Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 495 Acting

Chapter 495 Acting
Absolutely not.

Gui Chen was startled when he heard this.

At this moment, the red scar on Ying Baoyue's wrist suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

In the backyard, he had seen this girl get up alone many times, soaking her wrists in the well water.

I've seen other people ask her if it hurts.

But her answer is always painless.

Just now, when he heard Ying Baoyue yelling for pain, he lost his mind for a moment, and now thinking about it, it was indeed the first time he heard her say that.

This Soochow stepson said that someone had said such a sentence to him, and she didn't need to say who she was referring to in this sentence.

"In the next personal battle, if she complains of pain, you must be careful and remember to stay away from her."

But who said this?Gui Chen looked at Zhao Guang and frowned, when Ying Baoyue's laughter interrupted his thoughts.

"He said something like that to you?" She naturally knew who would say that.

Ying Baoyue glanced at Zhao Guang speechlessly, "It sounds like I'm going to do something to you."

"It's not about doing anything to me," Zhao Guang shrugged, "it's that the person who provokes you will be in bad luck."

From the first time he saw this woman in the former Qin Dynasty, Li Ji often advised him to stay away from this woman.But this time, it was emphasized that it was in a personal battle, so he naturally felt that this girl was a big threat in a personal battle.

This is Li Ji's unique way of admonishing people, although he is probably the only one who thinks this way in the entire Shanhai Continent.

Princess Qin will be unlucky before being provoked in a personal battle?Even this practitioner would not believe it.It is better to say that the people of the former Qin Dynasty rushed too fast in the crowd battle, and became the thorn in the eyes of all countries in the individual battle, because everyone wanted to take advantage of it.

In addition, this woman is only at the seventh rank, and there is only one guard at the ninth rank beside her, so she seems weak in a personal battle, but she is a good target for assassination.

Just like what Ye Siyuan and He Lancheng did to her just now.

However, Zhao Guang did not expect that the Northern Wei people and the Southern Chu people would work together and do things so terribly.

"Anyway, thank you just now," Ying Baoyue looked at Zhao Guang and smiled, "It's rare that your brother dared to come over after telling you so."

It would be difficult for him to explain to Li Ji if he pretended not to see such a big event... Zhao Guang slandered.

Besides, he just...

"I didn't do anything just now," Zhao Guangzhan said, "I was just passing by."

Passing by did not stop the atrocities, although it was also because he was incapable of stopping, but most people can't hate him too much, but this woman didn't show any dissatisfaction on her face.

"If you didn't show up to scare He Lancheng away, I still don't know what that man is going to do," Ying Baoyue brushed back the broken hair from the corner of his forehead, and glanced at the antidote in the muddy water on the ground.Although she was not afraid of He Lancheng, it was tiring talking to him.

"He Lancheng..." Gui Chen followed her gaze to look at the pill and his pupils shrank, "By the way, Mingyue, where's the poison in you?"

Although Ying Baoyue couldn't see the slightest pain on her face, the poisonous black air still enveloped her face, which made Gui Chen tremble with fear.

The poison still exists in her body.Not saying it hurts doesn't mean she won't hurt.

He had already taken the antidote that He Lancheng gave him just now, and since the antidote was not fake, the one in the muddy water should not be either.

Looking at the pill that was completely soaked in mud and water, Gui Chen fully understood that Ying Baoyue didn't want to take the medicine right away. He Lancheng deliberately threw the antidote into the mud to humiliate her, but...

Gui Chen was about to persuade Ying Baoyue to take the medicine, but at this moment, rustling voices sounded in his ears.I saw Ying Baoyue took out the package of medicinal materials from her arms, picked out a few flavors, crushed them into powder with her fingertips, and stuffed them into her mouth.

Zhao Guang on the side opened his eyes slightly and looked at the girl in disbelief. Could it be that she was... concocting the antidote on the spot.

Wait, can this work too?
"Mingyue..." Even Gui Chen, who had seen Ying Baoyue dispensing medicine on the spot, didn't quite believe it. He knelt down and wanted to pick up the pill soaked in the muddy water.

"Mingyue, you'd better drink this antidote obediently," Gui Chen said while looking at Ying Baoyue with tight lips, "Anyway, the matter of poisoning went to Beihan Pavilion is the ancestor..."

Zhao Guang nodded when he heard the words. It seems that Beihan Pavilion also used some means to bring poison into it.It can be considered that this woman is unlucky. Under such circumstances, Beihan Pavilion is invincible.

Even people from Soochow would not dare to fight against Beihan Pavilion in poisoning. After all, they are indeed superb in poisoning, and they are indeed ancestors...

"Ancestor?" But at this moment, the girl standing in front of the two not only didn't have the slightest fear, but just finished eating the medicine powder in her hand, and then looked at them casually and said.

"It's okay," Ying Baoyue waved to them and smiled.

"Prescribe the poison and antidote, I am their ancestor."

What?The two Soochow people behind Zhao Guang stared wide-eyed, and Zhao Guang was so stunned that he didn't know what to say.

This was the first time he had seen a cultivator ignore Beihan Pavilion when it came to poisoning and antidotes.

You must know that even Li Ji is afraid of Beihan Pavilion in this matter.

"You..." Zhao Guang looked at the girl in front of him, but the next moment he was even more surprised that the black air that had covered Ying Baoyue's face, which represented poisoning, actually faded with her every breath.

It was even faster than when Gui Chen took the antidote and the toxicity faded away!
"It seems to be okay." Zhao Guang looked at the woman who wrapped up the medicinal materials in her arms as if nothing had happened, and looked at the young man who was also a little confused like him, "It's almost time, Guichen, let's go." .”

"Wait!" Zhao Guang opened his eyes wide in surprise, "Go... what are you going to do?"

Didn't the two schisandra plants picked by this woman have already been snatched by He Lancheng?
It is absolutely too late for her to go to collect herbs again, the three of them have picked a Schisandra plant and cannot give it to her.Besides, even if Soochow gave her this schisandra plant, she would definitely not be able to win the first place in the individual competition.

After all, they have wasted so much time here, He Lancheng might have already run out of the woods to start dispensing medicine.

In the first round of individual battles, He Lancheng, the first disciple of Beihan Pavilion, went to the top of the list, and this matter was a certainty.

No one can be faster than He Lancheng.

No, why is he still thinking about what this woman said about taking the first place in every round? Whether she can get the ranking in this round without any medicinal materials is another matter...

Zhao Guang thought.

"What should I do?" However, Ying Baoyue looked back at him quietly and smiled, "Of course it's out of the woods to dispense medicine."

She glanced at Gui Chen beside her, "Gu Chen's ten steps are not worthy yet."

Why is only this boy mentioned at this time?But no matter who it was, Zhao Guang wiped the sweat off his brow, looked at Ying Baoyue and asked, "Where did you get Schisandra?"

He saw with his own eyes that He Lancheng had two complete medicinal plants in his hand.Schisandra chinensis is a very delicate medicinal material. The fruit used as medicine should not be wet or picked off the plant casually. Once it is picked off and not processed in time, it will lose its medicinal properties, so they can only hold it as a whole plant just now.

But Zhao Guang had just clearly seen that He Lancheng took away two whole plants of Schisandra chinensis. It was the limit to find two plants of Schisandra chinensis in a pool, and she only had two at most.

Because of the properties of Schisandra chinensis, it is impossible for her to pick a few fruits and keep them privately, and it is impossible for her to have...

"Schisandra, there are more."

However, at this moment the girl in front of him turned around and smiled at him.

"Although it's not for me, but there are still some," Ying Baoyue looked at Gui Chen, "Did you keep them?"

Guichen nodded.

Zhao Guang was dumbfounded.

and also?

In front of his eyes appeared the expression of He Lancheng's triumphant departure just now, and the despairing expression of the young girl in front of him.

But all of this...was she faking it?
But Schisandra was snatched away, and some of her medicinal materials were indeed given to He Lancheng. He Lancheng had already run out of the forest first, and would step on her hard work and sweat to climb to the top of the list.

What else could she do now?How else can the current situation be reversed?
"Master Tian, ​​I have to go," but at this moment the girl turned around and looked at the exit of the forest not far away, her eyes were as bright as stars.

"After all..." Ying Baoyue smiled.

"I'm going to take the top spot back."

 a double reversal

(End of this chapter)

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