Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 492 Snatch

Chapter 492 Snatch
Gui Chen has never seen such a brazen person.

The poison he poisoned and the antidote for schisandra?

"Mingyue, leave me alone..." He stood up and took a step forward leaning on his sword while bracing the severe pain in his chest, staring at He Lancheng and said with difficulty, "I'm not snake venom at all..."

"Mingyue," He Lancheng smiled when he heard what he said, "I heard that the former princess of Qin treated the guard by her side very well, and even allowed her to call her by her name. Seeing is better than smelling."

The man's eyes swept over the young girls standing side by side in front of him, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"He brought someone from his natal family. I heard that the former Princess Qin dismissed the wedding party and left a guard of the same age by her side. This is really..."

"Mr. Chunhua didn't know what mood he was in when he went to pick up people in the Southern Chu Kingdom." He Lancheng smiled ambiguously, "Now that Mr. Chunhua is so indifferent, Your Highness still needs to take good care of those around her."

Even if the consciousness is blurred, the hairs all over Gui Chen's body will explode when he hears the meaningful words, "You..."

"If you want to investigate, I should investigate clearly," but at this moment a clear female voice interrupted He Lancheng's laughter.

Ying Baoyue quietly stared into the blue eyes of the young man not far away, "When the wedding procession was dismissed, the former Princess Qin was accompanied by two guards and two maids, one elder and one younger."

A trace of astonishment appeared in He Lancheng's eyes, and Ying Baoyue looked into his eyes and said calmly, "This is the sentence that should be written in the information. I didn't expect the disciples of Beihan Pavilion to believe in market gossip when they have something to do."

Compared with the fact that there were men and women around her, the news that the former princess of Qin had only one man to accompany her into Southern Chu was obviously more exciting and attractive in the market.

As she successively won the top spot in the crowd battle, there are more and more rumors about her.Ying Baoyue has no doubt that such news will spread in Danyang.


He Lancheng, a Northern Wei man who believed in rumors but didn't know the truth?

When it comes to her disbanding the wedding party, Ying Baoyue will inevitably think of the large group of killers who chased her all the way before.

There are also those two black-armored generals who call themselves "Lang" and "Lang".

After she arrived in Southern Chu, that group of people seemed to have disappeared from the world. No one investigated why so many killers were operating on the border of Southern Chu without anyone noticing, and no one investigated the fact that the former Princess Qin was hunted down.

All disappeared.

But for some reason, Ying Baoyue felt that those people hadn't disappeared.

As for who the group of people in black were, she had also guessed. Although she didn't see their faces, she always felt that the group of people in black were the same as the two people who persecuted the real Princess Baoyue in the mausoleum of Emperor Taizu. Has a similar breath.

The "spiritual fire" that burned her original body in the coffin at that time and the source of the curse that still remained on her body at this time, that is, the talisman paper that those two people ignited, she did hear the two people say Yes, it was given to them by a man called "Lord Xu".

Master Xu.

Xu Bingqing.

If you talk about the most famous person surnamed Xu in the world today, there is only one person.

That is Xu Bingqing's father, the fourth among the eight gods to be named Hebo.

Xu Canghai, son of Xuanwu God, the master of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

It was precisely because of that sound of Lord Xu that Ying Baoyue once suspected the possibility of the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty intervening.But at this moment, looking at He Lancheng, who was furious and angry, as if she really didn't know the situation, a trace of doubt emerged from the bottom of her heart.

If there were people from the Northern Wei Dynasty among the group of killers chasing her, then they should know the situation at that time. How could they not even know that there were two men and two women left behind by her side?Do they believe the rumor that only Gui Chen is by her side?

But the next moment, Ying Baoyue took a slight breath and suppressed all kinds of conjectures in her heart.

It is untenable to speculate that people from the Northern Wei Dynasty chased and killed her based on just one surname, and it is also unreliable to deny this conjecture based on He Lancheng's words.

After all, even if her guess is true, with He Lancheng's status, he probably won't even be able to get in touch with this matter.

And as if responding to her inner voice, He Lancheng was startled when he heard Ying Baoyue's words at this time, then he squeezed the pill in his hand and shouted, "No matter how many people there are, former Princess Qin, you really don't want your guards dead?"

It seems that this person really doesn't know the truth.Ying Baoyue looked at the red pill in He Lancheng's hand, her eyes were cold.

"As I said, I didn't pick schisandra. Mr. Helan, if you attack other practitioners at will and even hide poisons and antidotes, aren't you afraid of being disqualified by the examiner?"

"Hidden poison antidote?" He Lancheng smiled and looked at the pill in his hand, "You don't have proof, you are just spouting blood, as long as you enter this forest, I say I prepared this medicine on the spot, who can prove it?"

No one can prove it.

Gui Chen gritted his teeth and said with concern.As long as they pass the search and enter the forest, whatever poison or medicine appears on the practitioner's body will be regarded as made on the spot.

But ordinary practitioners are not so fast at dispensing medicine!
He didn't expect the Northern Wei people to take advantage of this rule in such a way that he was so angry that his teeth were bleeding.

"The rules are like this, you two don't have to struggle," He Lancheng looked at Ying Baoyue and said calmly, "As for Her Royal Highness insisting that she didn't pick Schisandra..."

"Nonsense! You can definitely get it!" Ye Siyuan, who had been silent at this moment, suddenly opened his mouth, looked at her and shouted firmly.

"Sure?" Ying Baoyue raised her head suddenly, looking at him like a sword, "Who told you that I would definitely get it?"

"Yes..." Ye Siyuan was taken aback and was about to speak, but the next moment his voice stopped.

"Who is it?" Ying Baoyue narrowed her eyes.

Schisandra is rare, so why are these people so sure that she can get it?
Why did Ye Siyuan suddenly get involved with people from the Northern Wei Dynasty?Before Ying Baoyue's eyes, Ye Jingshu, who was sitting next to the saint girl of the Northern Wei Dynasty in the previous battles, appeared.

"Miss Ye San, what have you been doing recently?" Ying Baoyue looked at Ye Siyuan and asked quietly. Ye Siyuan's body stiffened for a moment.

However, before Ye Siyuan could speak again, He Lancheng suddenly took a step forward.

"Princess Qin, don't talk about him anymore." Looking at the girl who was facing the bow and crossbow without changing her face, the tall boy threw away the crossbow in his hand, and stared at the limp Guichen. With a sneer, he drew his sword out of its sheath.

"As expected of the most ruthless emperor's family, you are so reckless at such a young age that you don't even care about the lives of your guards," He Lancheng dragged his voice, "Then I will have to let you toast instead of fine wine."

"Master Ye, let's do it."

"Everyone, surround her!"

what... what...

Gui Chen, who was completely weak, opened his eyes wide, watching Ye Siyuan and He Lancheng, two sixth-rankers, draw their swords and stab at Ying Baoyue at the same time.

Under the dim light, He Lancheng's long sword glowed with a poisonous black light.

Ying Baoyue draws his sword to fend off the enemy, but the enemy is outnumbered, and the opponent has two rank six.


Amidst Guichen's heart-piercing shouts, flames and thunder passed through the dark forest.

And in the light of heavy swords, he saw that girl who was difficult to stab at the fifth rank was stabbed by the long sword in He Lancheng's hand.

Toxic black air instantly enveloped her face.

(End of this chapter)

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