Chapter 55

Under the moonlight, Ying Baoyue and Mu Shi didn't know about the conversation between the man and his confidant. In the quiet back home courtyard, only the breathing of the two women could be heard.

"Choose another path..." Mu looked at the girl's slender back with complicated eyes, "I don't have the right to choose right now."

At least not until her children were grown.

Sure enough, Ying Baoyue restrained the desire to look back, everything was exactly as she thought.

This woman lived in seclusion with her children for the dignity in her heart and the destination of her children.

As an aristocratic daughter of the Mu family, although the status of the Mu family court has declined, she was abandoned by Gui Changxiu. With the background of the Mu family, she can find a good family for her to remarry.

But there is a problem with this, that is, Guichen and Guili can only stay in Guijia forever.

According to the Qin Law edited by Chief Secretary Lin Shubai, if a married woman wants to part ways with her husband, there are two ways.

One is divorce, which can be achieved unilaterally. Compared with the previous law that only husbands can divorce their wives, Da Si Ming Lin Shubai spent ten years adding a clause, that is, women who do not want to live with their husbands can do so on their own. Please come down, the husband must agree.

However, there is one thing about Xiuqi that the master wanted to change but was opposed by all the officials, that is, the children of the wife of Xiuqi can only return to the family.

For a man, the child is his own, and there is no way for a divorced woman to take the child away.

Another way is to reconcile.

Reconciliation generally requires the consent of both husband and wife or the royal family, and the child can choose to be with the father or the mother.

But for the woman, the conditions for reaching peace are too harsh. The Mu family no longer has the power to put pressure on Guichang, who is in full swing, and the royal family is even less likely to speak up.

As long as Guichang disagrees, the Mu family will not be able to reconcile.And it is absolutely impossible for Guichang to reconcile with the Mu family.

It is impossible for Chu Ji's identity to be corrected, and it is impossible for the Gui clan to let go of Guichen and Guili's two descendants.

After all, as long as they are reconciled, Guichen and Guili will choose who to go with, and they don't even need to guess.

"What else can I do?" Mu said bitterly, speaking to the woman and himself.

Even with his back to her, Ying Baoyue could feel the woman's despair.

"But there must be a way, ma'am." Ying Baoyue said softly, "You haven't tried other methods, have you?"

Mu Shi was taken aback.

"Enduring hardships in the countryside can indeed sharpen children's minds, but as they grow up, the danger will only increase."

"Before, Gui Chen encountered a trap on the mountain," Ying Baoyue said with his back turned to her, "The kind that killed people."

Mu Shi was shocked.

In the moonlight the girl turned and looked into the young woman's eyes.

"Escape will not solve the problem," Ying Baoyue said softly, "You have to make a decision earlier."

Murongyin's eyes widened, as if meeting this girl for the first time and as if she had known her a long time ago.

Mu Shi squeezed the knuckles of the shawl tightly, "Thank you for telling me this."

Ying Baoyue smiled, "I'm leaving."

The next moment, the girl pushed open the courtyard door, this time she did not look back.

She left without looking back.

But watching her back, Mu's mood could not be calm for a long time.

She stood on the porch for a while, and was about to turn around and go back to the room where Gui Chen and Gui Li were still sleeping.

However, at the next moment, Mu suddenly raised his head and looked outside the courtyard gate under the blood moon!

There were two wind sounds outside the courtyard, and accompanied by her strange yet familiar breath, Mu's pupils shrank.

murderous look!
Mu shi retreated into the house without a sound in an instant, only to feel that the two murderous auras passed by the courtyard door very quickly, as if they were chasing something away.She breathed a sigh of relief, but the next moment she realized what her heart skipped a beat.

"I'm afraid something will happen tonight, ma'am, remember to close the courtyard door."

The girl's voice echoed in her ears, and Mu suddenly clenched the clothes on her chest.

Someone targeted this small courtyard, but that woman...

Have you distracted them?



"Is there really any business in this small village?"

Under the bloody moonlight, a man's hoarse voice came.

"Boss heard the rumors from the fairy officials in the capital that someone figured out that there is a treasure hidden in this village." Said a man beside him who couldn't hide his fierce look even though his black cloth mask was on his face.

"But what the hell is that baby?"

"The fairy officials in the capital are useless now, and they can't count anything. The boss has been doing this for a long time, and he said that he only needs to catch people who behave suspiciously!"

"No matter how bad it is, I heard that the wife and children of the newly appointed Marquis Zhongyi are hiding in this village, and they can be exchanged for money if they are caught and enjoyed!"

The two men were discussing excitedly, and were about to rush towards the small courtyard under the moonlight in the distance, but at this moment, there was only a squeak, and the courtyard door opened.

A black figure with a veiled hat suddenly appeared before their eyes.

"Second brother, that's..."

Ying Baoyue looked at the two men in black in the distance with deep eyes, and the next moment she pursed her lips and lifted the curtain slightly.

The moonlight hit the girl's clean chin, and the hearts of the men who watched from afar became angry, as if they saw a white sheep or white silver.

A girl who appeared alone in the middle of the night.

It is suspicious and dangerous to normal people, but to them, it smells like blood and flesh.

"Third, go! Grab it and try it!"

There was uncontrollable salivation in the man's eyes, and just as he roared, he saw the girl running away as if frightened.

Since it is prey, it is fun to run and chase.

Excitement flashed in the eyes of the mercenary who had been on the road for many years, and the two roared in unison.




The sound of howling wind came from my ears, and Ying Baoyue ran with all his strength under the bloody moonlight.

Although she didn't expect that there would be pursuers here, but feeling the violent but irritable aura behind her, her heart beat a little bit.

These two are not high-level practitioners, they are full of murderous aura but the breath is uneven, not as stealthy as a killer but with the bloody smell of murder.

In Ying Baoyue's memory, there is only one kind of person who has such a taste.

That is the mercenary who kills for money.

Most of the mercenaries in the former Qin Dynasty were bandits who had lost their hilltops and retired soldiers who could not survive. In the killer industry, except for the top few, they were relatively low-level.

It seems that even if there is a fairy official behind him, it is just a chance. Although it is difficult for her to kill such a person now, at least she can lure him away.

"Why is this little girl running up the mountain! She looks like a rabbit!"

A man's angry scolding came from behind, and Ying Baoyue gritted her teeth to resist the pain of muscle tearing and rushed up along the route that she had been familiar with these days.

This is exactly the route she goes up the mountain with Guichen every day.

"Hurry up! Otherwise, this bitch won't be able to catch her if she runs into the woods!"

The mountain road under his feet was bumpy, and sweat ran down Ying Baoyue's cheeks, while the foul language of the man behind him finally became smaller and smaller.

When she limped out of a bush and came to the depths of the dense forest she was familiar with, the voices of the two people had completely disappeared.


Ying Baoyue gasped for breath while standing under the boulder with countless welts from the hemp rope.

This is where she and Guichen skip rope every day.

However, Guichen didn't know.

This is also where she left in the first place.

The blood-colored moonlight flowed down like water, while Ying Baoyue stood under the boulder, looking at the dark hole, his heart beating like a drum.

Really, there is.

And at the same moment, the light in the sky began to disappear, and the world began to be shrouded in true darkness.

Ying Baoyue raised her head and looked at the gradually disappearing red moon in the sky.

The lunar eclipse has begun.

The whole world has become weird and weird, Ying Baoyue looked at the hole and took a deep breath.

However, just as she was walking towards the entrance of the hole, there was a sudden crack and it exploded!

There was a loud bang, and the earth seemed to be shaking.

Ying Baoyue's pupils shrank, an earthquake!

On the night of the blood moon and lunar eclipse, Lishan, the forbidden land of the former Qin Dynasty, unexpectedly experienced an earthquake at the same time!

Countless sleeping birds flew into the sky, the sky and the earth roared, and Ying Baoyue swayed under the huge shock. A strong force struck, and the boulder in front of her was split into two in an instant.

No, it's not only the stone that is divided into two, but also the ground under her feet. Ying Baoyue watched helplessly as a huge crack extended from that hole and opened towards her feet!

Ying Baoyue stepped back quickly, but the ground split too fast, the ground collapsed and countless giant trees exposed their root systems, but the crack reached her feet in an instant, but she was almost reaching the cliff!
She stared at the hole in the distance, the next moment a huge crack and an endless abyss unfolded under Ying Baoyue's feet, and just when she was about to fall into the crack, Ying Baoyue was startled suddenly.

Her heel seemed to have kicked something.

The moment she fell, she saw something she hadn't noticed due to the darkness.

It turned out to be a coffin.

Not far from the entrance of the cave, there was actually a black coffin lying horizontally.

This is……

But when she realized it was too late, Ying Baoyue finally couldn't control her figure and fell down.


The moment she was about to fall.

The last black coffin that appeared in her vision suddenly opened.

A hand stretched out from it and grabbed her in.



 A chapter suitable for late night viewing

(End of this chapter)

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