Chapter 56
Landslides and ground cracks, deafening roars.



Ying Baoyue was suddenly dragged into a small space, and before she could react, she felt that she had bumped into an extremely hard and cold object with a bang, and just as she was about to get up, there was a more violent cracking sound beside her ear, slapping With a sound, the coffin was closed again, keeping everything out.

Countless clods of earth and rocks were pounding outside, Ying Baoyue could only close his eyes and lay down on the icy object amidst the violent vibrations. After an unknown amount of time, the shaking of the ground and mountains outside stopped for a while.

In the dark and narrow space, Ying Baoyue opened her eyes quietly, but was still swallowed by the darkness.

Recently...why do I have such a predestined relationship with the coffin?
It's just that this time it feels worse than the last time, because it is really...

Too crowded.

Ying Baoyue sighed inwardly, lying motionless on the cold thing.

She hasn't forgotten how she got into this coffin, but she thinks it's better not to think too much about it.

After all, she is not a bat, and this time the coffin lid won't emit light, so she really can't see what's inside, but...

There is probably someone else there.

But this cold and hard touch is the touch of metal.

The lunar eclipse, the earthquake, the sudden appearance of the coffin, and this weird touch, Ying Baoyue continued to sigh in his heart, all of this was related to nothing.

Everything was extremely weird, but at this point she looked away instead, it was no worse than falling into an earthquake crack.

After all, she had nothing to fear.

At this time, there was only a creak, and a hand reached out from her side and pushed the coffin board above her head away.

The lunar eclipse was over, and the bloody moonlight returned to the earth. The sudden light made Ying Baoyue squint her eyes. Against the hazy red light and the black coffin, she seemed to have returned to the time when she just traveled.

This is……

Feeling the moonlight shining on her back, Ying Baoyue got up silently, straightened her body and sat up, looking down.

Reality has to be faced, and under the bloody moonlight, she finally saw the true face of the person who dragged her into the coffin.

true colors……

A breeze blew through the mountains, and Ying Baoyue sat on the man, quietly looking at the bronze mask under him.

To be honest, the person lying in the coffin at this time and place could not be a normal person, or even a living person. She had already prepared for it.

But looking at the bronze mask with fangs carved like a cultural relic unearthed in Sanxingdui, Ying Baoyue was still speechless for a moment.

It seems that the cold and hard touch is indeed metal.

It was also the culprit that made her feel uncomfortable just now.

Ying Baoyue looked at the mask expressionlessly.

Under the humble bronze mask, there are a pair of closed eyes.

man's eyes.


Just as Ying Baoyue was about to speak, her body shook violently again, and her pupils shrank.


Ying Baoyue quickly turned around to look around and found that the coffin was actually stuck on the cliff at this time!

After a huge shaking, the coffin body tilted suddenly with a teeth-piercing rubbing sound, and Ying Baoyue was shaken all over, but at this moment, the eyes under him suddenly opened!

However, before Ying Baoyue took a closer look, an iron arm suddenly grabbed her arm, as if there was a "hold tight" sound in her ear, and the next moment there was a sudden click, and the coffin actually slid down the cliff down!
ah ah ah...

If she was an ordinary girl in her previous life, she probably needed to be called that.

Ying Baoyue grabbed that arm with her backhand, looked at the mountains and forests speeding past her expressionlessly, and still had time to think this way in her heart.

After all, she is now... riding a coffin roller coaster.

Roller coaster!
I don't know what this man did. The bottom of the coffin seemed to weigh a thousand kilograms, and it was firmly attached to the cliff. After a very bumpy and terrifying slide, it suddenly stopped in a pit with a creak.

The body swayed back and forth violently, and Ying Baoyue returned to her original figure expressionlessly.

At this time, the surrounding movement finally stopped.

The chirping of insects and birds around her suddenly sounded, and her three souls returned to her place and returned to the living world again.

The quality of this coffin is really good.

Ying Baoyue lowered her head silently, looking at the bronze mask, and the moment she lowered her head, she seemed to be swallowed by darkness again.

The pure black pupils are so dark that they are almost bluish under the moonlight.

Ying Baoyue lowered her head, but bumped into the man's quietly opened eyes.

The two looked at each other.

this person……

Ying Baoyue gasped, and suddenly grabbed her wrist which was in severe pain.

The cicadas around me stopped for a moment.

For her with keen five senses, just looking at the existence of this person made her eyes hurt.

The sense of oppression is stronger than that of the old woman on Chu Ji.

This is a high-level practitioner.

Very strong.

Ying Baoyue held her wrist tightly, and felt that the surrounding air stagnated for an instant, making it impossible to breathe. In this terrible suffocation, the man stared at her and blinked slowly.


The man didn't speak, but Ying Baoyue felt that he let out an ah.

It seemed that he suddenly noticed something.

The next moment, the tingling in Ying Baoyue's eyes suddenly lightened.

He restrained his breath.

Ying Baoyue sat on him and straightened up, but the man still looked at her without saying a word.

Although he was dressed strangely, Ying Baoyue was sure enough that he was a living person. After all, a dead person couldn't have such a terrible sense of oppression just now.But the living man lying in the coffin did not speak.

The man's eyes that were as dark as ice blue just looked at her without blinking.

There was silence all around.

Quack quack, the crow flew over the heads of the two people who were still.

"Is it better to say something?"

Ying Baoyue looked at the man below him with a delicate expression, and said to him.

There was still deathly silence all around.

Ying Baoyue stopped talking, just looked at him like this, and the two continued to look at each other quietly under the moonlight.

Another burst of crows flew by, and after an unknown amount of time, just when Ying Baoyue thought he had really met a mute, a voice that was as calm as water and cherished words like gold suddenly came from his ear.

"Aren't you afraid?"

Speak up!
Ying Baoyue opened her eyes wide and looked at the man below, feeling as if a chime bell was being rung, but she felt a sense of surprise.

"What are you afraid of?"

However, although the chime can be sounded, there is only one sound for each sound.


Ying Baoyue looked down at the person who only spoke one word, "Why are you afraid of you?"

"The coffin." He said succinctly.

"Because you crawled out of the coffin?" Ying Baoyue continued to ask.

There was a slight undulation under the bronze mask, probably the man was nodding.

Why not be afraid?
Because so am I.

Ying Baoyue watched him silently.

Can I say that I have also climbed out of a coffin, so there is no psychological barrier?

 Just imagine the picture and you will know how good Baoyue's psychological quality is.

(End of this chapter)

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