Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 490

Chapter 490
Bitter murderous aura enveloped the road ahead.

Looking at nearly a dozen practitioners scattered one word in the dim mountain forest, Gui Chen opened his eyes wide.

From Ying Baoyue's words before, he heard that other practitioners might cut them off halfway, and he was mentally prepared for a fierce battle.

But he never imagined that practitioners from Southern Chu and Northern Wei would join hands to deal with her.

What is all this for?
Gui Chen tightly clenched the hilt of the sword at his waist, his estimate of the rank of the practitioners was still inaccurate, the only thing that could be confirmed was that everyone was higher than him.Besides the practitioners, what made his scalp tingle even more was the powerful crossbows in the hands of some lower-level practitioners.

These practitioners were scattered far away, and the entire encirclement line was like a huge net, completely engulfing the two of them who were alone.

Gui Chen now understands why they can't completely avoid these people in the huge forest, because this is not an ordinary siege at all.

There are too many of them, and once they are opened, the range that can be blocked is too wide.Once a person finds them, he will immediately report to others, not to mention having weapons such as crossbows.

Just now, a person on the edge of the encirclement net discovered him, forced them to stop with arrows, and the others surrounded him together.

However, he was the one who shot the arrow, but not the one who defended it.

Gui Chen looked at the girl who was standing quietly in front of her, facing the two strong men of the Northern Wei and Southern Chu.

It was a snare carefully designed for this woman.

It is also an unexpected network.

Gui Chen gritted his teeth.

No one could have imagined that the Northern Wei people and the Southern Chu people, who had always been rivals in the primary ceremonies of the past dynasties, would join forces.

Just to target a girl.

"There are so many people, should I feel honored?" At this moment, the girl in front of him finally spoke again.

"Master Ye, I haven't seen you for a while," Ying Baoyue glanced around at the other practitioners who were waiting for her, and said to the one with a familiar face among the two standing in the middle.

Although she and this face have seen each other every day in crowd battles these days, it's been a long time since such a one-on-one confrontation.

The last time was at the Jixia Banquet.

Ying Baoyue looked at Ye Siyuan who was standing beside the Northern Wei man not far away.

Ye Siyuan is still the same Ye Siyuan, but I don't know if it's because he feels uncomfortable standing next to the Northern Wei people, and his expression is a little anxious.

He didn't answer Ying Baoyue's words, but just stared at her gloomyly.

"Hand it over... what do you want me to hand over?" Ying Baoyue's expression also cooled down, looking at him and asked lightly.

"Stop pretending, former Princess of Qin," but at this moment a young man with a high nose and deep eyes next to Ye Siyuan sneered, looked at Ying Baoyue and said, "Your Highness, the princess, must have gained something in the forest with such a well-thought-out journey."

The boy narrowed his green eyes slightly, "You must have schisandra in your hand."

As soon as the word "Schisandra" came out, the expressions of the practitioners in the field changed. No matter whether they were from the Southern Chu or the Northern Wei, the practitioners blocking the way showed a hint of covetousness in their eyes, and they clenched the sword hilts around their waists.

There was a chill on Gui Chen's back, and his vigilance was raised to the limit, but Ying Baoyue just quietly looked at the boy beside Ye Siyuan after hearing the words.

Although she met once in the body search booth before, she just remembered his face and was not interested in taking a closer look at him.But they didn't expect that after the conflict in the body search shed, they would meet again so soon.

The eldest disciple of Beihan Pavilion, He Lancheng.

However, she knew very well that although this He Lancheng was known as the eldest disciple, he should only be one with a slightly higher status among the disciples brought out by Beihan Pavilion this time.

In the early days of Beihan Pavilion's establishment, it imitated Jixia Academy in every way, including the school's senior brother system.Practitioners will get out of ordinary battles after reaching the fifth level of advancement. Whether it is a big disciple or a senior brother, only a practitioner at the initial stage will become a practitioner. Once he becomes a real strong person, he will step down.

For example, Ji Jiashu used to be the senior brother of Leiyuan, but he quickly gave up that position after he became the fifth rank.

And the status of this Beihan Pavilion disciple should be similar to that of Ye Siyuan, a senior brother of the Fire Academy on his side.

But that's not why the two of them got mixed up.

Ying Baoyue quietly watched the tall boy in front of him.He said he was a teenager, but He Lancheng, who was standing beside Ye Siyuan, was a full head taller than Ye Siyuan.

Sure enough, there is a difference only when there is a comparison... Ying Baoyue said heartily.

From the information she read at the beginning, she knew that the two people were about the same age, but just standing together like this, He Lancheng looked much older than Ye Siyuan just by looking at the appearance.

This man's figure was standard for the Northern Wei Dynasty, with a high nose and deep eyes, and a slight blue color in his pupils. Although he was under 20 years old, he looked more like a big man than a teenager.

Ying Baoyue stared into He Lancheng's eyes. For some reason, the color of his eyes made her somewhat familiar.

But after thinking about it, she suppressed some guesses in her heart. After all, the eye color that is different from that of the people in the Central Plains is not unique to the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

The Northern Wei, Hou Liao and Xi Rong are all countries with nomadic blood. Among them, the Northern Wei and Hou Liao have gradually merged and faded the characteristics of alien races through intermarriage with the people of the Central Plains for so many years. He Lancheng can see the fusion of these feature.

As for the Western Rong outside the Great Wall, there are fewer fusion features, and they are different from those of the Northern Wei and Hou Liao people, and generally speaking, they are more recognizable.

Compared with the previous Meng Shi, He Lancheng is a standard Northern Wei person in appearance.

Just standing there is oppressive.

Standing with Ye Siyuan, one can see the difference in their backgrounds at a glance.

Ying Baoyue narrowed her eyes.

Although Ye Siyuan had clashed with her many times a long time ago, it was obviously not him who led the way.

"Schisandra?" Under He Lancheng's gaze, Ying Baoyue looked at his palm, "I really wanted to pick it, but this medicine is too difficult to pick, so I couldn't find it and had to return in vain. "

"Get out of the way," she said calmly, spreading her hands, "I don't have what you want."

Looking at the girl who was facing countless feathered arrows pointing at her but remained calm, He Lancheng frowned.

He naturally didn't believe this woman's nonsense, but it was his first time dealing with this woman.Because what he is good at is poisoning rather than fighting, he has always stayed at the back in the previous battles, and he didn't even look at her face much because there were so many people in the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Although there are some outrageous rumors outside, she must have the support of the former Qin stepson during the battle, so she can get to that position.Now that she was finally alone in the individual battle, a weak woman should be obediently recruited after a few threats.

It was not difficult to deal with this woman, but when he took over this job, someone specifically told him not to make too much noise, at least not to let Mr. Nanchu Chunhua outside notice the aura of true energy.

So he came up with the trick of using crossbow bolts.

But He Lancheng couldn't understand, facing so many sharp arrows, how could such a little girl act like she didn't see it?
But just a face-to-face meeting in the dark forest before, this woman called out his and Ye Siyuan's names, which made him a little annoyed who wanted to hide his identity.

At this moment, looking at the calm eyes of the girl opposite, the anger burned even more fiercely.

Was it bluffing, or did he think he didn't dare kill her at all?
But at this moment, looking at the low-level young man behind Ying Baoyue, a smug smile suddenly appeared on the corner of He Lancheng's mouth.

"Your Highness, I advise you to be obedient and tell the truth." He looked at Ying Baoyue and drew his voice, "Don't you want the life of the kid behind you?"

Gui Chen was shocked when he heard the words, and at this moment, a sharp pain shot from his left arm to his limbs, he coughed violently, his clothes clenched tightly on his chest, and fell to his knees with a plop.

"Guichen!" Ying Baoyue turned to look at the blue-faced Guichen, seeing the wound on his right arm that was scratched by the crossbow arrow, her pupils shrank.

Gui Chen obviously avoided the arrow just now, and only scratched a trace of oily skin. It is absolutely impossible to hurt like this, unless...

Ying Baoyue suddenly turned her head to look at the tall boy not far away, and questioned him loudly.

"You actually hid poison?!"

 These chapters and the following plots have very interesting foreshadowing.

(End of this chapter)

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