Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 494 Reality

Chapter 494 Reality
"From Soochow?"

Gui Chen turned his head abruptly, and as expected, he saw a few figures poking around in the woods not far away.

Just after He Lancheng asked that sentence, a young man walked out scratching his head, looked at them and smiled awkwardly.

"Young Master Helan? What are you guys... doing?"

Gui Chen opened his eyes wide, looking at the familiar face of the man in front of him.I heard before that in the first round of the individual battle, there will be one stepson in each direction, but because there are only six stepson and eight stepson in the direction, Gui Chen originally thought that they didn't have a stepson in this direction.

Didn't expect there to be one.

It's still this person.

"I just passed by, but Mr. Ye, Mr. Helan, you are..."

The man's usual low-confidence voice came from the forest. Ying Baoyue supported Gui Chen's shoulders and slightly opened his eyes, looking at a certain person who was standing under the tree with two or three Soochow people with delicate expressions. Among them, he can be called the most non-existent stepson.

Soochow stepson, Zhao Guang.

Someone passing by in such a difficult situation, who happened to be a stepson, would have been a good time to call for help under normal circumstances.However, looking at the young man who appeared in the forest at this time, Gui Chen just wanted to help his forehead in despair.

Even if the person who came was Chen Zichu, he was stronger than this person... Guichen looked at the young man who heard Ying Baoyue call him Zhao Guang in the former Qin Dynasty but turned into Tian Guang, the son of Dongwu Great Sima in Southern Chu, feeling powerless in his heart sighed.

He still doesn't know the real identity of this young man, but no matter whether it is Zhao Guang or Tian Guang, the only thing Gui Chen knows is that this young man's fighting ability... is almost harmless to humans and animals.

And he wasn't the only one who knew about it.

"Mr. Tian?" He Lancheng didn't show the slightest panic when he was caught robbing medicinal materials, maybe there was a trace of it, and it disappeared completely after seeing who it was.

The stepson in the primary ceremony was the focus of everyone's attention. After three rounds of battles, the temperament and ability of the stepsons from all over the world have been clearly grasped.

In addition to the step-son of the Northern Wei Dynasty who is extremely powerful and the step-son of the former Qin Dynasty who has become noticeable due to the ranking of everyone... There is also a step-son who is famous.

He's famous not because he's different, but because he's so... ineffective.

It's okay for the stepson of a weak country to do nothing, but the stepson of a strong country is different.

He Lancheng looked expressionlessly at Zhao Guang who was not far away with an embarrassed expression on his face when he smashed something he shouldn't be looking at.

This Eastern Wu stepson who suddenly appeared with unknown background had attracted Beihan Pavilion's attention at first, but most of this attention had dissipated when he learned that this person was a Wind Sorcerer.

As the crowd battle progressed, except for a ruthless shot in the polo match, Soochow's performance in the primary ceremony was nothing special.

If the former Qin princess was a vase, then this Soochow stepson could only be called Huatu.

But even though they are cowardly and incompetent, the Soochow people have the country as their backing.Even if his own strength is as weak as a persimmon, he can't just say it and stop it, it's still a very troublesome existence.

"I didn't expect to meet Soochow's stepson here."

Thinking of this, He Lancheng's face was completely free from the nervousness of being smashed into something bad. Instead, a gentle smile appeared on He Lancheng's face. He looked at Zhao Guang and said politely, "Mr. Tian just finished collecting the medicine?"

"Yeah... What a coincidence," Zhao Guang blinked, and looked at Ying Baoyue on the ground, "What happened to the former Princess Qin? Does it hurt?"

"Who knows, maybe I was bitten by a snake." He Lancheng said leisurely, but the next moment he looked at a man from Soochow holding Schisandra behind Zhao Guang, a gloomy look flashed in his eyes.

"Worthy of being a cultivator of the Eastern Wu Dynasty. Sure enough, Schisandra chinensis is nothing to worry about. We in the Northern Wei Dynasty must hurry up, and we must not be overtaken by you." He Lancheng smiled.

"Aren't you also..." Zhao Guang hesitantly opened his mouth and looked at He Lancheng who was also holding a schisandra tree in his hand.But before he could take a closer look, He Lancheng quickly stuffed the schisandra snatched from Ying Baoyue into his bosom, glanced at the people around him and shouted, "Let's go!"

Following his order, the Northern Wei people and Southern Chu people in the forest immediately receded like a tide, chopped off tree trunks to step on their feet and ran out of the forest first.

"Hey..." Zhao Guang stretched out his hand, but only saw the backs of those people.

"Step-son?" The two Soochow people behind him asked hesitantly, "Aren't we following up?"

He also got the medicinal materials, so the next step is to compare the speed of Chulin's dispensing.It was obvious that He Lancheng found out that they had also got Schisandra, and regardless of what else he wanted to do just now, he immediately decided to go out of Lin to make medicine.

"It's useless to chase, anyway, we can't compare to Beihan Pavilion in terms of speed, so don't worry if you walk slowly." Zhao Guang shrugged and looked at the pair of master and servant under the tree.

Even if they get the medicinal materials, ordinary people can't keep up with the speed of Beihan Pavilion disciples in making poison.

And the only person who had hoped to catch up with the speed of the Northern Wei people and the Southern Chu people... It seems that he can't do it now.

The bewildered expression when facing the Northern Wei people faded from his face, and the young man narrowed his eyes slightly.

When he arrived, He Lancheng had already succeeded. Although he only saw the second half, it didn't prevent him from guessing what happened just now.

This woman's medicinal materials... It seems that all of them have been taken away.

However, being besieged by both the Northern Wei people and the Southern Chu people at the same time, it is a miracle to save his life, and it is because he cannot keep the medicinal materials.What's more, this woman is only at the seventh rank, and the guard next to her is even lower, how can she protect her.


Zhao Guang looked at the girl under the tree with her head buried in her arms.

"Mingyue? Are you okay?" Gui Chen didn't care about getting the antidote, and anxiously shook Ying Baoyue's uninjured shoulder, "Is it still hurting? The antidote left by He Lancheng... "

He looked at the antidote that He Lancheng deliberately threw in the mud before he left, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, but he looked at the girl Guichen who had just screamed for pain and anxiously reached out to dig it.

But the next moment a slender hand suddenly grabbed his wrist.

And at this moment, Zhao Guang walked to his side with the help of the tree trunk, and patted his shoulder.

"Your name is Guichen? Don't worry, your highness the princess..." Zhao Guang paused and said delicately, "She's probably fine."

"What?" Gui Chen was startled, frowning and looking at the stepson of Soochow Wu who had just arrived here and hadn't done anything, "He Lancheng put poison on the sword, how do you know she's okay? It's a poison that can cause severe pain ,how are you……"

"No... I'm not saying she wasn't poisoned..." Zhao Guang's expression became more subtle, and he looked towards Ying Baoyue, "It's not that she doesn't hurt, but she looks like this..."

"Zhao Guang."

At this time, a Qingyue female voice interrupted Zhao Guang's incoherent speech.

Ying Baoyue raised her head from her arms, looked sideways at him and smiled, "What exactly do you want to say?"

Gui Chen looked at the girl beside him when he heard the sound, and the two Soochow people behind Zhao Guang were slightly taken aback when they saw this scene.

There were bloodstains on her shoulders and the black mud of the swamp on her body.

But the moment the girl raised her head, the pain and panic on her face had disappeared without a trace.

She was a different person from the girl who had just fallen into distress.

Ying Baoyue straightened up, did not look at the antidote that He Lancheng threw to her in the mud, but took the one in Gui Chen's hand and sniffed it on the tip of his nose, then stuffed it into Gui Chen's mouth, "You antidote It's true, you can eat it."

Gui Chen swallowed the antidote in his mouth, only felt the pain in his chest gradually recede, and his vision became clearer, only then did he realize what happened just now.

The girl standing in front of him didn't show any pain from poisoning on her face, and her expression was as calm as ever. The panicked woman just now seemed to be his hallucination.

"Sure enough," Zhao Guang looked at Ying Baoyue who patted the mud on his knees and stood up quietly, "He Lancheng was completely deceived by you."

"I didn't lie to him, I was indeed poisoned," Ying Baoyue looked at the Soochow boy and smiled, "It's just that this reaction is not true."

"It's just that I'm curious," she looked at Zhao Guang puzzled, "How did you find out?"

Gui Chen's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, even he had discussed with her about what would happen before, but he was so shocked by the woman's sudden poisoning that he didn't react for a while, how did this person come to comfort him after knowing it?

"It's not me," Zhao Guang looked at Ying Baoyue and said quietly, "Someone said something to me."

Zhao Guang's gaze was slightly deep.

His second brother told him a word before leaving.

"In the next personal battle, if she complains of pain, you must be careful and remember to stay away from her."


Li Ji's complicated expression appeared in front of Zhao Guang's eyes when he said that sentence.

"Because that girl will never say that she is in pain."

 In the last chapter, I wonder if anyone felt that Ying Baoyue didn't look like her.

  If you think so, you are right.

  Life is like a play, it depends on acting.

(End of this chapter)

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