and the clouds hadn't dissipated, enough to see how earth-shattering yesterday's summoning was.

Ordinary divine revelations would not bring so many clouds. It can be said that these clouds were all caused by the invitation of the true gods Nanchu and Qianqin yesterday.

"I didn't expect Nanchu to attract the breath of a true god," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "Your brother is really powerful."

Ji Jiashu is indeed powerful, but isn't it more terrifying that you can do such a thing at the seventh level?

Ji Qingyuan looked at the girl beside him and sighed in his heart.

It can only be said that it is her.

Princess Zhaoyang, who once frightened the Xirong cavalry outside the Great Wall of Eternal Night, is the youngest goddess in the world who has set countless records in the practice world.

Ji Qingyuan stared deeply at the girl beside him.

And it is precisely such a woman who has passed by the most honorable empress on the Shanhai Continent three times.

Noticing Ji Qingyuan's gaze, Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled, "What's wrong?"

Is this a tacit understanding between the brothers?Ji Jiashu looked at her like this during the day, and Ji Qingyuan looked at her like this at night.

"You don't think I want to be some kind of queen, do you?"

For a princess of a country, it is indeed the best situation to marry in terms of status.A marriage with a relative is the saddest in the marriage of a princess, but the situation will be different if it can become a country.

The princess son-in-law can only take on idle duties. If she stays in the country, the choice of son-in-law can only choose some people with average talents. Naturally, it is not as decent and noble as the queen of the king. Besides, Ying Hanri is still a famous young king. The elderly monarch is naturally much better.

But each is warm and cold, only people know for themselves.

Ying Baoyue's eyes were slightly cold.

"Of course I don't think so," Ji Qingyuan looked at Ying Baoyue and sighed, "After all, I know who you are."

"It's not uncommon for people in this world to come close to winning the throne three times in a row," he said with a complicated look at Ying Baoyue.

Not only is it uncommon, it has been unheard of since ancient times.Ji Qingyuan thought.

In other words, only his mother, a high-ranking apprentice, got engaged and could cause so many troubles.

The three dragons and the phoenix battle that year caused a great uproar in Guiyang City. When he heard it, he felt terrified and tried desperately to inquire about the relevant information, but what he learned surprised him so much that he was speechless.

Back then in Guiyang City, Ying Hao publicly wanted to take Princess Zhaoyang as his concubine, and later news came that Emperor Taizu wanted to take her into the harem, and then the eldest son of the emperor, Ying Su Chang, knelt at the palace gate to propose as his wife.

In the end, Ying Su got what she wanted, and that woman became the future eldest concubine of the emperor, which was equivalent to that of the crown princess under the circumstances at that time.Ying Su successfully succeeded to the throne, she is the queen of Daqin.At that time, many people thought that this woman agreed to Ying Su because she was greedy for the position of future queen.

But only few people know that at the end of the game, Ying Hao also said in the mansion that he would change the girl to be his concubine.

What was even more frightening was that Ji Qingyuan had received a piece of news.A servant in the Efang Palace once revealed a rumor that the Emperor Taizu also said after being drunk that the purpose of accepting the girl into the harem was to give her the position of empress.

In this way, it is not three times.

This is really...

Ji Qingyuan took a deep breath, and after saying that, he looked at the girl in front of him, only to see Ying Baoyue startled.

"Three times? Who told you that? How could it be such an exaggeration?" Ying Baoyue was startled and then smiled, "Twice at most."

Twice is also very scary, okay...

Ji Qingyuan was taken aback when he heard the words, but after hearing what she said later, he could only sigh in his heart without words.

But the next moment he reacted and frowned suspiciously, "But I did hear that..."

At that time, he spent his money to inquire about the news. It was his mother's old man who passed on the information to him. There should be no mistakes.

"You mean the rumor about that servant in the palace?" Ying Baoyue looked at him after thinking for a while and said.

Ji Qingyuan nodded.

"That's just His Majesty's drunken talk, don't take it seriously," Ji Qingyuan looked at the girl in front of him and smiled, his expression suddenly became complicated the next moment.

"Besides, even if it's true," Ying Baoyue's eyes turned cold, "that person is just treating me as a substitute."


Ji Qingyuan was shocked.

He never expected to hear such an evaluation from the master behind the commotion ten years later, and the content of this evaluation is still closely related to him.

There can only be one woman in the world who can make the astonishingly talented Princess Zhaoyang a substitute.

That was his mother, Chief Commander Lin Shubai.

Ji Qingyuan's expression became extremely complicated, and his head hurt.

As the Son of Man, he didn't know what expression he should show now.

Chief Commander Lin Shubai, his father Ji Mo, the teacher of the Southern Chu State, and the first emperor Taizu Emperor Ji Mo on the Shanhai Continent.

The female national teacher who has never married in her life, the emperor who has never established a queen in her life, and his father who has been in retreat for more than a year and a half after getting married.

The entanglement between these three people back then is still a big unsolved case and topic of discussion on the Shanhai Continent.

It stands to reason that he should hate the emotional entanglements of the previous generation.

For he is not only the son of man, but also the illegitimate son.

He still hasn't figured out what his father thinks of his mother, just as he doesn't know what kind of attitude his mother has towards his father.

He was four years older than Ji Jiashu, and Ji Ange was born before Ji Jiashu, but why did his parents have them but not get married?

He asked his parents, but both of them remained silent, and his father even locked him in the house for a whole month and did not let him out.

Ji Qingyuan felt that he would never be able to get the answer to this matter from his biological parents in this life.

The relationship between those three people was too complicated and involved too many things. I'm afraid he was too young to understand it.But it's different now.

It's been ten years since everything.

At this moment, looking at the girl with complicated expressions beside her, Ji Qingyuan finally couldn't help asking.

"That emperor... did he ever want to make his mother the empress?!"

Ying Baoyue was taken aback when she heard the words, then quietly looked at Ji Qingyuan beside her, and the next moment she shook her head.

"I don't know," she knew what Ji Qingyuan wanted to ask, but the matter between the three of them was indeed too complicated, even she only knew a little bit, but...

"But one thing I can be sure of," Ying Baoyue looked at Ji Qingyuan and said quietly, "Master will not become his queen."

 In fact, this chapter is the love history of the chief commander Lin Shubai

  But it is indeed very complicated, this is only a small part, and it also involves the foreshadowing of the main line

(End of this chapter)

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