Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 57 Brothers

Chapter 57 Brothers
A man who doesn't speak.

It is clearly a living person, but it does not have the temperature that a living thing should have.

Those dark to ice-blue eyes were frozen with thick ice like the surface.

Seeing him for the first time, for some reason, Ying Baoyue was in a trance, and heard the howling winter wind and the gray-blue sky with snowflakes floating in his ears.

Obviously it's summer.

That feeling was fleeting, and the surrounding movement had completely stopped. Under the bloody moonlight, Ying Baoyue stared blankly at the person in front of her.

Although the aura was as deep as an abyss, there was no murderous aura on him.Recalling the experience just now, Ying Baoyue pursed her lips and bowed to him.

"Young master, thank you for saving me."

Although the way of saving her was extremely simple and rude, but the man suddenly pulled her into the coffin just now, probably to prevent her from falling into the ground fissure.

The bronze mask undulated slightly, but the man still only nodded his head.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like an enthusiastic young man passing by...

Although Ying Baoyue was speechless from the bottom of his heart, he was indeed rescued, and nodded his thanks again. At this moment, a man's voice like a blade coming out of its scabbard suddenly sounded.

"stand up."

Means she got up from him?It seems that this person is indeed not interested in the woman passing by, and he just rescued it out of humanitarianism, but...

Think she doesn't want to wake up?

"Sir, my foot is stuck."

Ying Baoyue said quietly.

When she sat up from the coffin, she tried to stand up, but her curled up legs got stuck in the gap between the person's side and the coffin during the bumps, and she has not pulled it out until now.

From this, it can also be seen how deep the water is for this person. I am afraid that the young man cannot be pushed without a thousand catties of strength.

Yes, young man.

Although his face was completely hidden by the bronze mask, his voice was very young.

It's not like an ordinary boy, but Ying Baoyue can judge based on his previous life experience that if he didn't pretend to be a voice, this man's age would be in his early twenties at most.

But the deep aura on his body is already close to the peerless master who still has memories of her previous life.They are not the so-called seven or eight human-level masters that Gui Chen talks about, but real masters bred by real blood and fire in the troubled times.

A true practitioner.

Such a late night, such a lonely young master, lying in such a strange coffin, looking at the dark eyes quietly watching her, a chill suddenly appeared on Ying Baoyue's back.And at this moment, the silent man suddenly looked at her tightly clenched wrist, and the original Gujing Wubo's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Even the eyes of a real practitioner are different from ordinary people. Looking at those eyes staring at her wrist, Ying Baoyue suddenly felt as if she was being stared at by a wild beast in the deep mountains and dense forests.


The next moment, the man's words successfully hit her guess.

Sharper and more terrifying eyesight and intuition than beasts.

This is the second person who can see the curse on her hand just by looking at it.

The cloth strips were still well tied around the wrists, but compared to Chu Ji's time, the feeling this time is simply not at the same level.

You must know that the old woman on Chu Ji is almost a spirit body, and the eyesight of practitioners and people in that state will be doubled, and you can see many things that you can't see normally, but this time this man is a living person. It's a pair of naked eyes!
The man's eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the thin strips of cloth and penetrate Ying Baoyue's heart.

"It's actually a ruby ​​grade."

This was the longest sentence this man said, as if a big hand was holding his heart. Ying Baoyue was suspicious of Chu Ji's vicious words at first, but when she heard this word again, her expression was solemn for the first time. stand up.

For some reason, it was different from Chu Ji's bluff and intimidation.

She felt that this man really knew.

"You..." Ying Baoyue stared blankly at him and was about to ask about the curse, but at this moment, a burst of violent footsteps suddenly broke the silent air between the two.

"Second brother!"

"Second brother, why did your coffin come here! You are looking for me!"

The sound of pattering footsteps and the cry of a young boy dispelled the cold and strange atmosphere around him.

Ying Baoyue and the man in the coffin who were originally confronting each other were stunned almost at the same time, and looked sideways.

The crying voice swooped down unstoppably, shouting while running, but when it reached the two of them, it suddenly stopped.

"Second brother, two..."

Ying Baoyue turned her head sideways, and the young man who rushed all the way but stood frozen in front of the coffin appeared in front of her eyes.

It looks like someone who knows this man, but the first impression she gives is... completely opposite to the person under her.

Probably a... son of an aristocratic family?
The one who rushed to the coffin was a young man who looked a few years older than Gui Chen. Zhou Zheng was dressed in a blue brocade suit, but it seemed a little different from that of the former Qin Dynasty, but in contrast to the rich and noble attire, this man was not very stable. breath.

"Second brother...she...she is..."

If it wasn't for the clothes and the name, it could be said that it was the man's follower or servant...

Moreover, looking at the other party's light brown eyes, Ying Baoyue narrowed them slightly.

But anyway, Ying Baoyue didn't know what to say to the dumbfounded young man in front of him.

After all, he seemed to have misunderstood something.

"Second brother, this is...sorry...I'm just..." The boy in front of him paused and then turned stiffly and wanted to go back in the opposite direction, but after thinking about it, he turned back.

"Second brother, isn't it?"

What is this person arbitrarily judging and denying?Ying Baoyue was confused, but saw the young man in Tsing Yi approaching her suddenly.

"This girl, you are..."

Just when Ying Baoyue touched her earlobe, the man's golden and jade voice finally sounded from under her.

"Zhao Guang."

"Yes! Second brother, you actually spoke!" The young man in Tsing Yi stood up straight as if being called, and said in surprise.

Sure enough, it's hard for this man to speak...

Ying Baoyue silently looked at the pair of weird brothers.

"After three seconds, pump your left foot."

The next moment the man's voice sounded again, and without waiting for Ying Baoyue to respond, Ying Baoyue didn't respond either. Three seconds after his voice fell, she felt her ankle loosen slightly, and she suddenly pulled out her numb left foot.

"what? What?"

Amidst the excited questioning voice of the young man in Tsing Yi, Ying Baoyue stood up unsteadily while leaning on the wall of the coffin.

Feet numb slightly stepped out of the coffin.

"Thank you, Young Master, for your help." She thanked again.

"Help? What? Who are you, this girl?" The young man in Tsing Yi asked incessantly, "Why are you in my second brother's coffin? He's a little strange, did he scare you..."

The contrast is too strong.

This young man named Zhao Guang... seems to be a talker.

"Passing by." Ying Baoyue looked back at the man who sat up from the coffin without saying a word, and replied, "There was an accident in the earthquake just now, thanks to this young master for his help."

"Really?" Zhao Guang looked even more surprised.

"Speaking of which, I haven't asked the young master's name yet," Ying Baoyue turned to look at the man in the coffin, staring into his eyes.

"What is your name?"

Who is he?
(End of this chapter)

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