Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 491

Chapter 491

Feeling the severe pain all over his body, Guichen's forehead burst out with blue veins, his vision had begun to blur, and the voice he heard seemed to be separated by a layer of veil, but his ears still caught the word accurately.

Just because it's a word that shouldn't appear here and now.

In the first round of the individual battle of the preliminary ceremony, practitioners are strictly prohibited from carrying prepared poisons, so they did not hesitate to spend more time than the official competition time to search all practitioners in advance.

Under such strict guards, practitioners who can enter this forest should not contain any toxins from the inside to the outside, from the body to the weapons.


This is the first time he has experienced such pain, but it does not prevent Guichen from knowing that this feeling is poisoning.

He is poisoned.

Although the toxicity didn't happen immediately, once it happened, it was menacing, and the tearing pain started from his left arm, as if spreading through his whole body with the flow of blood.He was not attacked by a poisonous snake in the depths of Qingnao Mountain before, but now he was poisoned and fell to the ground on the way out of the mountain. The only culprit was...

Gui Chen looked at the arrowhead stuck in the tree trunk beside him with blood red eyes.

"You actually smeared poison on the arrowhead!"

He looked at Ying Baoyue beside him with blurred vision and asked He Lancheng and Ye Siyuan in front of him angrily.

"Your Highness, don't talk nonsense. We came in through your fiancé's inspection." However, He Lancheng looked at Gui Chen who was kneeling on the ground and twitched slightly, and smiled, "You little guard, I'm afraid you are here. You were bitten by a poisonous snake deep in the forest, right?"

"Your Highness is ignorant, so I might as well teach you a lesson," He Lancheng looked at Ying Baoyue and sighed, "Some snake venoms take a long time to develop."

He was lying, Gui Chen gritted his teeth.

Gui Chen knew better than anyone else that he was not bitten by a snake at all, she protected him meticulously in the depths of the forest, and he became like this only after being rubbed by the arrowhead.

But when he heard He Lancheng's words, he also had strong doubts in his eyes.

It would be fine if there were other examiners with a nest of snakes and rats, but these people from the Northern Wei Dynasty were indeed inspected by Ji Jiashu himself, so it is logically impossible to bring poison into them.

What's even more frightening is that everyone has seen people from the Northern Wei Dynasty enter the largest body search booth before. The prestige of Chunhuajun Ji Jiashu and the examiner Mr. Mengyang is unmatched. Even if he and Ying Baoyue go out and report these people from the Northern Wei Dynasty for hiding drugs No one would believe them without evidence.


At this moment, Gui Chen saw Ying Baoyue beside her reaching out to grab the feathered arrow on the side of the tree trunk, but the next moment another sharp arrow shot towards her hand!
Ying Baoyue withdrew her hand abruptly, the feather arrow swished past the back of her hand, and plunged into the tree trunk with a sound, which made Gui Chen's heart skip a beat.

"Oh, Your Royal Highness, I advise you not to act rashly." Not far away, He Lancheng looked at Ying Baoyue with a crossbow in his hand and sneered.

"Besides, even if you get the arrowhead, it's useless," the man said with a chuckle, "No one will believe the existence of the poison that neither Chunhuajun nor the heavenly cultivators can see."

"Then this actually means," He Lancheng smiled triumphantly, "this poison does not exist."

There is no truth in this world, only the "truth" that people want to believe.

Just like a person, if people all over the world think that he does not exist, then this person is already dead, and he will die if he is not dead, and the dead cannot die again.

However, He Lancheng did not expect that his remarks, which could shake a practitioner's state of mind at any time, would not be effective for the first time.

"No, it exists."

He opened his eyes wide, looked at the girl in front of him and almost immediately denied his certain words.

this woman...

Gui Chen also opened his eyes wide. To be honest, He Lancheng's words made him want to believe. After all, there is no Chunhuajun Ji Jiashu who can't see it...

"Missing God?" But at this moment, he heard the girl who was supporting him speak softly.

Fascinated?what is that?
It was a poison that Ji Jiashu couldn't see.

Ying Baoyue looked at Gui Chen, who was bewildered, and said in his heart.

What He Lancheng said just now was not without pride, but in her eyes, it was full of loopholes.Although there are not many poisons that even high-level practitioners can't see, have these Northern Wei people forgotten that this is not the first time?
Didn't so many high-ranking people present fail to detect the poison specifically aimed at practitioners when they plotted against her senior brother Xu Yishan at the Jixia Banquet?
The person who poisoned her at that time has not been found until now, no matter whether these Beihan Pavilion disciples have anything to do with that incident, but who do these people think she is?
Is the poison in the drug book she wrote so easy to be noticed?
Ying Baoyue stood up, turned around and looked at He Lancheng, who was denied by her for some reason but was a little unbelievable.

"What?" Seeing the girl's eyes, He Lancheng felt a little terrified for some reason, and he took a deep breath to restore the smile on his face, "Your Highness the Princess doesn't believe it? You mean that Mr. Chunhua was wrong?"

He laughed mockingly, "You can't even see the poison hidden by us little practitioners, Chunhua Jun is really a waste of fame..."


However, amidst his wanton laughter, the girl quietly interrupted him again.

This woman's heart seemed to have no gaps.

He Lancheng clenched the crossbow in his hand, looked at the girl in front of him and smiled at him.

"Don't speak ill of my fiancé." Ying Baoyue stared at He Lancheng and smiled slightly.

"You guys are lying."

A vein twitched on He Lancheng's forehead, but he only heard the girl in front of him continue, "It's not that Mr. Chunhua misread it, but that there are plenty of poisons that can hide from the eyes of level five practitioners."

There are a lot of them in the "Poison Code" she wrote.

Mihunyin is just one of them.And this poison was originally prepared by her for Ji Jiashu's father, a certain Southern Chu national teacher. Ordinary people don't get this kind of treatment, so of course Ji Jiashu couldn't tell.

Seeing that there is a problem.

The Beihan Pavilion of the Northern Wei Dynasty took the poison code as its own, making the world think that such poisons are rare, so at this time, they thought they could push everything to Ji Jiashu.

It can be said that it is quite shameless, quite ignorant, and has found the wrong person to deceive.


In front of Ying Baoyue's eyes flashed the sky where an old god was present in the shed.It was true that Ji Jiashu couldn't see it, but all the practitioners he inspected still needed Mr. Mengyang's palm eye. This poison was designed by her for Ji Mo, who was only at the fourth level, and it was impossible for Li Mengyang, who was at the third level, not to be able to see it.

Unless he didn't look at it at all, or... pretended he didn't see it.

Ying Baoyue's eyes were slightly cold.

Mr. Mengyang is the absolute authority here, so authoritative that he says it is not poisonous, no practitioner dares to say it is poisonous.

She looked coldly at Ye Siyuan and He Lancheng who were standing side by side. If Southern Chu and Northern Wei really colluded, it would be the worst situation at this time.

Seeing Ying Baoyue's eyes, He Lancheng knew that she must be thinking of Mr. Mengyang's troubles.

The smile on the corner of the man's mouth became smug again. The woman mentioned just now that there are a lot of poisons that can be hidden from the fifth rank, which made him flustered for a moment. Known secrets.

But at this moment, whether she knew it or not, she was powerless under the circumstances.

"You little guard is going to die here if you don't save him," He Lancheng smiled at Ying Baoyue with a nuzzled look at Gui Chen, "Although the snake venom is difficult to cure, our Beihan Pavilion disciples are the best in the world in detoxification. "

As he spoke, he twisted out a red bean-like object with his fingertips.

"God has the virtue of good life, and we in Beihan Pavilion have always been willing to save lives and heal the wounded," He Lancheng sneered while looking at Ying Baoyue while twisting the pill in his hand.

"As long as Her Royal Highness obediently hand over the schisandra, I don't mind giving you the antidote for the snake's venom."

 Guichen: I have never seen such a brazen person

(End of this chapter)

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